Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1 ;1 .. • .. . .. t ,. •• . . .!. .. II' , : II NORTHERN DATELINE ~ t C'I C'I s-. Q,) ..c 8 Q,) > o Z Danny "Magoo" Chandler picks off a be rm at Marysville. Mike Hannon chalks up another National Enduro win. the Big Boot. (file photo). Seder. 200 B CLASS: 1. Gary Frank; 2 Mark Lucccs. Hannon walks off with Big Boot National Enduro win. By Bob Tornai '. REDWOOD CITY , CA , OCT. 29 Mike Hannon put it all together this weekend for a well earned National win at the Far West M.C .'s Big Boot Enduro .Han- 24 non's low (nine points) score came after 101.2 miles of varied terrain that was a challenge to any rider (timer keeper or notl) . .Eddie Diaz was first Open A rider , . with 13 points , followed closely by George Hendrix's 14. Rich Munyon (16 points) was fourth overall and th e w.inning rider in the 250cc A class. FIfth overall went to John Troutt who dropped 17 points - that's a five point spread between second and fifth pla ce and this wasn 't an easy rid e! . Th~ ai~ was fresh from the previous !lIght s ram , or hea vy mist as they call It up here, and the enduro started under clear skies at the Redwood Acres Fa irgrou nds . T he trail led int o a fenced a rea and put us into lo~~ng com\?any propert y owned by LOUISIana Pacific , T his was to be the first of three timber concerns t hat we ~ould ride on . As quickly as it opened mto open meadow we were b~ck on !i trail tha ~ led up a mountain with primo traction . The re d di sh dc:comp~sed granite type ground mixed WIth loamy topsoil lasted well over the top where we dropped dow n the other side to an eerie scene. A brush burning operation had 'm ixed with some morning ground fog and the snaky downhill was like a trip through a time machine. ' O~e hundred and two years in 'the past IS whe re the next section sta rt ed . The mounta inside was laced with trails for steam donkeys (a winch and rail setup) when the first growth of Redwood proved to be too rough for oxen teams to handle during th e first logging operations. One of th ose cu ts that was used to haul th e gia nt trees out ?f th e canyon is aptly nam ed , Big Incline, and has to be in my book one of th e world's longest d ownhills! ' T he tra il ramb led over long forgotten trestles and through tu nnels of lu sh underbrush . A h uge o ld abandoned building, somew he re out on the ridgeline, is called Camp 12. It was on e of the largest cookshacks used during the early loggi ng era . T his particular tight and tricky trail was fast : putting the a ve rage rid ers behind , and when a section of pavement popped up it was a welcom e sight. Aft er a very short b rea ther we were int o Graham Gulch , a n area in which t he first electric ho ists wer e tried unsuccessfully. . ' There were seven free m inutes a t t he gas ch eck and b y then most people needed th em. The mudhole after t he pits left my Bultaco brakes useless to the . next check, ~he re som e super sections of power line road was mixed with trails and roads. The course then opened up to a fifth gear boo gie and a gravel road that was fu n! Th~ t~1l bushes that wer e shedding their silky strands looked beautiful but wer e very dangerous. The blade grass, or cu t grass as the locals call it, is sharp enough to make you look like the loser of a sword fight if you missed your line around on e. The event ended on a high note with ~ grass track left hand turn a nd a large Jump t hat launched you int o t he center of the livestock judging pe n. All "a nim a ls" t ha t fin ishe d were awarded nice pins, smiles a nd a ppla use from th e spect at ors. My only compla int was a section of two-wa y trail that was necessita ted at the last minute after weeks of wor k proved unsuccessful in openi ng a trai l on an adjacent ridge. The Far West M.C . d id a fine jo b of putting th is event on and th e fact that it was coo rdinated on three d ifferen t pieces of private property (read that five months of hard work!) is even more amazing . T.he three companies involved , Pacific Lumber , Lou isiana Pacific and Sierra Pacific de serve a big " tha nk you" from appreciative rid ers. Resul t s ' CLASS AA: 1. Mike Hanno n. OPEN A ClASS: 1. Eddie Diaz; 2. George Heodrixs: 3. John Troun. • 250 A ClASS: 1. Rick Munyon; 2. Dave Bertran; 3. Dale Warmuth. 200 A CLASS: 1: David Lee ; 2. M ike Todd , 125 A CLASS: 1. Mathew Cull uns OPEN B CLASS: 1. Randy Pavlich ' 2. Phil Frisb ie' 3 Marcy Palacio. • • ' 250 B ClASS: 1. Kim Luccos; 2. Leon Jones ; 3. Bred OPEN C CLASS: t . Christ opher Suttl ey; 2. Ott o Hodge, Jr .; 3. CraIg Fator. 