Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; NORnIERN DAmlNE ~ 250 PRo: 1. Rick Gage (Honl; 2. Duane Mark.. ISUl); 3. Tracy Pricken (Hon!. OPEN A: 1. Pat Gun.. (Vam); 2. Bob Lich tv (Vam); 3. J ohn Dreher lV aml. OPEN PROS: 1. Gory Kuest (Vam); 2. M ike Kane (Vam); 3. Scan Karr (Suz). t 00 l' Cheney cleans Canada trial 0') ..... By Dave Cooper WINDSOR , CANADA, JULY 9 Sunday was a MOTA fun trial hosted by the Windsor Motorcycle Club at their grounds in Ontario. The grounds are , Duane Marker Iellds Leon McDonald at Woodside's hot 125cc Pro class. Marker leaves Woodside mark By Roger Kane SANDPOINT. lD ,JULY 16 Getting ready to compete in a series of National races on the East Coast , top young Pro Duane Marker pulled into • I 34 Woodside witha bouquet of'Suzukis to ride th ree classes. Practice bikes, race bikes and spare bikes all sa t fanned ou t and a imed a t the track. Not onl y that , but th ere was Mom , Pop , Grandma , Grandpa , a bunch of other riders an d a who le bunch of gu ys with light red jackets who looked like they kn ew what motocross was all about . It was enough to make th e faint -hearted di ve under their vans, but th e Ma rkers and crew were all nice people. They're organized , and most im port a nt Duane Marker is indeed a good rider. The track , which had been freshly graded and well wat ered , was very fast. A cool overcast day was comforta ble for the riders and the racing was furious. The 125cc A class ran with the Pros, pitching 25 bikes into the first tum . Ken Peterson (Suz) squ irted out first , followed closely by Tracy Prickett (Yam), Duane Marker (Suz), J eff Anderson (Suz), and Leon mcDonald . McDonald shot into first by lap three, when suddenly his rear brake cable came loose and flopped about. Marker . and Prickett moved ahead of McDonald until he got the hang of riding without a rear brake and concentrated on the throttle aga in. He rode that way seven laps , closing in on Marker at the finish , followed by Pri ckett, Anderson and Karl La nd rus (Ya m ). Anderson led the first fou r laps in the second moto, followed by Marker , Peterson and McDonald . McDonald delighted local fans by putting a move on Anderson in the fifth lap and hanging on for the win and a 2-1 finish for the da y. Marker was second with 12, and Anderson's 4·3 ga ve him th ird overall. It was Kevin Cool ey (Suz) 1-1, Larry Fogg (Hon) 2-2 and Mike Calhoon (Kaw) 4-3 in the 250cc class , and they looked sharp doing it. Rick Gage (Hon), also preparing to get back into the Nationals, won both motos in a small but fast 250cc Pro race . Marker (Suz) was 3-2, wh ile T racy Prickett (H on) went 2-3 . Marker rode his thi rd ra ce in the Open class which had 22 A and Pro riders roaring off the line. He won the first moto, followed by Ga ry Kuest " (Yam), Scott Ka rr (Su z), Pat Gunter (Ya m) and Mike Kane (Ya m). In the second moto Marker's bik e got sick arid he rode a round near the back of the pack. Up front it was Gary Kuest opening up a lead while Mike Kane and Pat Gunter tormented each other in second and t hird. The rain , which held off all day, sta rt ed to come do wn and the track started getting tricky. About mid-race Kane passed Gunter for the last time and started to reel in Kuest. He passed him in the seventh lap and hung on for the win . . Final standings in the A class wer e Gunter I -I , Bob Lichty (Yam) 2-3, and John Dreher 5-4. Kuesttopped the Pros with 2·2 ' finishes, followed by Kane 4-1 and Karr 3 -3. Results J R MINI: 1. Kelly Butl er (Suzl ; 2. Mark Simmen IItal; • 3. Brad Jeffery 11'01. M INI: 1. Chad Jellery (Vaml; 2. Rustv Vama moto (Yam) ; 3. Brian Ellington (Yam ). l00cc: 1. Mark Leonat'd (Ya m); 2. Brad Trembley (Suz); 3. Scott Van Oitoo (Yam ), 125 V. b: 1. Brad Bailey (Vam); 2. Glen Russell (Vaml ; 3. Jay Fost er (Vam!. . 