Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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...- _._._._._._._._~._._._._._~._._ Western hotline [Continued from page 23) To or der just ch eck th e It em and color des lf ed []cz St y~ T.nk OWhIl e ORect OBlue QV ellow _S2995 {!]SUz Style T. nk _ _ O W Ukl hlle O Rect O Blue O VeUow_ S29.95 [l c z All'boa , Plasllc _ _ WhI1e onl y:' $1995 t!I MX Fron t Fende r While on ly (Fits Suzuki. Yamah., Hon da . CZ etc .] S 8 95 l!lChrom e Filler cap S 1.75 Ada $2 .0Cl l or handhng per or der . CallI . -es-ceets m usl add T OT A L ENC LOSED S N.... 6' sales la .. Ch e<:k Of mone., o rder o nty l stro Hautics Company _ 1015 M~mO't!J Or Santa Cla" . Ca 95050 _ Ad dr e s ~ (408) 748·2593 Cil y _ _ __ _ Sta te Winning Congratulations to Steve Eklund, current Camel Pro Series point leader, knows the . feeling. It also takes strong, durable, and fesponsive eqlMpment. We know that feeling. Z'p _ AAACYCLE CENTER ANAHEIM Now Open Monday Wl Husqvarna Co mplete Husky Parts & Service Ope n Mo n. . Sat. 9-6 286 0 E. Lincoln (Near Uncoln & 57 Frwy.l ) A na h e im . CA 714-630-6522 . get ,~ UW ~ 1Y "Hand Painted" Number Plates and Show the world 2650 S. E. Park Ave. Milwaukie, Ore. 97222 . " 503/653·1666 • 5127 Foothill Blvd. Oakland, CA 94601 415-53~327 LEARN MOTORCYCLE MECHUICS Two-year Degree Program For more information contact : Rogue Community College' 3345 Redwood Highway .JiI'ii 'jIIIl!lfJ Grants Pass. Oregon 9752 _ . . Aepr. .ntl"' Ket"ker Le.,... Wheels Wheels 01 Man 11135 Venowen 5 1. North Hollywood. CA 91605 (503 ) 479-5541 213-985-5000 ~ (fj'iIl - Holeshot? .~ Cooper RACING MOTORCYCLES uS '" DISTRIBUTOR Dealer Inquiry Invited 2Oll72 Currier Road W alnut. CA 91789 Service. Motorcycle Seles SEND 25C FOR INFORMATION P.O Box 5023 "N". Santa Barbera, Calil. 931OB . OLDER MODEL HONDA PARTS 15% Under Dealer Cost! U m it e d Supply Honda of 36th Street 26 ~ 3 100 N W 36th Stree t, Mid"" , Fl 3tb'634 4582 Telea: 68 11154 V fHON Parts 1714)598.1985 1714)59&-9100 Parts • Accessories 7eacJ 'n 7eavet, 1I}e.Jt 21163 E. Coloredo Blvd. ............ CA 91107 213·795·2711 _ _...J Samm y T a nn er Di s tr ib u t inq WBRI-TECH 2139242111 track was changed slightly at its north end and included some "tepee-styled" jumps which forced many riders to employ those spectacular. if heartstopping. front wheel landings. The 500cc Pros thundered off the line with Wheelsmith Maico's Jeff Jennings in front . Scott Gilman (Yarn) . maneuvered in front of him. though. and led the first lap . They were followed by Ty Richey (Yarn), Mike Tripes (Esc), Tony Wanket (Yarn) and Steve Walker (Yarn). Jennings went by Gilman on the next lap while Tripes did likewise to Richey. Wanket dropped back. moving Walker up a spot to chase Rich ey. On lap five , though . the order was Jennings . Gilman , Tripes and Walker as Ri chey crashed. The front four held thei r positions to rnoto's end. Gilman shot to the front in mota two with Jennings . Tripes and Walker a few seconds behind . Jennings gained a litt le grou nd on the next lap and Bill Jewell (Mota Meister Ma i) advanced to fou rth . tho ug h still some distance behind Tripes . By la p six. J ennin gs was press!ng Gilman he avily. their duel putttng them qu ite a ways in front of T ripes . J ennings made his mov e on th e lower part of t he cou rse in a bermed after th e do wn hi ll. left-bander Coming ou t of it. J ennings went to th e inside and accelerated. moving a breast of Gilman as they rea ch ed a slight bend to the rig ht. They clashed. tangling elbows, bars. and God knows wha t else . causing Gilman to bobble while Jennings gassed it into the lead. Gilman dropped it in the next comer , but was up and away without losing another position. Jennings appeared to have both the moto and overall wins sewed up . However, just before completing lap 13, he pulled off the track , his Maico's rear wheel not in the same plane as the front. a pparently the victim of a broken swingann. With that. Gilman inherited first , being followed across the line by Tripes. J ewell, Tim Marsh (Mai) a nd Jim Lowe (Mai) . In the first 250cc Pro moto, Gary Denton took his Suzuki through the first few turns in the lead , but lost it completing the first lap in seventh place. . Tim Tolar (Cross Up Suz) , Floyd Burke (FG Yarn ), Tim Lunde (Mai) and Fritz Schlegal (Suz) were among those who went by Denton. A possible factor in Denton's fall back was