250 C CLASS: 1. Dennis Buc kmaster; 2. Oanny Herron ; 3. Robert Dunbar. SI~.C CLASS: 1. Terry Heath ; 2 Sam Kelly; 3. Gary A TEAM: 1. David Lee; 2. Mike Todd; 3. Rob SutliH . A O.T.: 1. John Noor. R:...n~M : 1. Gary Frank; 2. Leon Jones; 3. John B O.T.: 1. Dale Swason. . C TEAM: 1. M ike Vincen lli; 2. Ron Getty; 3. Rober! Cretghton . C O.T.: 1. David W right. Chandler, Heiberger and Waxham march on Marysville MX By Robert R. Buttner MARYSVILLE, CA , OCT. 29 Marysville Motocross is one of ~everal excellent races promoted In northern California right now and the proof is in the quantity and quality of the riders that show up - for this event. Two hundred and ninety racers turned out under the ~Oth st~~t bridge, including Danny Magoo Chandler who ga ve a riding lesson to some very fast locals . Chandler, riding only the 250cc Expert class , started the first moto by blasting a holeshot that stretched to a five second lead on the first lap , and more than 10 seconds at the fin ish. Bob Myers took an easy second but was not able to keep pace with Chandler. Randy Losh was good for th ird followed closely by a consistent Phil Crane, who rode in fou rt h from start to fin ish. Spectators watched the start of the se~ond moto in gale force winds as Pat WIlson grabbed the holeshot with Chandler in hot pursuit, followed by Myers . Chandler got the lead on the second lap ~ut W~lson stayed tight for another, twice trymg to pass him but both times Chandler closed the door. H.e finally pulled away for the moto wm an~ the overall. Myers tried to get by Wilson on the third lap but unloaded somewhere in the back 40 and ended the day in the 250cc Expert class wit.h a DNF. Wilson , who got a seventh m the first moto , took second and th ird overall. Working from his second 1I th place start Danny Waller passed nine .riders in six laps for a third in the moto and a surprising second overall. Fourth place money went to Crane who took fifth in the final moto while Lash pulled in for fifth overall. 125cc Expert Dana Waxham another outstanding performer wo~ both his moros by more th~n 10 seconds. Waxham took it to the wire in the first m~to after he got the holeshot , and m the second it took him only two laps to take the lead and eventually the overall. Tom Odekirk also looked good for 3-2 motos and second overall and third overall went to Bradly Harrison after he tallied a 54, both times coming from 10th place. Open Expert Jerome Heiberger holeshot the first heavyweight moto followed by Brian Jodry, Rick Woodson , Bob . Myers and Dean Wiggins. Jodry slipped past Heiberger on t~e four~h lap to grab the first rnoto leaving Heiberger behind for second Woodson wen~ to fourth as Wiggins moved onto third after Myers ran into trouble and fell to seventh. Myers, who had an unusually tough day, was able to salvage a fifth out of the moto. Myers tried to make up for his bad luck in the next moto. He got the hole shot and the win by nearly 20 seconds. Heiberger went on to get second and the overall win as Wiggins fell victim to Jodry who moved int o th ird on-the last lap and picked off second overall. Other Marysville motocrosses are planned on Nov . 12 and Dec. 10 under the 'E ' street bridge and on Nov. 26 Sexton will sponsor the 6th Annual Thorntree European Hare Scrambles. Results open ox: 1. Jerome Heiberger IMoit, 2. Brian Jodry (Mail; 2 Bob Meyers (MeU. OPEN AMA: 1. Johnnie Cook U(TMI; 2 . Scott Rice !Yom); 3. Cherleo Smort (SuzI. OPEN NOV : r, George Lowery (Moil; 2. J immy Rich IDMSI; 3. Grlnt Higginbolhom (MeU. 250cc EX: 1. Denny IMogoo) Chandler (Moi)' 2 DIn Weller {Moil ; 3. Pet Wiloon (Hon) . • • 250cc AM : 1. St... Aremca (Hon); 2. Ron Combe (Kew); 3. Den Scharf IHanI. ~ NOV DIY I: 1. Donny Rich (Yeml ; 2 Greg Nash (Moi ); 3 . 0 ... Clerk (Mom). 250cc NOV DIV II: 1. GeorgI Lowery IMli); 2 . BUI McDewitt (Voml ; 3. Merk Poce (Hon). 125cc EX: 1. Done Woxl1om ISuzI; 2. Tom Odekirk ISuzl ; 3 . Brld Horriaon (SuzI. 125cc AM: 1. Mike Scott ISull; 2. St... Arona (Suz)' J• 3. B,II Perry (Sull. 125cc NOV DIV I: 1. St... Reed ISuz) ' 2 Dwa yn o Turner IVom); 3. Rick Lane (Suzl . • . 125cc NOV DIV II: 1. Scott Dorman (Vom)"2 Joll Krok (Voml ; 3. Mitch M iller (Sull. • . VETERAN EX: 1. Bill Grigg IMoi); 2. Cherlie Sexton (Yam). 'JE!ERAN AM: 1. Jack Hampton (Mei): 2. Maur ice D_Tlck IHon); 3. Robert McCowen (Bull . VETERAN NOV : 1. Don Rich IVom l; 2. Don Dannce (SuzI; 3 . Rodger Bubel

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