Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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after both crossed the finish -start line , on ly to lose it in the sweeper by- the announcer's bo oth . In a surprise m ove , Bin ello took the win over Lu nniss who was seco nd, followed by Dave Mart in i. The de tai ls a re n't importa nt. In a five-la p Pro Consolation, Bruce McDougal came out the winner over cr.owd fa vori te J oh n Sa vitsk i. J im Gibson was th ird. Even though there were some eventful pileups , McDougal snowed what he could do aga inst national ta lent, such as it was . In . the Mechanics' second race , sta fti ng gate mas ter Jody W eisel ha d Oster m a n and seve r a l other malefact ors tu rned around in order to even the odds for the more inep t. Su ch actions d idn't keep Dave from winning and going on to the final. In the Press class , most im p ressive wasJiin Dodge who got a big lead over . th ' rest of th e field for a n easy win. Somewher e behind him was Mot ocross . Acti on's Dennis Cox . T oken foreign' pte-ss rider Ala in Ku ligowski . from Fiance was a cons istent fourth to transfer to the main event. Other de ta ils have been forgotten , but who ca res ? The Pro Fina l was nothing short of a madhouse when W iesel had only got everybody lined up decently when Ga ylon Mosier and a .few others Suddenly let the hammer fly as th ey catap ulted over th e gate and around the track for an aborted lap of racing. We isel pu t Ga ylon in his place by ha ving him set backwards at the gate. • When things fina ll y simmered down, Weisel let 'er rip with a clean gate drop to let the Pros have at it. Jeff W ard once again grabbed the lead with Bob Hannah second and Mosier third . Wi th so many riders on the tra ck, everybod y looked like a choo· choo train as they followed the leader. Ne vertheless, some riders thought th at there wa s room for some im p r o vem e nt in the standings . Hannah encountered some hard times and was eventually displaced by J im Gibson . The Hurrica ne hisself hung in for third place. a'The " ot he r" minibike graduate who's now, in the big time, Brian ~yerscough , couldn't keep his spindly lo ng legs on the pegs and often as not ~ . had to let them drag as he made his way .a rou nd the trac k. Myerscough finis he d fou rt h . r,.1osier, wha t happened to Mosier ? Honestly, who cares? ;With Ward clinching th e Pro Final, t he hungry c rowd o f specta tors dispe rsed shortly afterwards leaving tl)c; press and th e mecha nics to play in an t) a lm ost -deserted t rack . Th is repprt er also left the scene after the Pro Final, we all kn ow how d ull the wrenches and press a re. ~ A,fter th e,.. Pro Final , Ward was a pjj:ture of ecst acy know ing that all those long months in th e fa mi ly d u ngeon had paid off. Mosier was nowhere to be seen. John Savitski ga ve his excuse for a poor race being that he ha d n't been on a mini in a yea r. "Next yea r , we want starting money ," demanded Savitski. ' Bob Hannah was not so happy, being a hu rrica ne with the win taken out of him . Wrought with emotion, he was m um bling incomprehensively about ha ving lost in such a long time. "It's a rough life ," sai d H a n nah as he was led away by his mechanic , Keith McCarty. Such as 't hings were at DG 's "T he d ay after the night before" where the mighty fell to the mini and some even fell into the mud. Said one spectator, "You can't expect them to be good all the time. " • Darrell Shultz and the 450 Maieo Magnum II ,s t ar t e d the '79 season at Sonoma Trans-AMA. Together they did it , . . a convincing victory in the final Trans-AMA at Sonoma, CA, America's newest riding star and the world 's fastest big bike proved they 're ready for a spectacular '79, The 450 Maico Magnum II .. . beautifully refined for '79 .. " is more powerful than ever. Danny " Magoo " Chandler proved with the support win at Sonoma that the 250 Maico Magnum II heads its class. 1979 is Maico's year . . starting soon at a track near you. I Results PlIO MAIN: 1. Jeff Ward; 2. Jim Gibson ; 3, Bob Hanna h. MECHANICS MAIN: 1. Jeff Clark; 2. Ted Yko; 3. ' Brien Lunnisa. PIIESS MAIN: I , Jim Dog.; 2. Denn i. eo.; 3. Alain Kulii/owsld. /WCO I~ Prog ..... Rd.. SulIoI<. V/\ 234J4 . Rt. I . Box 211. - . L 60002 ' 110 E. s... Ana !we.. Bur!>ori<. CA 9 1~ ' Canada - 64 _ Rd.. - . Ora. 11