Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 01 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ing use of public la nds . Send your list to California Assemblyman of the 39th District. Bo b Hayes. 606 N. Hagar Sr. , San Fernando. CA 91340 . Let's keep the ball rolling . B-to-V in January?! Well. not qu ite. but the Groundshakers M,C,. member club of the Motorcycle Racing Association of Nevada is running their 9th Annual Moapa to Vegas Hare & Hound on Ja n. 21. This year's entries will be limit ed to 250. Call for more inf o at 70214570343. Oh yeah. they'II also give you details on t he $10.000 1979 Las Vegas 400 motorcycle off-road rac e. Camel Pro Series · AMA Grand National Championship Results, 1978: Feb, '78 Feb. '78 he contingencies keep rollin' in or the Continental Moto-sports lub/Suzuki Golden State Series. ' e latest to put up bucks are: Dunlop aico West ($9.4001. $3.7801 and Scott USA goggles $3.2001. CMC president Stu Peters xpects several other major f irms' o offer contingencies on their roducts as well. die Lawson , who finished as the econd -Ieading rookie in the 1978 amel Pro Series, is looking for a ride or '79. Sh ell Ra cing Specialties, wh o ponsored Lawson this yea r . has not ade a decision regarding the upoming year. If Lawson is unable to put ogethe r a din track program , he will robably co ncentra te o n road racing. ive him a ca ll a t 714 /984-47 27 if you a n help . Steve Eklund· 1st place, on Carlk'le tires place, on Carlisle tires Terry Poovey · 3rd place, on Carlisle tires o Ascot % M ile July '18 Castle Rock Tf Steve Eklund ·2nd place, on Carlisle tires Brad Hurst· 3rd place, on Carlisle tires Ju ly '78 AscotTT . Alex Jorcensen • 1st place, on Carlisle tires Ted Boody · 2nd place, on Carlisle tires HaM Scott · 3rd place , on Carlisle tires Aug , '78 PeoriaTT Chuck Joyner· 1st place, on Carlisle tires Sept. '18 Ascot % M ile Jay Spri• •teen • 1st Place, on Carlisle tires Terry Poovey · 3rd place, on Carlisle tires o rides rlisle Tires. d"wins! Look on Carlisle makes tires for winners everyWhere! Carlisle tires for street. track and trail. Carlisle Tire &Rubber Carlisle Tire & Rubber Company Division of Carlisle Corporation P.O. Box 99/Carlisle, Pa. 17013 (717) 249-1000; Telex 84-2330 (Carlisle CLSLl emnm dd leback Park w ill be racereparing its motocross t rack on onday. Dec. 26 so that all t hose njoying some spare vacation t ime an enjoy rid ing the facility at it s est. "he CRC Santa Claus GP . which was cheduled to take place o n December 7 at Ra cing World , was. cancelled ue to monsoons unexpectedly sweep: ng through SgCal on Saturday night. e race has been resc heduled for ecember 31. same ti me, sa me place . ai l entry deadline has been extended o Decem ber 26. Fo r m o re in fo . give RC a ca ll at 2 13/830-75 19. elast non-Yamaha win of the aytona 200 was back in 1971. ick Mann won the event aboard a • ~ r-4 Alex JOI'K.....n • 1st place, on Carlisle tires May '18 I ollowing th e two nights of AMA/ oyota Supercross racing at the Seattle ingdome , amateur racers will have a hance to go a t it. Sunday, Feb. II , is he Seattle Amateur Supercross sponored by Hi-Point and presented by MA 0 ·27 . There will be 12 classes nd 130 trophies. Limited entries close an . 10, and forms are available from ashington bike dealers , or by writing eattle Amateur Supercross , P .O . Box 6952 ; Houston . TX 77098. More info s yours by calling 713 /526 -7666 . Hou ston ST Steve Eklund· 1st place , on Carlisle t ires John Ge....I·2nd place, on Carlisle t ires Jay SprI.steen • 2nd Anybod y concerned with off-road rights must a p pla ud the Phantom Du ck and his recent efforts with the B· to -V trail ride. However , apparently someone in the flock didn't quite keep up his end of the program . Members f Nevada local off-road clubs had to take down a number of " tra il ride" course markers . Let 's keep it c1eanl ua ckl Q uackl osPlTal STOP: We're awfully orry to hear that 0-35 scrambles ider Dan Rouit was injured in a ouritain climbing accident, and orse, that he 's paralyzed as a esult. He 's gonna need your upport. so send those cards and rs to him at Fresno Community ospltal, Fresno and R Sts•• Fresno. A 93715. Hou51on TT 7

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