Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 10 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in Perker. There wRI be a t200 first prize. Contact Up- TIte HUllqV8rns at 7141836-7277 If you have any. uh. questions. P"""l P"""l I-< il,) ..0 o ... u o Tom's back I Former Cycle N. . . Generel Manager Tom Culp will mum .. Marketing Director. effective Oct. 16, following a four-year ltint In advertiling ..I.. at Argus Publllhing. CN Publisher Sharon Clayton welcomed Culp's return ItIIting. "Tom's previous experience at Cycl. N.... hlsunderlt8ndlng of the working. of a weekly newspeper and hie knowledg. of the motorcycle Industry qualify him .. an excellent choice for the position of Marketing Director:' 7 appointment with his doctor; he expect to live at home in San Mateo as an out-patient holding his hospital time to one or two visits weekly. The new Can-Am Qualifier II One Is led by the 370 labovel. The Qualifier lI's feature an MX-c frame. fency headlight. Marzocchl and Girting suspension. wlde-retlo gearbox and Preston Petty fendltf'll. The Qualifier II comes In 17&.2&0 and 370cc vltf'llions. The 2&0 and 370cc MX-6l1'18chines are balic:8l1y unchanged except for an Inch longer swlngerrn and air caps on the 10W' trevel Marzocchi forks. ' HUlqvarna·. Dick Burlelon. unofflcl8lly. hal regained the AMA National Champlonlhlp Enduro SerteI pcMnt st8l1dlllglleed. 141-132 over Teem Suzukl'l Ted Worrell. Burluon topped the Oct. 1 Black Co8I Encbo In Evensville. IN. with a 2&-polnt lcore. HUlky·. Bob Popiel reportedly won the AA cI8a with 32 points; Worr.1I took MCOnd In the AA cI8a. In the final AMA Regional Half Mile of the year at Oklahoma' City, OK , Keith Ulicki took the win over Phil Darcy and 'Phil McDonald, all HarleyDavidson mounted. Donnie Jones topped the Junior segment of the Oct. 1 event, and Ronnie jones came out on top of the Novice heap. California Racing Club's Cal City GP has city council approval and Is slated to run on Nov. 5; look for an entry blank in next week's CyC'. N.... 2 In the continuing race to be "The Fastest." American Turbo-Pak rider Scott Hansen took his modified Kawasaki ZI ·R TC to a new World Record at Bonneville in the APS-AB 1300 class. Hansen was clocked at 198.467 in his fastest one-way run; his record -breaking average was 197.573 mph which easily shattered the old record of 178.359 mph. It's interesting to note that the ATP ZI -R TC did the trick on gasoline. and that they were running in a fuel class! Don V.sco and hie douba-ngln.d Kaw...kl atre8mllner are at It IIgBlnl This time. ren off with felt time of the meet at the 1978 Bonn.vllle Sp.ed W.ek f8etIvItIe•• turning In a timed mile speed of 333.117. It w.. e higher speed than any other vehicle-twowheeled or four-at the fI8tI. Stuntwoman Marcia Holley piloted Vesco's "Lightning Bolt" streamliner, with one KZIOOO motor disconnected, to a new record in the single-engine streamliner class. Marcia dialed in two runs at 228.397 and l!30.526mph for a 229.61 average. In doing so, she became the fint woman to break into Bonneville's elite 200mph Club . Holley easily broke Jack Wilson's record, set in 1977 with a Triumph, of 183.957mph. Barry Sheene put his SuzukI out In front of an Internetlonel field to win 'the Oct. 1 Mallory Perk Race of the Vear ov.r t.ammate Wil Hartog. Kenny Roberts, reportedly exPerIencing steering, took third on hi. works Vemaha. Welcome home Pat! Pat Hennen , according to Suzuki 's public relations department, returns home to the USA on Tuesday, Oct. 3, passing through Los Angeles before catching a commuter flight connection to San Francisco. Hennen has a Friday The continental motocrOll reports have Gaston Rahler definitely signing with Yamaha. Akira Watanabe electing to stey with Suzuki. and new Suzuki teamster Gltf'lIrd Rond trying to get on the 500cc team, over