Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; _._._._._._._._._._._.:._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.. =Western hotltne ~ . r - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - , t 00 1:"0') ~ C'l C'l s-. Q) ..0 S Q) > o Z Brian Myerscough won CMC Saddleback's 250cc Pro final. J oe D. Price won the 125cc Pro cla ss at CRC's Ra cing Wo rld MX. today as he jumped into the lead immediately in the fina l. Myerscough wasn't about to let him get away , however, and foll owed him closely . Ward motored up to third on lap three to make it three riders vying for first. Lenny Ge iger (Hon) sa t in fourth , his position unchanging throughout the moto , Elliott dropped back to th ird the next lap , Myerscough and Ward both taking advantage of the situa tion . They fin ished th e ra ce in that order with Geiger holding his fourth spo t j u st ahead of Lawrence a n d Blackman : Mike Br own (Suz) led the pack in th e fi rs t 125 cc Pro mor o wi th ' Myerscough an d Blose (Suz) keepin g pace behind him . Brown lost two positions on lap six , though , when he went over a berm . Ward , making up for a dismal sta rt, moved through th e p a ck to take seco nd awa y from Blose on lap eig h t and, when Myerscough ba iled going into a turn on th e next lap, took th e lead for good . Blose gave him a goo d run in second with Ri ck J o h nso n (Ya m), Scott Burnworth (Su z) and Myerscough nex t. Burnworth for ced his b ike into an early lea d in mot o two , but Brown took it from h im before th e first lap was completed . Burnworth got off twice during th e moto, though , and finished wa y ba ck . Myerscough g rabb ed the lead before the race's halfway.mark and got the moto win . Ward put the pressure on Johnson for second , but Johnson didn't fold , though Ward still go t th e overall. much oil in his recently re -bui lt shocks a nd they wouldn't give all the wa y. St ill T ebbs ran his Pom on a Valley Kawa ski-sponsor ed Husky in seco nd just a hea d of Keith Dysert. Foltz was ready to win big for th e second time when th e number two moto . got underway. He took th e holeshot again and pulled a good lead bu t the n seeing that th er e was no danger of losing the ra ce , slowed his pace and put his b ike in cruise co nt ro l. Mike McC lune, wh o finis hed tburth in t he first moto , was out to be tter himself th e seco nd tim e arou nd and, pic king up the n um be r two position, p ush ed his KTM u p be hind Fol tz a nd tried for a p ass. Foltz, who knew McClu ne had fin ished only fourth decided to let him by and continue h is cruise . What Folt z didn't co u nt on was Tebbs snea king up and passing him . Teb bs had reduced th e p ressure in his shoc ks and was running a better seco nd 'moto . Fol tz re-passed T ebbs aga in to remain in control of first overa ll. The p roblem for Tebbs was th at fin ish ing a head of Folt z woul d ha ve given him fi rst ove rall but finishing just behind Foltz pu t him back to third . Foltz finis hed first overa ll, McClu ne went home second a nd T ebbs was th ird . Mall Devich won the 250cc Pro class wit h Andy Northrop fin ish ing seco nd a nd Andy Guth third . Results MINI JR : 1. Tod d Campbell IVam l; 2. Hank Erler ISuzl; 3. Alon Bak er IEscI. MINI INT: 1. Rudy Dick enson ISuzl; 2. T ony Tetone. Jr .lSuzl. 100 JR: 1. Jeff Camar igg !YamJ: 2. Charlie Walker !Yam l; 3. Ernie Beck er ISuz). SOO PRO: 1. Robert Ma<"'o !Y am); 2. Bob Ellion ISuzl ; 3. Ran Teb bs IHus!. 500 INT: 1. Jim William s (Yam) ; 2 . Tom BelI IHus); 3. Joe Pena IVam) . 500 JR : 1. Kev;n Duffy (Yam) ; 2. Dan Martin (Mail; 3. Ken Fuelner IMail. 18 250 PRO FINAL: t . Brian M yerscough ISuzl: 2. J eff Ward IVam); 3. Bob EII;on ISuz) . 250 INT: 1. Juan Benavidez (Yam); 2. Mark Page IEsel; 3. M ike Fol ey IM ail. 250 JR ON 1: 1. M ike Geig er IMa i); 2. Greg WulH {Yaml: 3. Bo b Bin kl ey (Yam). 250 JR DIV 2: 1. Robert M ;lIer (Han); 2. Robert Spiel man ISuz); 3 . M ich ael Casey (Yaml. t 25 PRO: 1. Jeff Ward (Yaml: 2. Rick Johnson !Yaml; 3. Brian M yerscough ISuz) . 1251 NT: 1. M ike Toveen (Yam ); 2. Stuart Prior ISuz); 3. Leland Bacon(Sull. 125 J R; 1. Pete Rinald i (Suz); 2. Danny Ramirez (SOl); 3. J im Kennedy IYaml. Price takes the cash at eRe Radng WorldMX By Keith Clemons TRABUCO CANYON , CA , OC T . 