Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lAbove) M ike Kidd (72) won the trophy race over Brad Hurst 151 ).IBelow) This Junior crash brought out the red flag for the fourth time. ootytoBoody the Jones and was followed by rookie Rick Fiscel (Bu l) and Phil "Darcy (Kaw) . The first two laps of the final heat saw a battle between Garth Brow (Klotz/Wiseco Yam) and Ricky Graham (Boss Racing Frames Yam) . Graham led initially but Brow zapped him down the back straight and took off on his way to the win . building a good lead . Graham held on to second for the duration . Douglas Ahn and Scott D"ake. both Yamaha -mounted . followed Graham home . ahead of Odel Davis and John Wincewicz . Sem is A first lap crash brought out the red flag and negated Mike Kidd 's holeshot efforts. On the subsequent green light. Scott Pearson got a tremendous stan and said goodbye to the field . as he rod e his H- D West machine to a flag to flag win. Skip Aksland challenged early, but later fell behind Mike Kid d a nd R an d y Wa ldrop. and sti ll la ter, fell , Kid d and ' Wa ldrop stayed in seco nd and third a head of J im Me rtens, Charlie Ro ber ts and Lowe ll Moura\. Semi two was another wire to wire number with Mike Caves earning the final berth in the National afte-r finish i';g with a comfortable lead . Brad Hurst ran second a ll the way . followed hom,' by Douglas Ahn and John W'\nct"wicz' I J . ~. I I. I l ., I J J j l " , J J . • • • .1 Junior Invitational The Junior Invitational was high lighted (?) by four red flags. three for various starting violations and one due to a crash , Don Shobert (Yam) . winner of the Junior TT the previous evening. shot out into a lead that he was to hold all ihe way. David Jones (Yam) . brother of heat winner Ronnie . ran second for two laps , but lost the Spot to Bu lta co-m ou ru ed James Bradley who cam e from the penalty line . Shobert rode the inside line while Bradley went outside. keeping up with the leader but not passing him. A ways back. Jones finished third ahead of Butch Brandon and Ru ssell Gourley . Trophy Race After Miss Winston Pro Series, Lynn Griffis. had won the celebrity Yamaha .go-ca rt race and Steve Eklu n d did it to the racers' division, the trophy race got u nderwa y. Mike Kidd had the lead into turn one but Bra d Hurst came u p and sta rted tra d ing it back and forth with Kid d u nt il the Texa n m oved out on t he back straight of th e second lap . J im Me rtens held thi rd for two la ps but went wide through turns three and four and fe ll back in the pack. Randy Wa ldrop pic ked u p the position and ran with it to the finish trai led much of the way by Bulraco-riding rookie John Wincewicz . Lowell Moural and Doug Ahn finished 5·6. After being p,r~~en!,:d. .wit.~ ! ~<: ~ r? pr-y . !,-idq 'P\"l)t , several mi nutes signing a utogra phs at the edge of the stand before leaving trackside. National By virtue of the fastest heat time, Boody had the pole. When the light went green. Bood y went to the front. After him were Gart h Bro w. Steve Eklund and Randv Goss. The pack was still packed at the end of lap one, with Eklund and Goss up to second and third and Ronn ie Jones trailing Brow . The top three were set at this point. becoming a six-wheeled vehicle that pulled away from the rest of the field . Gary SCott entered the fray as both he and Ron nie J ones went by Brow on the third lap . Bro w got back around Jones on the fifth lap and two laps la ter. repeated the process on Scott. J ones a lso got around Gary . just before the halfway point. Semi winners Caves and Pearson tr ai led Sca n a t midway, running seventh and eight h . ~ . The top-run ni ng trio had put a bunch of space between themselves a nd everybody else. Goss pro bed Eklu nd 's defenses several tim es while Steve was staying in t here and looki ng for an opportunity . like a Boody mistake. It never came. " He didn't make any mistakes. " said Steve after the race. The top three were joined for awhile by Mike Caves, who had slid down and rejoinced the race a lap ,down . Bo?dy got by him easily , but th e other two d idn't seem to have . such an easy time of it. After th e to p three had crossed the finish line in a blurry millisecond. Brow finished some distance behind them. H e was followed by Jones (who became t he leading rookie), Scott. Ricky Graham . Bob Beary. Wayne Rainey. Rick Hocking and Lance Jones. Steve Morehead lost the handle on the front end and went down but still was credited with 12th place. ahead of Caves and Scott Pearson , At the trophy presentation . Boody credited Den nis Latimer with porting the winning machine and said of its former owner. !he late Ra nd y Cleek. "Though he never won a National on it . I'm sure he's glad to see me do it." Results NA TIONA L: 1. Ted Boody (Vaml; 2. Steve Eklund -Garth Brow IH·DI; 5. (Vaml ; 3. Randy Goss IVam) ; Ron nie J Ones (Vam); 6. Gary Seett (Ossl; 7. Ricky Graham (Yam); 8. Bob Beary ISuz); 9. Wayne Rainey (Vaml; 10. Rick Hock ing IH-DI; 11. Lance Jones IH-D); 12. Steve Morehead (H-DI; 13. M ike Caves 10ss1; 14. Scott Pearson (H-DI. TIME : 4.54.08 (20 lapsl. TROPHV RACE: 1. Mike Kidd IH-D); 2. Brad Hurst IH0 ); 3. Randy W aldrop (Yam); 4. John Wincewicz (Bull: 5. Lowell M oural (Bull ; 6. Doug Ahn IVam); 7. Scott Drake (Bull: 8. Phil Darcy (Kaw) ; 9. CharJie Roberts (Vaml ; 10. J im Mertens IVam). TIME: 2:58.55 1T2laps} JU NIOR INVITATIONA L: 1. Don Shobe r, IVam l; 2. James Bradley (Bul); 3 . David Jones (Yaml; 4 . Buth Brandon IBuO 5. Russell Gourley (Yaml ; 6. Barry Brand ; ISul); 7. Shannon Slocum (Yam); 8 . Jeff Narramore (Yam); 9. Tom Cartwr ight IH·D); 10. Cacy Carpenter (Suzl; , 1. Steve Pendergraft (Yaml; 12. Ronald Edgens IVam) . TIME : 2.59.70 1T2laps). WINSTON PRO SERIES POINT STANDINGS: 1. Randy Goss 126 2. Si eve Eklund (23): 3. (Tie) Mi ckey ); FaylTed Boody t20}; 5. Gary Seort 11 81; 6. (Tie) John 'GennailRick Hocking 1T6 8. Ricky Graham 11 3); 9. ); Garth Brow (1 1) ; 10. Iliel Skip AkslandlRonnie Jones 4 : ITO}. 9.

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