a first lap crash which involved Dave Williams (Mai). Gilman and others. Williams got the brunt of it, leaving him with a neck and ann that were used for traction . By lap two , Lunde and Jennings (who carne from sixth) both passed Burke. Jennings set his sights on Lunde, slipped by and went after Tolar. On lap seven. the order was . Jennings, Tolar. Denton and Burke. Lunde had crashed , putting him back in seventh , but got back on it and charged to fourth by lap nine. O n lap 12, J en nings was force d out by a fla t tire. For the second time; in the m oto, Denton fell back. too . At the checkered, it was T olar. Lunde, Schlega l and Steve Blackm a n (Han) . Tolar led the first six laps of the second moto , Gilman took over after t hat . though, coming from fourt h at the start and just rid ing for the heck of it. Denton- and Bla ckman were in third and fourth until Dent on passed Tolar and lap nine, holding that spot to the end. Cliff Lett (Yarn) led the 125 Pros fr om the drop of . t he ga te to the checkered in the first mota. De n to n put the pressure on late in the mota , but couldn't pass him. Tim Locey (Yarn), Pau l Emerson (Suz) and Rick Johnson (Yam) followed the lead pa ir . Emerson must have liked Lett's sty le because he led the entire second moto . Lett pursued until the gearbox on his Yamaha went south. Denton eagerly snapped up the opportunity to advance to second and . Johnson found himself in third. Ga ry Tomlin and Dave Miller, both Su zu ki mounted , diced until Miller saw his chance on lap 11 and switched places with Tomlin . Results M JR: 1. Troy D INI anhamISUll; 2. T.O. Swets (Suz); 3. Hank Erler (Suzl . M INI INT: 1. David Crigler (Suzl. M EX: 1. JohnK (V INI ight aml. 100 JR: 1. Scott Hamilton (Yam); 2. Charlie Walke r IV 3. Chip VogelIVaml. . am); 100 INT: 1. Scott Burnswonh IR ·DI; 2. Bobby Sullivan lA·O); 3. M ike Cady (Yam). 100 PRO: 1. R ickJohnson ISuzl; 2. TimH inesIVaml. 500 PR 1. Scon Gillman (V O: aml; 2. Mike Tripes IE 3. Bill JeweIi IMMMI. scl: 500 INT: 1 . M ichael N iccum ' 'IM 2. Phmrp aij: Niccum (Mai); 3. Alan Olspn (M ail. 500 J R: 1. Jim Anl ey (Yam); 2. M ike Guerra (Mail ; 3. J ames Escamilla (Ma j). 250 PRO: 1. Tim T 01.. ISU 2. Steve B ckman l); la IHen); 3. Gary Denton ISull. 250 INT: 1. B ryan Hart IHon ~ 2. [)av;d Fosner IEsct; 3. B ryanHoldren lVaml. 250 JR 1. M Geiger IM 2. Don Edwards IMaij : ike ai); ; 3. Juan Benavidez IV aml. 125 PRO: 1. Gary D anton (SUl); 2. Paul E merson aml. ISUlI; 3. RickJohnson IV 125 INT: 1. Scon Burnsworth IR-D); 2. Bob Coch,an ISull; 3. Steve Asa lSuzl. 125 JR D I: 1. Leland Bacon ISUl); 2. Dcan IV Hoh ""'V'll' lOP); 3. Gary RynnISuzl. 125 JR D II 1. Scon Hamillon ISull; 2. T IV : CosleyIRMI; 3. MarkBechel ISu,). Kirker kicks out atSSMMX By Terry Whytal O RA N GE, CA , JULY 15 And y Kirker rode his Yamaha to a perfect victory in the 125cc Pro cl ass at Sa turda y Saddleback j Motocross. Kir ker handily won the first mota over a challenging Ted Hoyt, who rode a Suz uki . Ya maha-m ou n ted Ve re Bu tler hel d off Kevin Harlas (DG) for third . The second moto was more of the same for Kirker as he won easily. Sco tt Johnson moved his Suz uki u p to second after his first mota D NF . with Vere Bu tler again getting third . Ted H oyt was fourth . Overall finishing pos itions were Kirker first, Bu tler second and H oyt third. Yamaha rider Bob Marino to ok horne the win money in the 500 cc Pro class . Fin ishi ng with two seconds was enough for Marino to win over a field of broken bikes and fall ing riders. Brett Catcott rode his Yamaha to a fine second place and Pierre Karsmakers (Yarn) was third. T he 250cc Pro class was also bese t by a DNF rash , as Clark J ones rode a consistent race to bring his Honda in for the overall victory . A well deserved second went to Bill Clemett e on -a Yam aha wit h H arley-Davidson rider Bob R u tt en rounding ou t t he top three. Results 500cc PRO: 1. Bob Marino (Vaml; 2. B ran Catcott IV 3. Pierre Karsrnaker (Vaml. am); . 250cc PRO: 1. C lark JOMS IHenI; 2. Bill CIomt1e lVam); 3. Bob RunanItHll. 125cc PRO: 1. Andy K irker (Yam); 2. V IIulter fII. lVam); 3. Ted Hoyt ISuzl. 500cc INT: 1. Grog Smith (Mail; 2. Randy Skinner IPan); 3. Brant W allingf ord IHuI). 250cc INT: 1. M Godfrey (Mai); 2. Stave lute ika ISuz); 3. Jody Uyechi IMail. 125cc INT; 1. lJInya Samarin ISUlI; 2. John ChursCy (Suz); 3. Mike Hudson fSuz).

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