29 With Halloween just around the corner California Racing Club's cre w of moto goblins showed up at Racing World to trick up their m ac hines and t rea t th emsel ves 10 a nother full da y of motocross. J oe D. Price proba bly had more tricks a nd tr ea ts th an anyone else out at the track . He ran his first race with no top en d and sti ll com p letely knocked th e socks off th e rest of th e 125cc Pros . Fact is he had to edge ou t J er ry Fr eckleton . rid ing a Bill Kr ause spo nso red Suzuki tha t ap pea red to be in top sha pe . It took Pri ce six laps with his lim pi ng engi ne to tak e over the fro nt but once th ere it was no looking back as he ra n his Crown Cycle Yamaha 10 th e very lim its to win . After the mot o Price went back to h is va n and switched engi nes. Unfo rtu na tel y his second engi ne wasn't much be tter than the first because it ha d somehow been put together with th e wrong rings which ca used th e engi ne to d ra g. So with engine problems still haunting him, Pr ice went ba ck into co m pe tition to see if by som e act of magic he couldn't sti ll pla ce in the top three. J erry Freckleton sto rmed off th e line to zap the holeshot just ahead of Price . On th e first lap Pr ice was ab le to squeeze by Freckleton to hold down the win ni ng position on a lame bike for a seco nd tim e. Freckleton d id n't give up th e ghost easi ly; he stay ed right on Pr ice's tail to give h im a sca re bu t th en his own haunting ca ug ht up with him as he bailed off in th e fifth la p. Price co llec ted first place mon ey and Freckl eton got up in tim e to still co llect th e bu cks that went to numbe r two . David W int er s rod e his Ma lcolm Sm ith machine to third place . The first moto for th e Open Pros saw Mai co-mou nt ed Dave Foltz win d his wa y 10 a no co ntest victory. Fol tz simply too k th e holesh ot and jetted through the loops to win . Ron Tebbs had it a little rougher , especially on his ' ride . beca use he had abou t lOcc too Resu lts OPEN PRO: 1. Dave Foltz IM ail; 2. Mike M cClune IKTMJ; 3. Ron Tebb s IHus). OPEN INT; 1. Dan Moore (Mail; 2. Bill Edring ton (Vam); 3. Gary Gonzales IMa i). OPEN NOV: 1. Kirk Chandl er IM ail; 2. Kun Kovacks ISuzl ; 3. Don GossettIS ull. 250 PRO: 1. Ma n Devich IHan); 2. Andv NortIw op ISOP); 3. Andy Gum IHanl. 250 INT: 1. M ike M arshau IEIe); 2. Duane M apes IMall; 3. Kevin Olson IC-AI. 250 NOV : 1. Ed Abel la (Hanl; 2. Ted W aldr up IHanl; 3. Rob Dam eron (Suzl. 250 BEG: 1. Sam Erma (Ho n); 2. G;lbert M end ez (Ma i); 3. M ike Hittion IS02). 125 PRO: 1. Joe O. Price . (Yam); 2. Jerry Freddeton ISuz); 3. Davi d Winters (M Sl. 125 INT: 1. Tom Satchell ISuzl; 2. Jeff WalVef10n ISuz); 3. Vince Foster IS02I. 125 NOV: 1. Jerry Black (Yam); 2. Ron Baumgartner ISuz); 3. les Ha ys IYaml. 125 BEG: 1. David Nealon (Yam); 2. Mark Bates (Yaml; 3. Fred De Vries (Yam). • 100 EX: 1. Roy Gom ez (S Ul). 100 tNT: 1. Paul Fltl ·Gibbo n (Yam); 2. Tony Barbe covi (Yaml; 3. W arren Da y (Yam). 100 BEG: 1. Rick Kramer (Yam); 2. Kelly Bishop (Yaml. VeT SR: 1. Doug Van Duzen (Ma i); 2. Bob Crosta IKT MI. VET INT ; 1. Dan Sanch ez IS Ul); 2. Asker larnkjaer ISuzl . VETS J R: 1. Dean Saunders (Han l; 2. J err y Black IMai); 3. Richard lave (Suli. MINI : 1. Danny Sanchez (Yaml ; 2. Tim Shelton (Yam ). MINI NOV: 1. Ian Fitz-Gibbon (Ya m); 2. Steven Van Duzen CYamJ; 3. Brian Calderon (Suz). M INI BEG: 1. Bob Jiminez ISuz); 2. Shean Johnson (Suzl; 3. Trevis Stark (Vaml. Holland, Kehoe top NMA/Suzuki Fall Series By Carol Campbell VALENCIA , CA. OCT. 29 Indian Dunes was the location for the fifth and final race of the National Minicycle Association! U.S. Suzuki Fall National Series. Excitem ent a nd a nticipation loomed t hrough th e p its as th e a nx ious rid ers knew that five of th em would be go ing hom e a t th e end of th e da y, as the proud owners of a brand new 1979 Suzuki . Others would be th e Fall Nat ional ove r a ll winners in the ir classes . The two resp ective ou tsta nd ing riders in th e 12 yea rs and over No vice class wer e Steve Andre, overa ll winner of the Stock class and Tracy Meeks , th e overa ll winner of the Modi fied class. Both boys ride for Ha rry's Cycle Sal es and represented th eir spo nso r well through out the five se r ies ra ce . Representing Pr emi er Yamah a in the IOOcc Sto ck Intermed iate class was Robbie Nol in . Nolin , who has just made the transiti on from minibike to motorcycle ha s don e so with ease as he litera lly made a clean sweep of th e series. Nolin not only won all five races but also a fre e wee k at the Suzuki School of Mot corss. The big question of th e day was "w ho would ride in the Race of Champ ions?" That qu estion was answered as the overall winners in the 83cc Expert classes were named. Young George Holland III (Suz) , who, a t age 12 ha s to be one of th e best up a nd co mi ng rid ers since Jeff Ward , walk ed awa y with th e overa ll win in t he 83cc Sto ck Expert class . The lOp hon or s in th e 83cc Modified Expert cla ss went to Yamaha's Er ik Keh oe . It was Keh oe who took hom e the honors as the overa ll points winner in both classes co mb ined . Bot h H o lland a n d Keh oe a re ass u red a ride i.n t he " R ace o f Champions" at the W orld Min i G ra nd Pr ix nex t April. (Contin ued to page 22

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