Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; _._._._._._._._._... 1:1 We,'- _._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._.~._.- hotline ~ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _. _ . .. in the 500cc Pro class. Chasing Gerig was the S90 Husky of Alan Smith. It was onl y a matter of time until Tripes, aboard his 400 Suzuki, would show his face in the front of the pack. The flawless riding Tripes again gave himself a moto win . Smith was second and Gerig ended up third. With Smith placing second in the first 500cc Pro moto, the door was wide open for him as he led the entire second contest. Tripes gave him trouble but Smith hung on for the win and the top honors in the 500cc class. Tripes was again foiled for a class win . Chuck Pettigrew scored third overall aboard his 450cc Maico Magnum. t In the 125cc Pro race a fine battle for first between Suzuki riders Ed Arnet and Craig Dale kept the two far in front of the pack in the first moto as Arnet led at the checkers. Dale was second and Scott Fyfe put his Suzuki in the third spot. In the second moto Dale grabbed the early lead but began to drop off the pace with possible mechanical problems letting Arnet and Yamaha rider Andy Kirker by. Arnet and Kirker raced for the lead with Ki...ker on top most of the race but it was Arnet who led when it counted. The overall win belonged to Amet with second going to Fyfe and third to Dale. Results Lunde leads the wayatSSMMX By Terry Whytal ORANGE, CA,JAN. 27 IAbovel Top of the heep in the SSM 2fiOccPros wes Tim Lunde. 1 Belowl The top CMC 125cc Pro, John Greenwey hugs the inside while Rick Meki 1181, Don Fuller 1431 end Mike Tripes 1861 go for it in the middle. Mike Tripes scores big at CMC Saddleback By Mike Klinger ORANGE, CA , FEB. 4 The last time a CMC rider won all three Professional classes in one day was in 1971. Mike Tripes fell short of this feat by throwing 26 a chain in his first 125cc nioto. He went on to win' four consecutive motos on the Olympiad track at Saddleback Park. Although the CMC /Suzuki Golden , State Series is in full swing , the Professional turnout was excellent. The 125cc Pros had 14 riders on the line for moto one . Tripes (Suz) pulled .. off with a qu ick lead being closely followed by Don Fuller (Suz), Andy Kirker . (Yam ) and John Greenway (Yam). On lap two, Tripes was ou t with a busted chain which turned the lead over to Fuller. On lap 10, Greenway sliced inside of Fuller for the lead and the win . Fuller went 10 thi rd after Pat Hubbs (DMG ) out- powered Full er 10 score second position . . Moto two went to Tri pes hands down ! Kirker made a first place effort for ' three laps ' but . fell ' short l with Greenway and Fuller passing him on one sweep. The overall prize money went to Greenway, second to Fuller and third to Kirker . Tripes was fourth. Within one hour, Tripes was back on the track screamin' the gears in the 250cc Pro class. T he Suzuk i rider put all the power to the ground to win the moto from gate to flag . The actual racing had developed in positions two through five. Scott Johnson (Hon) and a very fast Yamaha rider Ted Hoyt (TNT) were really at each other's throat for the entire moto. Hoyt won out by pa ssing Johnson in mid-air by the scoring stand to give him second posit ion. Johnson instantly dropped to fifth when Greenway (Yam) and Steve Jackson (Hon) pushed their battle int o third and fourth places. The final tally showed Tripes out front bya quarter lap, Hoyt second, Greenway third , Jackson fourth and Johnson fifth . In rnoto two action, Hoyt had a spectacular crash while dicing it out with Greenway and chasing Tripes. He got up, back on the gas but was not able to gain on the leaders. As th e 14 laps progressed, the posit ion solidifi ed and th e fin a l stand ings were unchanged. T ripes won his .third straight moro and the overall money in the .250cc Pro category. Greenway outlasted th e field for second overall and Jackson was third. Ocean Pacific -sponsored Da vid lkrig was thl! first shoe ,to~ake cra cks Honda-mounted Tim Lunde rode to a clean sweep victory in the 250cc Pro class at this Saturday Saddleback Motocross. First moto action saw Lunde qu ickly take the lead at the start followed closely by Maico rider Huff Hadley. Third spot belonged to Greg Weaver on a Maico ahead of Pete Snorteland (Hon ) and Vere Butler astride a Yamaha. Kawasaki 's , Mickey Boone had gotten a bad start and appeared to ha ve some trouble adjusting to Saddl eback 's dis tinctive ground composition. Boone soon got things sorted ou t and began charging up through the pack. In rapid order Boone passed