Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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4th Annual World Championship Hillelimb liIl Sunday, July 30 • DeAnza Cycle Park ~ $3,000 Purse Stock & Super Modified Classes Gate $5.00 Also same day DeAnza MX July 30 Gate price will be discounted to motocrossers with race sign·up . Free camping info: 7.4"S3-S8~O eveninas ~ SPEEDWAY BIKES European Style Quarter Mile EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT First Race 8PM Free Parking tor Bikes ICHAM PIONSHIP-1 1EVENTS Grand Nationall Camel Pro 8120 , 325 mph! That's DonVesco's Bonneville target this year. Don't miss the article on his doubleKZ1000 Kawasaki streamliner in next week's Cycle News. i_,~ . I i I ' i !, ' _, ; I I I • I I i;t'~:r:~~~::~~~HTS'· · · ·· ..· " · .. 5Inise Valley Cycle Park Post Entry On ly $7 Sportsmen $10 Pro s 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS (formerly 395 Cycle Park) , I Sportsmen $8 Mail $10 Po st Pros $12 Ma il $15 Post EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT ' ! Bosch su_r Series I I In dia n Dunes Pos t Ent ry Only $7 Sportsmen $10 Pros • lsl & 3n1 SUNDAY .dab.. I Rac ing World Po st Entry On ly A .M.:£. $8 Sportsmen $12 Pro s ~ .!'!!'!!'!'!'!'I- Membership Required Adelanto, Calif. i Indian Dunes All new course Moto-X and Team Race All Classes JULY 30th 9/17 9124 °130 Dragbike Drag Racin~ Monday OPEN MOTOC ROSS PRACTICE Saddleback Park , Orange. CA. Motocross Irac k grad ed a nd watered every Monday for practice . Pa rk open form 8 a.m. 10 6:30 p .m. Gale e ntry $4.50 pe r bike . 714/558-1584. 8120 9/23 MI ST TT RR HM MI MI RR MI HM MI HW Toyota Supercross 714-887·1556 7i4-245-7339 'I........i Syracuse. NY Kent . WA Epp ing . NH las Vegas. NV Gainesville, FI Mr. PiBB 125cc MX Escoheg. RI St . Joseph. MO Charlone, NC SI. Pet ersburg. Fl 816 8113 8120 8127 Tuesday IDBA Drag Racing as-s S t . Louis. MO Memphis. TN Gulfport . MS 9122 ·24 101 13-15 Olympiad 91 17 Orange. CA S.C.O.R.E. OFF Road Events 8I2ft-27 10/lHl 1119-1 2 Riversid e , CA Parker. fIJ. Baja. CA Escoheg. RI 816 SI. Joseph. MO Charlon e. NC St. Petersburg. Fl 8113 8120 8fV World Championships 7130 lexington. OH Buc hanan. MI Unadma. NY Axton. VA S t. Peters. MO Da llas . TX Sonoma. CA National Enduro Series Eastern Region Finland 8J6 8120 8126 911 0 Belgium • Holland America Canada W es t Ger ma ny (formerly 395 Cycle Park) Adelanto, Calif. MotG-X radnc 1st and 3rd Sundays each month $8 Sportsllllln - 30% trophies Ameday $12 [xpert· cash JNI)'bM:k 50 % troph ies to Mini & Vets Free overnight parking gates open 7 am, practice 8 am, 1st race 9:30 14-887·1556 714-245-7339 8113 9124 t t /5 Ithaca, NY ~ter, OH Cinnaminson. NJ SOOcc MX Central Region 816 8113 8127 lon Befgium Luxembourg Ho lland 250ccMX EvansY;lIe. IN Potosi. MO Brok en MOW. OK 10/1 5 11112 .----Kawasaki---" Cood Time National AUC5Minibike Natioual AuC·6Motorcycle National Western Reg ion 125cc MX Prairie Dawgs MC Dou ble Crossers MC Mt.llaI. CA. 1-805 CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Ascot Rcwy.