Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Glen Elliott 1751 heads up the 250cc Pro pack at CRC's Racing World MX.
but broke on the last lap of the second
moto while leading ,
Another combined ari on -p acked
race featured all th e Intermed iates.
Bob White took the Open portion on
his Can -Am while Keith Ehlers b eat
Ske eter Marks in the 250s . T op 125cc
went to Todd Bausch.
Ra ce four brought five classes to the
line at once. The 250 Beginner a nd
Novice classes, along with th e Open
Beginners and Novices a nd CRC
Vet er ans storme d onto the track in a
heap. and after two rounds of crashing
and remounting, Bob Bu rleig h . Gr eg
Atk ins on , Mike Shell , Br et Hammond
a nd Jerry Black wer e winners.
In 125cc Beginner and No vice
act ion . another Jerry Bla ck too k th e
Novic es and Ralph Usher defeat ed
Victor Berry in the Beginners,
DeAnza w inner Steve Bauer.
' 25 PRO: 1. J ohn O'Mara ISUI); 2. J oe Price (Yaml;
3. Richard Bunch (S uzl.
250 PRO: 1. Edwin Arnot ISuz); 2. Dava lahn IC·AI
Don Orasko vich (M ail .
500 PRO: 1. Bob Bang IVaml; 2. Dale Lewis (Mail; 3.
(Continued from pag e 47)
J oe Brown IMa i),
CRC riders rip
drenched Dunes' •
3. Dan VanAcker (Han) .
By Brian George
With both Saddleback and Racing World shut down due to
excessive rain . Ind ia n Dunes
opened its , gates Sunday for
another California Racing Club moro cross on a revised Shadow Glen course.
It turned out to be rnud-o-cross aft er
practice though , as the downpour let
up only momentarily throughout the
All the Pros were run together to
assure getting all the ra cing in before
Mother Nature dumped too much
precipitation on the Dunes' soil , and
J ohnny O'Mara , Edwin Arnet and Bob
Bang took their class wins . O'Mara
backtracked from Saddleback to enter
late , but 'still outran Joe Price and
Richard Bunch for the 125cc win , and
Bang had little trouble handling the
Open Pros , even after a hard getoff in
a mudhole .
The 250cc Pro race was the thriller ,
bec a use after both ro unds a three-way
tie emerged for the win. Arner' s
second moto win gave him the overall
after a fourth th e first round , to ed ge
out Dave Zahrt (Ken ny's brother) an d
DMG 's Don Draskovich , who had been
sick all week with the flu . J ohn Atwood
was in control and won th e first mot o ,
1251NT: 1. Todd Bausch ISuzl; 2. Glenn Cave ISu z);
250 INT: 1. Keith Ehlers (Suz); 2. Skeeter Marks
(Vam ); 3. Brian ChereskoH (Han).
500 INT: Bob White IC·AI.
500 NOV: Bob Burleigh (Husl.
250 NOV: 1. Greg Atkinson (Hon); 2. Vincent DePiazza (Suzl; 3. Mark Cummings (Suzl.
125 NOV : 1. J8fry Black (Yaml ; 2. David Nealon
(Yam); 3. J on Zahrt IYam).
500 BEG: 1. Mike SheIlISuz); 2. Ken Johnson (Yaml ;
3. Steve Cohen ISuz).
250 BEG: 1. Bret Hammo nd IHusl; 2. Ste ve Marquez
ISuzl; 3. Brian George ISuzl.
125 BEG: 1. Ralph Usher IV
aml: 2. Vietor Berry
IVaml; 3. Frad DeVries(Yaml.
CRC VETS: 1. Jerry Black IMail; 2. Dean Sau nders
100 EX: Richard Ising (Yaml .
100 INT: 1. Randy Morales (Yaml ; 2. Tony Barbacovi
(Yaml; 3. Ralph Oehoryo ISuzl.
100 NOV : 1. Kirk Betta (Yam); 2. Rick Kra",er IYaml;
J . Robert Giammar ino lSozI.
MINI NOV: 1. John Hughlen (Vaml; 2. Steve
VanDuzen (Yam); J . Lyie McPh erson ISuz).
MINIINT 1. ZoIi MeszaTo (Hon): 2. BiPy Fun
_ 1Vam!.
MINI EX: Jack McSili(Varni.
Eropkin, Blevins
Yamahaul at CRC
Racing World MX
By Keith Clemons
Near perfect weather and absolu te primo track conditions
paved the way for California
R acing Club's return to Racing
World . Following a rain on Friday th e
Sunday sun added warmth to the
moist soil wh ich under the wheels of a
mot a man , or maiden , is pure perfectio n . However . someone should have
posted a sign reading "Slippe ry When
Wet ," for those unaccustomed to
mudocross beca use spills spotted every
race throughout the day. Five 250cc
Pros didn't finish their first mota
because of a bail off of one kind or
another; and Pros should know how to
handle it.
Dave Eropkin got the holeshot in the
first 250cc Pro mota and held onto the
front position throughout the race t~
claim victory over Ken Elhers who
finished second. Ted Ho yt scrambled
around four other would be winners to
finish third after a middle of the pack
start and as mentioned before five
others slid out of the competition:
Yamaha-mounted Eropkin had a
problem getting untangled from a
three bike pileup on the second tum of
rnoto number two wh ich brought him
in a la me last place position in the first
lap. Bu t Eropkin was able to make the
best of it and before the finish of the
seco nd lap had moved himself all the
way u p to second place jus t behind
Ted Hoyt whose own Yamaha was
pioneering the 'p a th out front. Eropkin
and Hoyt went at it for the entire mota
with Eropkin threatening to steal a
second mota win for sponsor White
Bro s. at every turn. It was all Hoyt
could do to hold off Eropkin's attack
but hold him he did . In the final turns before th e finish Eropkin made several
attempts to squeeze by but to no avail
and Hoyt fi nis hed nu m b er one .
Eropkin still completed th e day with
first overall be cause of Ho yt's th ird place first -mote fin ish . Ken Elhers
finished with a th ird in th e ra ce and
took h om e t he m one y for that
position .
Brad McLeod (H us) sn a ppe d up the
holeshot in th e first Open Pro race .
but hard dri ving Randy Ble vins
ca ugh t him in th e second lap a nd was
able to cop the position in the fifth
lap . However , Blevins joined the slip
and slid e squad in the 10th lap and
laid his DG -sponsored Yamaha in th e
mud to let McLeod retake his victo ry
position and win th e ra ce.
Second time around Blevins made
up for his first mota mistake and
McLeod applied for his own
mem bersh ip .in the mud brigade.
McLeod took the ho leshot again but
th is time he spilled in the first la p and
Blevins got in front and stayed there to
win. McLeod was able to get back into
the race to finish second but Blevins
rode away as the overall champ while
McLeod had to settle for number two .
OPENPRO: 1. Randy Blevins (Yam); 2. Brad Mcleod
OPEN INT: 1. J im Beltnick IMa;l: 2. Go