Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 17 of 47

CN: Last time we got together for an interview you were new to the harness, but you had some plans for improving the lot of the pro racers. promoters and the AMA in general. So far. what have you accomplished and how's it going? OM: I think we've made substantial progress on several fronts . One thing I !"anted to do was to bring more sponsors into AMA racing and with more sponsors, more money. We 've been very fortunate in being able to renegotiate the Mr . PiBB contract for 1978 from a $6,000 point fund in the 500cc class only in 1977 to a $30,000 point fund ($10,000 in each class - 125cc, 250cc and 500cc) . I think if there's a highlight to what I've done so far in sponsorship, it's bringing in the Toyota deal. Renaming the Stadium Motocross Series the Toyota Supercross Series , providing substantial promotional funds for promoters and a $50 ,000 point fund for competitors. That is, I think, a very big highlight. We 've also been fortunate to bring aboard Nikon Cameras as the official camera of the AMA. It's a very smaii dollar sponsorship deal, but it includes a Rookie of the Year award for each class of motocross and a Rookie ofthe Year award for the rookie Expert on the Camel Pro Series trail and the rookie Expert who did not go on the Camel Pro Tour but stayed at home and rode . It 's $500 for each of those categories. So there's something essentially for ev::rybo

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