Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 01 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ . f D.I. ~1978 Rac:eResults 1 8 o - u.s. Grand Prix o of Motocross 8 o USGP.500cc 4.Kars ma ke rs 5.Ho w e rto n o e 1.Ho w erto n 2.Ellis 3.Po m e ro y 4.The is s USGP.25Occ o o - J~r,ii~es Motocross Nationals o o o o o o o o o 1.Ha n na h 2.Po m e roy 3Sun 4.Kars ma ke rs 5.We ine rt I Rio Bravo. TX o: 1.Ha nna h 2.Po m e roy 3.Ellis 4·We ine rt 5.Karsmakers o o O· o o o o o 1.Hannah 2.Ellis 3·Kars ma ke rs 4·Eie rst edt 5.Po m e roy 8 8 8 8 1·Ha nna h 2. Karsmakers 3 Ellis 4.S un 5·Eie rstedt 'l.Croft 2.Sm it h 3.Be ll 4.State n 5.Burgen . lak e Wh Itney, TX O 1.Hannah 2.Howerton 3.Ellis 4·S un 5.Karsmakers . Sears Point, CA 1.Ha nna h 2·We ine rt 3.Ellis 4 ·Sun 5. Karsmakers o o o o 8 8 _ St . Peters. MO C 8 8 I 1. Han nah 2.Sun 3.Ellis P eters, 1.Bell 2 .Croft 3. Shultz 4·S m it h 5.Staten Other riders using D.I.D motorcycle chain. 1.Tripes 2. Smith 3. Ell'IS 4. Hannah 5.Weinert Houston. TX 1·Hanna h 2.Tripes 1.Burgen DAIDO/D.I.D motorcycle chain: top racing competitors than any other chain. D 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kenny Roberts Johnny Cecono Skip Aksland Mike Baldwin David Aldana . Gene Romero Randy Mamola Dave Emde Scon Pearson Don Baile y John Gennai' Don Vesco Parry Klassen Ron Turner Dennis Brand Daytona. FL Atlanta. GA 8 8 8 1. Mos ier 2. Han nah 3. Shultz 4. Welnert . ' 5. Pomeroy 1.Tripes · 2.Howerton 3.Eierstedt 4.laPorte 5.Bell 1.Burgen 2. Smith 3. Boone 4·Stacka ble 5. Cro ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 Anaheim. CA Atlanta. GA Mt. Morris. PA 0 0 0 0 1.BeIl 2. Hannah 3.Ellis 4.Semics 5.Howerton 1.Ellis 2 -Tripes . 3.Hanna h 4.Howerton 5.Wise 1.Burgen , 2. Kessler 3.laPorte 4. Stacy 5. Swartz - 0 Los Angeles. CA Seattle. WA Buchanan; MI 0 1. Hannah 2. Tripes 3. Ellis 4. Croft 5. Wis e Stadium Motocross MO 8 New Orleans. LA Overall Standings 1.Burgen 2.State n 3.Sm it h 4.Croft 5.laPorte 6.Stacka ble 7. Shultz 8. Boone 9.Se m ics 10. Kessler Sears Point. CA t. 1.Ha nna h 2. Tripes 3.Ellis 4.State n 5. Bell 'l.Burqett 2.Sm it h 3.Stat en 4.Croft 5. Moroney Po rte 2.Croft 3.Burgen 4.State n 5.Stac ka ble 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburg. PA St. Petersburg. FL lake Whitney. TX 5 1.Ha nna h 2.Bell 3.Howerton 4.Croft 5.Eierst edt 1.Burgen 2. Shultz 3.Croft 4.S m it h 5. Swartz AMA 500cc Southwick. MA Pontiac. MI Charlotte. NC Motocros. Nationals Omaha. NB 1. Hanna h 2. Howerton 3T. . npes . 4. Bell 5. Croft 1.State n 2S . h . mit 3.Burgen 4. Shultz 5.stacka ble 1.Hanna h 2.Ellis · 3S un 4.Kars ma kers 5.Po m e roy 6.Ho w erto n 7.We inert 8. Savitski 9.Th eis s 10.Eie rstedt Trabuco Canyon. CA ::~;SUda Pontiac. MI St. Joseph. MO Overall Standings 1.Ha nnah 2.How erto n 3.po m e ro y 4.sun 5. Grossi I o :::~~~:: 5.How e rto n Hangtown. CA 1.Han nah 2.Tripes 3. Glover 5.Croft 1.Ellis 2S un 3.po m eroy 4. Savitskl .-4 Houston. TX 1.Burgen 2.state n 5Sun AMA 250cc 3. DiStefano 4.Wise 5. Bell Pinetop. RI Mt. Morris. PA 3.Ha nna h I o 2.State n 3.DiSte fano Porte 5.Sem ics Buchanan. MI 1M ikkola 2Schm itz 38 e ll o 8 I o 8 8 o0 0 I 8 I I I 8 BLUE indicates ride rs using 0 .1.0. Cha in I 0 0 I 8 0 0 8 8 used by more D D I I I CORPORATION', .C\ . Lincomwood, IL. SO. San Francisco; CA Headquarters.: 885 Centennial Avenue Piscataway, NJ 0885~ • Phone (201) 885-1800 , •, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17 --

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