Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Central Pipeline The course was dustless and in Bruce Sass came out to Pueblo w ith a 500cc Thumper and put on a fi ne RRshow. . Sass thumps M RA road race By George Chester PUEBLO, CO ,JULY 9 Ra ce day at Pueblo broke with the su n shining t hrough hund reds of sm all round clouds, which ga ve just en oug h cover to • c 38 b rin g the tempera tu re do wn to a comfortab le 80 . P r a ct ice we nt ge nerally withou t inci dent, although we m ay ha ve lost ou r favorite lady racer , Terry Wischoffer , to a broken shou ld er in a high-speed crash . The class of the day was on ce aga in Bruce Sass. Bruce decided to park his TZ for Sears Point, yet provided a great deal of exci tement a ll day lon g , stuffi ng his 500cc thumper up wit h TZs, KZ-IOOOs, Ducatis and anyone else, as he put together a series of seconds and th irds in Fo rmulas on e , two a nd th ree , along with a close seco nd in th e 655cc Cafe class. On th e last two races of th e d ay, th e nice little round clouds became one b ig b lack " m u t h a ." R a in started sprinkling in the second to last Formula One GP , pumpin g everyone 's adrenal in e more than was wanted as that race finish ed on a rat her greasy track . Bill Vickery (Vic kery Ya m) went on to tak e th e win on his Bonneville record -holding TZ-750 . T he following 655cc Ca fe race was ru n in the ra in wit h Charly Mc Donald disp laying superb ridi ng , and some c o nt~~lIed. sli d i n g u nd er poo r condi tions In a hard-fought race with Bruce Sass, second by less than a wheel. Charly (Big AI's, Vega T ool, Tea m 351 ) was rid ing his street 400 Honda , and left no doubt th a t it was riding and not horsepower that made the d iffe rence. The Formula Two ra ce was a su rp rise, as a rider who has shown a great deal of potential in the past put things together and rode a resurrect ed T R ·3 into first place. Br ian O 'Neill (Cycles of Boulder, O'Neill 's Wheels) 'was the win ne r , follo wed closely by Bru ce Sass (Vic kery Ya m) a nd Bill Vickery. . Fo~ula Three once agai n sa w a B.II VIckery, Bru ce Sass duel , with Bill taking the win . Keith Kiot a rode an excellent race in th e Formula Four after a series of bad lu ck and crashes on previous race dates, to take the win . Bruce Gibson (Vega Tool) showed both style a nd smoothness in winnin g both the 250c c Cafe and Production .cl a sses. Joel T ucker and Ri ck y Orlando- swapped first and second places throughout th e day, pu tt ing on some gr eat ra cing in th e process. These two spent most of the day with in just a bikelength of each other. The number one spot in Open Cafe was taken by the one and on ly Bruce , or as he is more aptly kn own , "Dr. Beaver" Enderly . Bea ver rides a bike which is prepared ou t of his own Z-I Ka wasaki tuning shop. Dave Korth ran awa y with th e 750cc Cafe class. Dan Schuste r a ne w com petitor th is year , finished t he day with firsts in both 750cc a nd O pen Produc tion . Results FORMULA I GP: 1. Bill VICkery; 2. Bruce End er1y; 3. Bruce Sass. FORMULA II; 1. Brian O'Neill; 2. Bruce Sass; 3. Bill VICkery. FORMULA III; . 1. Bill Vocke

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