Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Gary Scott lSI. Alex Jorgensen 1441. John Gen nei 1 Mickey Fay 1591 Randy Goss 1131a~d Steve Eklund (111tackle the jump. Unset l Winner Fay. 201. . AMA Grand National Champ.ionship/Winston Pro Series - Round Fay/Honda lead the vva By Dale Brown Photos by Charles Morey H OUSTON, TX, FEB . 2 "I'm so happy!" cried Washington's .Mickey Fay after winning his first ever AMA/Winston Pro Series event. It was a romp for the TT specialist , who took the lead on the third lap and stretched it ou t to win the Houston Ch ronicle-sponsored Yamaha Go ld Cu p TT easi ly on his Honda XR5 00 single-powered machine. 6 "Monday I'll put in for a budget to get us some more money," said Honda Racing Team Manager Dennis McKay after being asked if Honda would participate in more races. "You bet," grinned McKay, He a lso said the engine in Fay 's R og e r Stanley prepared , Wasco-framed mount was a stock XR500 engine with the optional performance kit. Second to Fay was perennial Houston bridesmaid John Gennai on the Les Edwards /Cycle Imports Triumph. Randy Goss finished third on a Wiseco/Klotz H a rley-Davidson , and another Honda rider , Rick Hocking. finished fourth. For defending G rand National Champ Jay Springsteen . . it was a disappointing evening, Springsteen sta lled his machine in a heat race after fight ing to save fro m crashing. but was hit from behind by another rider . Though he caught a handlebar and the gas tank in the thigh and groin , he started last in a rest art and worked his way up to fifth and a transfer to the semi -final, Bu t Springer's entry was scratched, in order tha t he might rest and, hopefully. co mpe te in the . following nig ht'S short track. But the effects of the crash , plus suspected intestinal flu . wou ld preclude that. For defending Houston champ Steve Eklund. crashes negated some brilliant riding . He qualified fastest , but crashed in his heat race. He ended up 10th in the heat. one position out of a transfer to the semi. But then . new H · D team member Steve Morehead had to scratch from the semi due 10 a broken frame , and Eklund was back in. He' outfought Army's Mike Kidd for the single ticket in the main event. only to crash in the National and have to fight his way back up 10 eighth place. Time Trials Eklund, riding a Harry Lillie -tuned Zanotti Enterprises TT500 , ' was the only rider under 26 seconds with a 25 .97 clocking. Mike Kidd, sporting new Army colors and a TT500, showed that he was stoked by getting around the cou rse in 26 seconds flat. They were -followed by Oregon ' TT specia list Brad Hu rst (26 .10), Hoc king (26 ,11) . Fay (26 .17). Goss (26 ,24) and Gennai (26.27). Heats Fay' and Eklund traded much of t he first lap. but a crash brought ou t the red first of several that would paint for, mid -pack . flag. the mark the night. The second start was also redflagged when someone apparently left the line a little 100 soon. The third start saw Steve Morehead take the holesho t , followed by rookie Rod Spencer (Yam) and Eklund . Fay passed Eklu nd and Spencer on th e first lap, then d isposed of Moreh ead on th e following circuit. Morehead. Spencer and Eklu nd were m ixing it up when they ta ngled in . a slow right hander. Eklund had . problems re -starting, plus the crash had flattened the exhaust megaphone com pletely shut. After the altercation, Alex Jorgensen moved to second followed by Ricky Graham, These positions held, Fay. self-sponsored BSA rider Jorgensen and BO SS Frames Yamaha pilot Graham had berths in the National. John Ellis (Yam) and Sonny Burres (Hon) headed those semi -bound. Hank Scott led brother Gary into turn one of heat two. Mike Kidd , Randy Goss and Bruce Hanlon followed. Kidd moved into second. the passed Hank Scott over the jump, only to crash shortly thereafter. Gary Scott held the lead on his KK Supply/ -Sizernore Traveland Triumph with Goss now second and Hank Scott third . Goss moved his Larry Joh nson· tuned XR750 up to challenge Gary Scott for a couple of laps, finall y getting around him on the seventh lap . In the meantime , Hanlon . who rides this event as t he on ly one of the year, got by Hank Scott for third . Following his ge t-off. Kidd rode like the wind to wind up fifth, but Coss , Gary SCOll and Hanlon had the tra nsfers to the National. Heat three had a restart when John Gennai raised his hand an instant before the light went green . Another red flag was displayed when Ted Bood y, ri ding Bill Ken n e d y's American. and Scott Pearson went down in separate incidents. Crews rushed frantically to .get both bikes ready - within the two -minute time limit. Both made it. Brad Hurst took th e lead with Genna i and John Ha teley (H a te ley Enterprises Tri) t rai ling . Genna i took the lead before t he first lap was over a head of H u rst : Boody, Hareley. Jeff ' Campbell a nd J a y Sp ringsteen . Springer started moving up as Boody and Hateley fought. Hateley moved ahead of Boody to challenge Hurst while Springer closed in on his former teammate. Going into the tight left turn before the jump. Springer appeared to be headed for a high side crash as he came in too hot. He fought to save it and did, but he stalled the motor. Campbell. behind him , struck Springer and knocked him down as he too crashed. This brought out the red flag and a single file restart . Though hurting, Springer took his place at the rear of the line. The order was taken from the third lap with the top three reading Gennai . Hurst and Boody. Hateley took over third in a hurry. and the top three were almost set , Hateley passed' Hurst for second on the eighth la p. Scott Pea rson was fourth and Springsteen was fifth after an incredible ride. Dave Aldana . another rider using one of the XR500 powerplants, too k the fourth heat lead. Ca lifornia p rivateer Dennis B ri g g s (D&D Enterprises/White Bros. Yam) ran second with Rick Hocking and Skip Aksland (PJI Lubricants Yam) 't hird and fourth . Hocking fell on the seco nd lap but picked it up a nd continued on. well back. Briggs was putting the pressure on Aldana , diving underneath him as they exited the infield on lap four.

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