125 A: 1. Dale Holcomb IS u.z) 2. Stan M orton (Yam ); ; 3. Pat Rnch lVaml. 12S PRO: 1. leon M cDonald (Yam l; 2. Duane Mar ker (SUlI; 3. Jell Anderson (SUlI . 250 A : I . Kevin Cooley (S uzl; 2. Larry Fogg {Hanl; 3. Mike Calhoon (Kaw l. small and fairly level, but the Golden brothers, Tom and Ron, made very good use of what they had . The event was in preparation of their upcoming championship event. Most of the sections were tight and slippery and a few had very deep water. There were also two rock sections cons isting of broken concrete and just to prove it was a " fu n" trial, one of the sections was a car. II looked like a '67 Mercury and the Seniors and Experts rode up the hood, across the roof, off the trunk and then made a tum and went back across the trunk from side to side. All classes had eight sect ions . five times except the Sen iors and Experts, who had nine sections six times. The Novice class was won by Lawrence McComb with a total of seven points. Ehll Loveland smoked the Junior class , putting 20 points between his first place 47 and second place's 67 . In the Sportsman class there was a tie with 51 po ints. Ste ve LaBell won on three's, riding a 123 Montesa with a Honda motor. In another no t so close one, P.J. Iden won the Senior class with 92 points. Premier award went to Terry Cheney, who put in a super ride. but complained after the event he didn't need all those ones . Thirteen of his 23 points were ones . -Result s EXPERT: 1. Terry Cheney (Bull 23; 2 . W ayne Woloschuk IVam) 37; 3. Bob Hopkins (Bull 48; 4. Neal Trevorrow (Bul) 91 . SENIO R: t . P.J . Iden (Bull 92; 2. Richard Walsh IBul) 12 5; 3. Dave Krctchel (8uIl171 ; 4. Bob Hartbarger (VamI 179; 5. Daniel Mock1Bu1l1 95. SPORTSMAN: 1. Steve laBell (M onl 51; 2. Dave Cooper (Vam) 51; 3. Mike Carty IManl 55; 4. Chuck Howard (Vam) 64; 5. Tom Gusta irs (Yaml 71. . JUNIOR: 1. Ehll Loveland IBull 47 ; 2. Mike Sofia lVaml 67; 3. St eve Clodfe~er (Bull 68 ; 4. Robert Velsner IBull 71; 5. Mark Remaley (Kaw) 75. NOV ICE: 1. Lawrence McComb (Vam) 7; 2. Don Lusk IBu ll 9; 3. Ken Harris IBull 10; 4. Chu ck Tyre ll IKawl 23; 5. Pha Carpool... (Vam ) 27; 6. Richard Townley (Bull 27 . futile . Sargent had the checkers before the two attackers could even find him. Sargent pulled the holeshot when the second moto started and carried his unchallenged lead for the overall win. Burrows managed to out dice Rucker and took second. Rucker stopped th e attack of Randy Evans (Yam) and copped th ird. Kim Jensen (Suz) cut through the pack of 250cc Pros off the line then gave it up when he slid out. Todd Burrows (Yam) picked it up, but Eldon Copier (Hon) dropped in and Randy Sargent (Yam) slipped by on the inside to take second. Burrows retreated back to third, only to experience more difficulties with Steve Taggart (Ya m) . Meanwhile , Copier and Sargent indulged in their own duel until Copier grabbed the top spot with a corner cut and flew to the checkers, Sargent made one more attempt, but the checkers acknowledged his second place finish. Taggart passed Burrows on the last left-hand corner to gain third . Copier took off for the lead when the second moto got underway and held it good mark until his bike stalled, Sargent picked up the lead and began his charge