the objection of Roger DeCoster. DeCoster Is upset that Rond's father hal been picked .. team I1'I8nager for 1979. Other rumors have Harry Everts. keen to ' leave Bult8co. tntlng a prototype Italian Bata for contention in the 500cc World MotocrOll Championship. Quaker State Oil will sponsor a $3,000 winner· take-all match race at the Coca-Cola Bottlers Motocross Finals at Anaheim Stadium Nov. 1'1. Called the "Shotgun Showdown," the race will be a six-lap affair pitting Supercross Series event winners Bob Hannah, Marty Tripes, Jimmy' Ellis and Mike Bell. If someone other than the aforementioned riders wins the Anaheim race. he will be included in the Shotgun Showdown. The Bureau of Land Management" after !reeking down the Phantom Duck of the DeMrt through the U.S. Intelligence Service, has threatened him with a mns arrest of anyone who shows up for the annual, unorganized Thanksgiving weekend trail ride from Barstow to Las Vegas. The Duck has a meeting scheduled with BLM officials this week: we'lI keep you posted. . The morning after the Ascot half mile, Alex Jorgensen and sponsor Ron Woods were having a late breakfast at Hofs Hut in Irvine and came out to find both their vans stolen. The two silver Dodge Maxi vans contained Alex's leathers and helmet, tools, wheels and the two famous red Nortons that Jor81 rides in AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series events, plus the whole Woods racing kit . The license plate for jorgensen's van is IG20837, and Woods' van carries a lC43115 license plate. Both are California plates. Anybody with information is requested to call Woods at 714/5462901 or 714/644-2225 . . The . West Valley Occupational Center Is offering a motorcycle mechanics course that students can complete In two semuters. The course. held each day from 7:00 a.m. to 1:46 p.m.. allots maximum time to "working on customer's motorcycles, not just mock-ups or demo engln.s:· according to Instructor Dale Martin. A reglstretlon fee of .16.60 COVltf'll the entire year. with an additional clals fee of .16 per lern8lter. Contact the Wut Valley Occupational Canter. 6200 Winnetka Ave.. Woodland Hills. CA. 213/346-3540 for additional Info. Oh yeah. one of Wut Valley's alumni Ie Steve Storz. who tunes T.d Boody's machinery on the Camel Pro circuit. It 'll be party time October 7 at the San Fernando VFW Hall located at 111 Hager in the San Fernando Valley (CA). Everyone's invited to come on out and help soak up $1,000 worth of suds that California Assembly' candidate Bob Hayes will provide for. the pre-election festivities. You can show up early and help distribute literature or show up later and simply; socialize when they break out the beerabout noon. The course will belimed from San Fernando Road and MiCIay, in the Valley. The Dirt Diggers M.C. will be unable to hold their rncheduled Red Garter enduro on Oct. 22. .. they had planned. Why~ Applications for ' permits from various government agencies were approved. except for the Department of Ash. Game and WlldUfe. who elregged their ...11 10 long the Dirt Diggers ren out of time. So now, the Dirt Diggers are planning for a March 79 datIt; HosPITal STOP: Speedway riderPorky McCabe crashed at the World Speedway qualifier in Sacramento on Sept. 25, suffering _a severed spinal cord . He's currently undergoin therapy at Rancho Los Amigo Hospital , 7601 E. Imperial Hwy., Downey , CA . We're sure that car and letters will be appreciated.I, ~ Hopetown is not necessarily alive and well as reported in last week's Latest Poop column. Check out the Dirt Diggers' letter from Russ Brothers in the Voices column on p. 4 for details. Up-Tite Husqvarna will be lPOnsor-' ing at wat T-shirt contest the day after the Parker 400 at the Sundance near the Colorado River (Continued to page

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