Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By Patrick Behar With " King Kenny" Roberts re igning over the road race circuits of Europe , m any young American riders are d reaming of following his winning trail. Sa nta Clara , . CA 's 19- yea r -old Ra ndy Mamol a , however , is not just dreamin g . He's a lrea dy racing Europe. and next year he pla ns to contest the World Championsh ip Road Ra ce Series in the 250 , 350 an d maybe the supreme 500cc class, as he pu ts it , "if we find a motorcycle ." On the July 1-2 weekend , Mamola enjoyed an easy and very convincing victory du ring the annual American Federation of Motorcyclists' Golden Gate Challenge held at Sears Poin t International Raceway. On the following weekend, he and mechanic George Vukmamovich were in It aly where Randy raced on the Misamo circuit on 250 and 350cc Yam ahas borrowed from Bimota, the Italian frame manufacturer , A week later, he was back at Sears Point for the AMA Grand National Championship/Camel PTO Seri es road race . All th is travelli ng doesn 't seem to bo the r the young Californian . " I wan t to be World . Ch ampion," Randy said following his AFM victory. "T his yea r we are going to Europe for some of the races to get an ide a what it takes to win over there and to get used to the differe nt tracks. But next year, we will hit all the Grand Prix even ts and try to bri ng home one , to maybe several, World Championship titles ." Mamola approa ched the int ernationa l road racing scene in 1977 when his manager /sponsor J im Doyle took him to Imola to participa te in th e 250cc su pport class ra ce held in conjunct ion with the Italian F750 round held each year after Day tona . Randy was 17 years -old th en , and the organizers wouldn 't let him ride ; according to FIM rules, he had to be • 18 t o compete in an international event . Randy came hom e , but his popularity started growing in Europe as well as in the U.S. Two years prior to his Imola non debut, thanks to J im Doyle who has been helping Mamola since Ra nd y was l4-years-c!d ; Mamol a took his first titl e kc in TOad ra cing: the AFNi i :;75 I2! GP class. "T here were 12 races th at year ," Randy recalls, "and I won nin e of them ." Doyle used tha t title to get Randy entered in New Zealand and Australian events later th at year as an American 125cc cha mpion . T he 1978 season thusfar has seen Mamola finish second to Greg g Hansford in the 250cc International Lightweight TOad race at Da ytona. He also claimed a fourth placing at Paul Ricard in the same class during a F750 World Championsh ip meet. • -.. SlPllllaB15,18,17. I • Sanctioned by" • World Championship 750cc motorcycle race on the fu112.5 mile Grand Prix track of Canada's premier road course. Riders from North and South America and Europe • Confirmed entries Kenny Roberts, Steve Baker, and Yvon DuHamel • Expect Johnny Cecotto, Gregg Hansford, Christian Sarron and others. Q1.1A ORDER FORM SUPERTICKET Regula r Gate Pfl ce ~ Fnd ay Genera l Adm iSSion Saturday General Admi SSIon Sunda y General Adm ission Sat urday Gra ndstand (Res'd) Sunday Grands ta nd (Res 'd) Gaso line Alley & Padd ock Reserved Ca mping To tal Value Plea se send me _ _ _ Supernckets 'ifJ S20 _ __ Wee kend ers 'I t S15 _ _ _ Race Day @$ 10 _ __ Saturday Grand stand i t $3 Indicat e Start -finish ( l o r Bac kst raig htaw a y • l _ _ _ Sonda y Grand stand J~ 55 Ind icat e Start-Finish n o r Bac kstr aightaway , I $ 41 Nam e $3 S8 $10 53 55 $10 All For Only $20 Only 7500 AVlila!ll · e by' dvance saleonly _ ZIp Code' Tot al Value 53 sa $ 10 ~ $33 All For Only $15 Available onlr by adva sa nce le ~ _ . - Pro vince or Sta te _ Telephone No RegUlar G ate Pnc e $ 10 _ Add re ss' Postal or FrldaV General Adm ISSIon Sat urda y G eneral Adm iSSion Sunday G eneral Ad mi SSion Gaso line Alle v Reserved Ca mp Ing N B.: It pu rChasing "Supernc eete" Indica te pre ferr ed Grand sta nd Start .f"inish [ ] Backstralghta way , I -.,, City' WEEKENDER _ _ _ Camping dl $1 per person/night _ _ _ 1 group t ic ket purc ha se. please In dica te 1 num ber of ca mpsites reQUired lJ ' _ (Area Cod e) Encl osed IS $ _ fo r m y order or char ge It. II U.II Order Form .nd P.yment t o : Credit Card Number Mosport Park limit ed , 1905 Aven ue Road. Toron to. Ontario. Canada . MSM 3Z9 Telephone (416) 781-6626 Expiration Date 3. S,gna ture - '' - - 17

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