Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ .... v ..0 S v > o Z America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sh aron Cla yto n . Publ isher T om Cu lp. Mark et ing Direct or Caroline Oendry. Secretary to the Pub lisher Advertising J im Ryan . Sa les Ma na ger . La rry Littl e . Sa les Man a ger . Ski p J oh nso n , Sa les Ma nager . C hr is Kolbet , Assist a nt . Gi n Harper . W a nt Ad s. Editorial C ha rles Mo rey. Ma naging Editor. Dale Brow n . Ed ito r . Bob i Seen . Ed itor. Graphics and Production Dav Pauli. Produ ction Ma nager. J ud y Klinger . Productio n Assist ant. Ma rion H at aahi ra . Karen Fa rhat . T ypograp hy. Den nis Gree ne . La bor a to ry. Accounting M ike Kl i n g("T. Ma n a g e r , J e a nn e Ham mo nd . Accts. Re ceiva ble . Don n a Brya n . A. st. Accra. Receivab le . Holly s Hal l", Co llection and C redi t. Circulation R h e b a Sm it h. Ma n a ge r. S he rry Kaufma n, Christy Bell, T amm y T aylo r . Assista n ts. Services and Support Pa t C a r d e n as. R ecep t io n ist. Pt:u it . 5 &5 . Bruce West 220 1 Cherry Avr . • Long Br a ch . CA P.O . Box 498 . Lon g Beach . CA 9080 1 (2 13) 42 7·7433 ; L. A. Line 636·8844 . East 4 190 Fi rst Ave . . Tuck e r . GA . P.O . Box 805 . T uc k., . G A 30084. (404) 934·7850 . Subscription One yea r , seco nd cla ss m ai l. SI S: two yC'a rs. seco nd class mail . $27 : three ye-ars , second c la ss m ail. $ 37 .50 . Copyright ill Cycle News. In c. 197 8 . 'Tra d ema rk Cycle News registe red U .S. Pat e n t O f fice . A ll ri gh ts rese rved . Pu bl ished week ly e xce pt t he fir st a nd la st week of th e calen d a r year by Cycle N(" W 5 . I n c .. P .O . Bo x 498. Lo ng Be ach . Ca lifornia . Second class poslag e pai d at Lon g Beach . C A 9080 1. Cycle News welcom es unso lici ted ed itor ial m a te ria l including sto ries . c a r too ns , phot os . et c . Such m ater ial . if pu bl ished . becomes th e excl usive co pyrig h t p ropert y of Cyc le News . Su ch acce p ted materia l is subjec t to revision as is n t" cessa ry in t he sole d iscr etion of Cyc le News. Unsolici ted m a terial wh ic h is not used will be ret ur ned if ac comp an ied b y a se lf add ressed sta mped en velope . All un so licited ma teria l will be ha nd led wit h reasona b le care. ho wever , Cycle Ne ws assu mes no res po nsib ility for the safety. loss o r damage ( 0 su ch m at eri al. Re p rim in g in whole or pan on ly by pe rmis sia n of the pu blishers. Ad vert ising rat es an d circ u la t ion in form ation will be sent upon r("qu("SL See S. R.D .S. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to Cycle News. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801. 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Motoeroaaer Bob Miller hooka the mighty 580ee. three-a peed CCM four·stroke through 8 lefthander. Photo by Jimmy "The Greek" Gianatsia. Impre. alon on p. 24. Anger over AMA Amateur MX Championships As part sponso r and mechanic, ,1 went with Eric McK enna . a rider from California to the Atlanta , GA Amateur Championship MX Finals a nd was . along with many o t h e rs . very d isappointed in the wa y the race was p romoted by Mr. West. It seems Mr. W est 's on ly co nce r n is d olla r s according to a statement he made during the rider's meet ing . ("If you ca n't make it to the races, send a ch eck anyway:'). Well . we won 't make it to the races for awhile , because W est neglected to place a flagman on top of a blind jump and when my rider went over it there wasn't anyway to avoid th e three riders and bik es laying on th e ground behind it, and he broke his colla rbone . My rider had a good cha nce to becoming National 500cc Champ. H e defeated the eventual winner by 25 seconds in both motos on Saturday's ra ce . Instead. he ended up by taking a trip to the hospi tal. W est then informed us after we go t back , that there wasn't an y in su r a n ce . Furthermore, th e dust was terrible . th e wat ertruck inadequate. Doesn't th e AMA require insu ra nce for th eir sa nctioned even ts? Eastern riders . 1 know cou ld ca re less how we do it in California, but 1 tell you a nyone who would support a p romot er like Mr. West has a hole in thei r head , incl udi ng the AMA . who was poorly represented and sho wed very weak response to what was happen ing and left everythi ng to West. P.S . Congratulations to th e winnersl JAJ:" HO UTERMANS Euro Cycles Orangeval e, CA . DDMC book drive For the generous support of motorcycling by the Veterans of For eign Wars , Lomita Post #1622 . in lending th e DDMC the use of its hall on the night of Nov . 