towards the checks. Copier restarted in time to grasp second, but an unforseen rut put an end-o to his ride. The onslaught of approaching racers put Copier on the endangered spec ies list and there was no time to make a mad dash for the sidel ines. He made ' his sta nd in the center of the track and saved himself with some fancy manuvering. Sargent fin ished the race and pocketed the top bucks, Detlef. Schwurack (Mai) held second and Burrows snagged third , Close competmon and skirmishing erupted when the 125cc Pros hit the track and Stan Wynhof(Suz), Eldon Copier (Suz) and Ken Archibald (Suz) slammed into the first turn with a version of th ree blind mice . The threesome ran bar-to-bar until Wynhof shot awa y with the lead, leaving Copier and Archibald to jock for second. A radical move for the holeshot put Archibald in the lead the second time around , but he soon bit the dust. Copier paced his mount toward the checks while Wynhof stomped around with the revived Archibald. Wynhof got his foot inside the door first and rode away with second as Archibald maintained a steady third . Result s Sargent marches to Bonneville victory By M ax ie A bernethy SALT LAKE CITY , UT, JUNE 30 The coolness of the evening hour ascended and the racers prepared for the Friday night-ocross at Bonneville Raceways, appropriately 'e nd ing the month with intense act ion . A full moon dazzled the normal cautions of the Open Pro class as they blasted the gat e and headed for "crasher corner " in a wide -open trance . A tangled mess resulted and four bikes ended up imbedded in the berm , Randy "Super-charged" ... Sargent (Yam) managed to evade the mess by' sliding around the pi le-up , and ga ined a half-track lead , Shane Burrows (Yam ) and Joel Rucker (Mai) pursued the disappearing mirage that held the lead , but th eir efforts were MINI EX: 1. Neil Crosby lVam); 2. Kelly Archibald ISuz); 3. M Ofk Gren lVa m). MI NIINT: 1. Wa" en Lewis lVaml; 2. J eff Thompson lV am); Shane Wilde lVaml . . • MINI JR 11 2-16): 1. Bradley Lewis lVam); 2. Travis Ouffery (Vam); 3. Ty J ohnson lV am). M INI JR (7·11 ): 1. Mi ke S' Ofks (Suzl; 2. Greg Solne< (Suzl; 3. Los Fowl.. (Vam! . 100 JR: 1. Steve Clark (Vam); 2. Corey Kiesel lVam); 3. Bob Thomas lVam). 100 INT : 1. Neil Clasby lVam); 2. St eve Ray (Vam); 3. Michael Freeman (Ya ml. 125 PRO: 1. Eldon Copier (SUz); 2. Stan Wynhol (Suzl; 3. Ken Archibald (Suzl. 125 INT DIV I: 1. Gavin Winn (Suzl; 2. Mark Hopkins (Suz); 3. Keith B _s (Sull. 125 INT DIV II: 1. Troy eo. (Suz); 2. David Smith (Vam); 3. Ron M errill (Honl . 125JR DIV I: 1. Mark Au~ (Vaml ; 2. Lynn Worwooct (Vaml; 3. Ross W ilson ISUlI. 125 JR OIV II: 1. Olav Richins (SUlI ; 2. Danny Jo l1nso n (Suzl ; 3. Mark Anderson ISUll. 125 'J R DIV III: 1. Van Peterson IKaw); 2. Frank Welch (Suzl; 3. Ooug Webb (SUl). 125 JR DIV IV: 1. Re. M6ers IVaml; 2. Andy Theurer (Yam); 3. Keith Biesinger (Yam) . 250 PRO: 1. Randy Sargent (Vam); 2. Detlel Schwurack {Mail; 3. Todd Burrows (Yaml. 250 INT: 1. Ken Cristiansen (Yam); 2. Neil Hilto n IKawl; 3. Craig Smith (Yam) . 250 JR OIV I: I . Garn Arnold (Vam); 2..Mark W ilson (Ma i); 3. Marc Brow n (Hont 250 JR OIV II: 1. Brad Child (Honl ; 2. Scan Earl (Yam) ; 3. Ted Stewart lsuz ). OPEN PRO: 1. Randy Sarg ent (Vaml ; 2. Shane Burro ws lYam); 3. Joel Rucker (Mai) . OPEN INT : 1. Lynn VanderMerwe ISUlI; · 2 . Stan Smith (Yam) ; 3. Craig Kunkel (M ail . OPEN JR : 1. Rob Rob inson (Mai); 2. Albert Benognolli (Ma i); 3. Harold Wing lYam).

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