• Gardena. CA. and 405 Fwys. Prac . starts 6:00 p.m. , sign ups until 6:30 . t st race 7:30 . Buy entry a t gate. $8 pro P.B., trophies. CMC Usc. reqd. 2131323-1142 8113 8127 7129-30 8119-20 912·3 919-10 911 6-17 9123-24 1018 10/1 5 10/14·15 D-36 NIGHT MOTOCROSS Petaluma Spdwy.• Hwy . 101 W a s hin g S t . tu rn o ff. Petaluma . CA. AMA. D-36 rules. Entry $8. Ex. $10 . $00 % Ex. P.B.. Trophies. Gales open 4:30 pm, prac. 6. race 7. 70717632911 . America S weden Finland Russia S pain Czechoslovakia 8120 S weden 8fV 9124 Czechoslovakia FtnIand SPEEDWAY RACING San Inland S peedwa y. Bernardino. CA. Class A. First race 8 e.m. 2131446-0969. FlAT TRACK & TT Carano Rcwy. Carano. CA. H91 & Buconon. AIlcas-. ()pen money race, 30% tr o ph~. Entry Sptsmn $4 . $5 money races. ... gate adm . Adults $2.50 • .k s. $2 . Gates open 5:30 p.m .. races 7:30 . 7141689-1913. .7JS.1705. Akeley. MN McM inny;lIe. OR Rose City. MI Riclimond. CA Observed Trials Speedway PrlIc:tk:e [very Sunday Mlnlcycle Racine Assn. MX [very 2nd & 4th Sundays Cal~omia A. 1.2. 3 Diy. 12% Pu rse and to 7130 8113 8120 8127 National Reliability Trials Series Cycle News every week ! RACING Ventur a Coun ty Fairgrounds. Har bor Observed Trials Stntse Valey Cycle Pail NS~SPEEDWAY Ventura. CA. H-10 1 off at Britain W est Germany Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Formula 150 8128 913 9110 9/17 9124 CRC MINI MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. AU mini dasses. 30 % trophies. mad ins, memb rqd . 213J8307519. Wednesday Road RaceGP Trans-AMA 9124 1011 1018 10115 10122 10129 11/5 CRC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes . Valencia. CA. All classes. Pro P.B., lTophies to sptsm n. Entr y $8. $ 13 Pro . Mem b rqd.: med coy . Prac . 6:30 p.m .. rece 8. 21318J().75 19. Handicap bonuses. Entry $7. Adm. $3.50. $2.50 . $.50. Gal es open 6:30. fIrSt race 8 p.m . Free parking and programs. 714164ft8491. Mr. PiBB 500cc MX 1018 10122 10129 11/5 11112 s.nctioned J Union Grove , WI Minneapolis. MN Freemont. CA 919-tO 1017-8 10121·22 11/16-t9 tOil Free overnight parking AME. PO Box 1421. Reseda. CA 91335 213-881·5771 .. ... .._.* * .._._ , 8126 8127 913 9110 DuQuoin. Il Sa nt a F• • ll Peor ia. Il Pocono. PA Des Moin es. IA Indianapolis , IN Indianapolis. in Loudon. N.H. S yracuse. N.Y. Colu mbus. OH San Jose. CA Gar dena. CA WEEK 7129-30 8112·13 AMA Championships 7130 814 816 8113 EVERY l ex ington: OH College S ta tion. TX Char lone, NC Indianapolis . IN W entzville. MO Summrt Poin l. WVA Atlan ta. GA Hallet. 01( Rock ingham. NC WASHINGTON CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Puyall u p Rcwy. Puyal lup. WA . All classes. Entry $8. $t 3 Pro. Prac. 6. race 7 p.m. 2061531· 2652 . Thursday S PEEDW AY Ascot p" k. Gard ena. CA. 183rd St . a nd S . Vermont Ave . Pu rse $1275130%. Sig n up 5:30 p .m .. first rac e 8. 18 events. Fron t gat. $3.50 . $2.50. $1. under 9 free . w fadu lt. 2131321. 532 3. 32 3-5055. CMC NIGHT MOTOC ROSS Delta P..k. Portland. OR. f.5 North 01 Portland at Delta Park

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