3 for its 20th Anniversary Grand Prix trophy presentation. we would like to propose that in support of one o f the VFW ' s fav orite philanthrophies - the visitation of patients at Veterans Hospitals - th e participants in th e presentation assist the DDMC in the collec tio n of used paperback books to be donated to VFW Post #1662 at the trophy presentation. The participa tion of you trophy winners in th is excellent cause will be most d eeply appre ciated by all concerned . NEAL HANSEN DDMC Torrance, CA Head Chicken rides again We at Chicken Ranch Racing have given up . For all you road racing fans , th e 750cc Honda GP has run its last race: Laguna '78 . Due to the lack of int er est and money, we can't com pete with it any longer. We have retired Fat Albert . We don't know just what we will be doing with our 250cc Seeley GP . Maybe Gr eg Andrus will be riding it again next year. You will have to wait and see . This old rooster has decided to stop racing but on Nov . 25 I will be joining some of my feathered friends on an . unorganized Ba rstow to Vegas trail ride on another Honda four stroke. (You would see me rid ing somet hing else ?) This one is an other one of our trick four stroke rs, but this time 1 am go ing to rid e a nd Greg will be along on his stoc k SL125. 1 want to in vite all Chicken Ra nch ers and fan s to joi n me on my 42nd b irthday trail rid e party. 1 hope to join some of the other barnyard fowls on th is fest ive d ay a nd sha re some ca ke . Anyo ne wantin g to sha re m y birthday with m e, drop me a line. KEN HEUSER Head Chicken Chicken Ranch Racin g 5300 Roseville Rd . North Highlands. CA 95660 Duck YS. BlM comment Concerning this matter of the Desert Duck vs. the faceless minions of the Government. 1 fail to understand why KGB ta cti cs should be used to deprive United States ci tizens of their lawful rights . As far as 1 kn ow . it is perfectly correct to go hav e a nice ride on dirt roads and what's th e harm in that ? Using U .S . Intell igence Service to track down a man much less harmless than N'x'n (in fact they got the Duck sooner) looks to me very much like the onset of totalitarian rule. assuming that any of you bothered to read your history books . Hav ing lived in a couple of real police states, 1 ca n tell you that they are real police states because the bureaucracy has completely taken over. In England , for example, you ca n't even roast weenies in the back ya rd, let alone hang out the laundry on any but specified days, without a permit. 1 don't have to tell you that sort of climate is rapidly coming to pass here. And you can also see where the heavily socialized states rank as World powers . All th is prejudice against dese rt motorcycl ist s came about in the Forties even when large numbers of off- road bikers jus t didn't bother to licens e their machines, let along pa y money for regis tration . Politicians love m on ey, especially money that isn't theirs . I~ lets th em bu y expensive boats and fiddle trips to Acapulco and get a new leisure su it every month and even run for Pr esident. The Politicians looked at all these und isciplined bik ers , lawless to a man (i.e. pay ing nothing because th e cycle wasn't used on th e st reet) and vowed vengeance. We are getting that vengeance now . There are only two things politicians understand. The first is money. lots of it , as th e Koreans (to name just one instance ) found out. If the big motorcycle factories took big ads in all the papers and discreetly funnelled bags of gold to th e rel evant legislators. the heat would b e off in stantly. Ecology! environmen t! d aisy sn iffers , etc. . are just a blind . If th e redwood cutters can get what they want ou t of National Parks via " influence," what's stopping the motorcycle rnanufac turers? Th e second thing pol it ic ians understand is being tossed ou t of office by not being re-elected. Refrain for voting for any in cumbent and keep that up until they get the message. Even Presidents are sensitive about going back to th e farm whil e somebody else gets all the glory . HENRY N . MANNEY Corona del Mar. CA Far-ewell salute to Dave Doney It 's so easy for us to take things for granted. such as Rescue 3 always showing up for the ra ces , or the snowcone man there with shade and ice water, but we never seem to get around to sa ying thanks to either of them . This applies to the unknown people who have helped us with bike problems during a race and we never seem to look them up and tell them thank you . We also thoughtJ.N ., Mitch Ma yes. Larry Roeseler and Tom Brooks would always be around , but they aren't and we m iss them greatly, The consolation is we can call them on the phone and keep in touch. The people of th e desert have lost a very spe cial pe rson. He was so dear to so many . young and old al ike , giving inspiration , advise and kindness to anyone associated with him . I'm talking about David Doney who left us last week following a des ert race . 1 for one wish 1 could have had the chance to tell him how much 1 admired . respected , and yes. loved him because he represented everything it takes to be a great person. Martha , we all send you our deepest sympathy and hope the memories of the past make tomorrow a lot brighter. Let 's all take a second look at what we stand for. Let 's do and say the things that need to be while they can be appreciated . GARYLAUDIG Littlerock. CA

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