Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._.~_._._._._._._._._._._.-.-._._._ .. REGISTER NOW ~ J5seats left on this tour Join with other mo~orcycle enthusiasts In a unique experience. A fully escorted first class tour custom designed with the motorcyclist In mind. TOUR I Aug. 30th to Sept. 14th 15 days/14 nights Visiting Germany - Sweden - Belgium ~ Britain • Motocross des Nations • International Six Days Trial (In part) • Trophee des Nations Tour price $1859 per person from New York-based upon double occupancy-add on charges from your hom e town-single supplement $139. Highlights & Features Include: * Jet air via Scandinavian Airlines - Lufthansa - TWA * First class hotel accommodations . * Tour escorted from arrival to departure * Transfers - baggage handling - gratuities - tip * Sightseeing via motorcoach * Welcome & farewell cocktail parties & dinners * Continental breakfast daily * Tickets to races * Trip cancellation Insurance A deposit of $1 50 per person is required - reservations will be conf irmed in the order that they are received. DEADLINE for sign-up and full payment due on or before July 30,1978. C MC S8ddlebac k 500cc Pro w inner Scott Gill m an leads Jeff Jennings. Jennings jams at SSMMX J By Terry Whytal ORANGE, CA , JULY 8 Mai co -rno u nted J eff J ennings beat out a large field of to p 250cc Pros to take home the money at this week's Satu rday . Saddleback Motocross. Taking the lead at the start of the first 250cc Pro mota was Clark J ones (Han) with close pursuit coming from Suzuki rider Tim Tolar and Jim Domann (Yam). Jennings came up through the pack and displaced first Tolar. then Domann and moved.Into second behind Jones. On lap eight Jennings ' took the lead and motored away for the win . Tolar passed Jones for second and Domann DNF. As the field came around the finish area on the first la p of the second mota , Jennings had already established" a lead that would carry him to the win. Jones occupied the second spot with Tolar challengin g from third. On the seventh go-round T olar got by J ones : J ones stayed with Tolar and repassed him ' severa l laps later and the fi!lishing order was set. Je nnings was first overall followed by Jones and T ola r. Maic o rider Val Tamietti won a hrd fought 500cc Pro victory with a 2-1 mota score. Greg Rober tson pu t his · Can -Am in front in the first rac e bu t DNF the secon d leaving the runner -up position to Su zuk i-mou nt ed Jim Tarantino. Third place money went to Bob Marino on a Yamaha. Jeff Ward rode a Yamaha to a clean sweep victory over the 125cc Pros. Suzuki rider Chappy Blose rode to a strong second place ahead of Cliff Lett on a Yamaha . Results 500 PRO: 1. Val Tamietti (Mai) 2. Jim Tarantino ; (Suz): 3. Bob MlIIino IYaml. 250 PRO: 1. Jeff Jennings (Mai): 2. Clark Jones IHon) 3. Tim Tolar lSuzl . : 125 PRO: 1. Jeff Ward (Yam): 2. Cha ppv Blose ISuzl : 3. croff len (Yaml. 500 INT: 1. Brent WaUingsIord (Hus): 2. Gteg Smith (Mal: 3. A.C. Bakken (Hus!. l 250 INT: 1. W . J . Brad bu ry ISuzl; 2. Jodv Voyechi IMall: 3. Rid< finger IHus). 125 INT: 1. Miko Toveen (Yam): 2 . Brion Antonoci lVom~ 3. Miko Hudson 1Suz). 250 JR: 1. _ BoIdwin 1Suz~ 2. Dove W ent . (Yom): 3. Gfeg Wilson (lion). 500 JR: 1. Bob Landes lSuzl: 2. HoroId Johnson 1Suzl; 3. Steve Kal.ISuz~ 125JR: 1. AionMatlock 1Suz~ 2. Roxi. Klen lSuz): 3. John McDermott(SUlI. 500 BEG: 1. Joe lemi.IMai~ 2. Men Brog gs (Yern). 250 BEG: 1. Man Swener (Hus~ 2. Kevin Bow... lBun: 3. Joey Cuide (Suzl . 125 BEG: 1. Gteg Smith lVaml: 2. Vaun Butler(Yom): 3. Joy SchHdmeyer (Husl. CMC Saddleback MXgoesto Gillman, Tolar Denton By Mark Kariya OR ANGE, CA. JUL Y 16 R ather than pant 'indoors or relax 'at the beach as most people would , some 230 ri ders said, " Let's go motocrossing todayl " and headed for the Continent al Motasports Club's races at Saddleback. To reward (?) those who came . the (Continu ed to page 26) - - - - - - - - - - TOUR APPLICATION - - - - - - - - - - Please reserve my space on Tour #1 Enclosed please find $ as deposit or $ as payment in full. persons. Please reserve space for Make checks payable to Cycle Tours, Inc. · single supplement$ Full name Address City State Zip '-Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ For additional information write or call Marti at CyClE TOURS, INC. ' 10176 Mason Ave. Chatsworth, CA 9131·1 213·886·1966 23

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