Snorteland , Butler and Weaver and began the difficult task of catch ing the fast disappearing leaders, Lunde and Hadley. As they began lapping slower riders about halfway through the race Lunde opened up a little breathing room over Hadley. Boone then caught up to Hadley and began looking for a way around , finally getting .b y and clo sing on Lunde in the late stages of the rnoto , Lunde held on to the lead and took the check ered flag ahead of Boone and Hadley. . . Lunde wasted no time grabbing the lead at the sta rt of the second moto, Snorteland looked good in second and Hadley was riding in third . On lap six Hadley turned up the wick and passed Snorteland, as Boone recovered from another bad start to move into fourth . Boone passed Snorteland at about the halfway point and the race for the lead really began to tighten up . Boone was really pushing hard on Hadley when he suddenly pulled off the track with a gearbox full of neutrals. With Boone out, the race belonged to Lunde who wasn't making an y mistakes for Hadley to take advantage of. Lunde finished the day like he started, out in front and took home the big money of the day. A well deserved second overall went to Hadley and third place honors belonged to Snorteland. Bob Marino rode his Yamaha to a sweep in the Open Pro class, with tough competition coming from Suzuki rider Bob Elliott. Elliott led the start of the first moto bu t Marino took over the lead on the sixth lap. Elliott sta yed right on Marino's rear fender 'for th e rest of the race but was unable to. repass. Scott Cavn ess finished third on his Suzu ki. Marino led all the way in the second moto with Elliott constantly pressuring from beh ind, hop ing for a mistake that never came. Overall fin ishing order was Marino first , Elliott second anq,C" '1ness lhi~d" " n ') " - ' ) c. ) t· e : , OPEN PRO:1. Bob MerinoCYam); 2. Bob EIIioIlISu.), 3. Scott CavMu(Suzl. 250cc PRo: 1. TIm Lunde (Hon); 2.' Huff Hedtey (Moi); 3. PeteSnon_ (Hon). 125cc PRO:1. Ed Amet C5uz), 2. Scott FyIe (Suzl; 3. Craig Dele (Suzl. OPENINT 1. Eric McKrecken1Hua), 2. J i m _ : (Mai); 3. Mike HudlIon (Sull. 250cc INT 1. lMry NeIlan (Hon); 2. Mike Geu: IMaiI; 3. RonnieRady 1Amx1. . • 125cc INT 1. Steve Wileman (Suzl; 2. Vonya : Samerin ISuzl; 3. Angel Montoya CYam). OPEN JR: 1. Peter Burd 1502); 2. Randy Oarich CYam); 3. Steve Kala1502). 250cc JR: 1. Slava Jugan (Hon); 2. David Chavez IHonI; 3. Ron Halves IYam) . 125cc JR: 1. Grog McElroy ISuzl; 2. Kevin Montoya (Suz); 3. RichardViud ISuzl. OPEN BEG 1. Tom Holcombe CYam); 2. Rich : . Strueztal CYam); 3. Ale. KoplelIHua) . 250cc BEG: 1. Wayne OliverIHonI; 2. David Stuetzal (Hon); 3. Steve Baumgartar CYam!. 125cc BEG: 1. Ma-k Andanon ISuzl; 2. Tom Jones IYaml; 3. Wade Miller(Sull. MINI BEG: 1. Jim Glad (Suz); 2. TarTy Woody CYam); 3. Doug Odonnel (502). MayfIeld, DeLey stay hot at Racing World cold-eross By Keith Clemons TRABUCO CANYON, CA ,JAN. 28 The age old Postal Service creed of delivering the mail in spite of rain, snow . or hail was adopted into the bylaws of dedicated Racing World moto freaks last week when the track was deluged with both hail and snow . Needless to say being pelted by hail can really mess up your concentration and super cold conditions aren't exactly an asset to coordination. It took every rider's best just to stay in the race, let alone win. One of those who braved the storm was Tom Mayfield who pushed his Moto Me ister-sponsored Maico through two winning Open Pro motos. Mayfield , who is accustomed to finishing in the money anyway , made snow racing look easy as he got the holeshot and ran away with a strong lead in both motos. One could hardly tell the weather was having any adverse effect on him at all , if indeed it did . Scorekeeper Cheryl was certainly feeling the cold; her blue fingers were ,so numb she was barely able to scratch down the numbers as they went by, but Mayfield was showing no sign of being slowed by the weather and went home with top Open Pro honors: Greg Eargle should also be given due credit, if not just for finishing both Open cold motos, for landing in second place. Greg who suffered a first moto wipeout got back in the race in time to finish number two behind Mayfield, and 't hen in the second go- 'round held a strong second place position all the way. Dave Douglas rod e his mighty Maico into a first moto win in the 250cc Pro race at Racing World, but the second moto contest went to Luc DeLey , leaving DeLey with the overall. Douglas finished second in the number two moto and Pryor Campbell finished thirda: :I • • , )

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