Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 07 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the races were cancelled and am trying to confirm. Western Eastern Roadracers' Association mail may be sent to P. O. Box 5IJ, Wayne, PA 19087, or you can call 215/687·8422. According to Peter Frank at WERA , the College Station event has not been cancelled. Furthermore, on Oct. 28 ·29 th ere's a WERA race at College Station that carries a 125,000 purs e, according to Frank. Contact Dennis Kalmus of th e Central Road Racing Club at 214 /J41 ·8612for more info . . . Ed itor. WIST Amer ica's No. 1 W ee kly M ot orcycl e Newspaper Searching for S.C.a.R.E. What's the address of S.C.O.R.E., the off-road racing people? Sharon Clayton, Pu b lisher Caroline Gnldry. Secretary to the Publisher Bob i Sco tt. Execu tive Assistant BOB EDMISTON W . Covina, CA A dve rtising J im R yan . Sa lt'S Ma nagc"r. Larry Litr le-. Sa les Ma nage Ma r, {ot B(·rKm.-n . Sa h-s ·f. l Man a ger . C hr i.. Ko lht>t. A~s iM an l. You can contact the S. C. O.R.E. folkS at 20944 Sherman Way , Suite 115, Canoga Park , CA 9IJOJ . .. Editor. Editori al Charles Mur r y. M an a~in~ Ed itor. Da le Brown . Edir or , Brian Gror~r. Assisra ru Editor . Two super f ri ends lost Graphics and Pro duction I was shocked and saddened to hear that the Hook and Ladder Enduro is no more. Having ridden the event three times and having interviewed Dick Payne for a Cycle News article, I was fortunate to get to know him and his wife Janet fairly well. Enduro riders have lost two super friends. Dick and Janet , in my view, have given more fun and enjoyment to more people than anyone in the enduro business. Dick and Janet, best of whatever endeavor you enter. both will be greatly missed. Jan G ill. Da v Pau li. Product ion . Marion Hatash ita , Typogra p hy . Dennis G reene. Laboratory. Accounting Mike Klinger, Manager. Jeanne Hammond, Ace ts. Receivable. Yvette Baer. Ass t. Ace ts . Receivable. Holl y Hale , Coll ect ion and Credit . Circ ulat io n R he ba Smit h. Mana ger. Pat ricia Pasq u ale, Sherry Ka ufm a n . Sandye McK ay, Chri$lY Bd l. Asaista ms , Serv ices and Suppo rt Pat Cardenas. Recept ion ist . Ginny Harper. W ant Ads . St eve McK ay. 5&S. W est 220 1 Cherry Ave. . Lo ng Beach . CA P.O . Box 498. Lon g Brach . CA 9080 1 (213) 42 7·7433; L.A .. Lin . 636 ·8844. East 4 190 First Ave .. Tucker . G A. P.O . Bo x 805. Tucker. G A 30084 . (404) 934 ·7850 . Subscript io n One yt'ar , seco nd class m ail. 1 15 ; two yea rs . sec o nd class m ail. $2 7: rhree years , se-cond class m ai l. 537 .50 . Copyright M Cyc le New s. In c . 1978 . Tradema rk Cycle Ne ws registered U .S. Pat en t o Ificc . All rig hts reserved. Pu blished weekly ('xc('pt the firM and last WITk of the ca lend a r yea r by Cyc le News, Inc. . P.O . Bo x 498 , Long Bea ch . California . Second class postage paid at Long Bea ch . CA 90801. Cycle News welcomes u nsoli cited editorial material including stories. ca r toons. photos , et c. Such material, if published . becomes t he exclusive copyright property o f Cycle N("W~. ~S.u c h a e('~pt~ mate-rial is su bject nrcrs."ary in the sole discre-t ion of Cy cle- News . Unsolic ite-d ma terial which is not use-d will be re t u r ned if accompanied hy a "o('lf· III rrVISlf10 as IS addressed stamped e nvelope. All un solicited ma teria l will be ha nd led with reasonable COlTC'. ho wever. Cy cle- News assumes no respo nsibility fo r rhe safery. loss o r damage lO such m at e rial . Rep rint ing in who le o r pan on ly by pcrrnissio o oft hco publishe rs. AdvC"rt isi nJ; rates and circ u lation in fo rmation will he se nt upon rrq u("S1, Sc-eS. R. O.S. PO STMASTER: Send fo rm 3579 to Cycle News. P.O. Bo x 498. Lo ng Beach. CA 90801. ON T HE FRONT PAGE: Terry Clark (441 and Mt . Morris 4 500cc AMAIMr. PiBB Nat' l M X w i nner Rick Burget t battle through a Pennsylvania corner. Pho to by Jim Gianatsis. Are our t ax dollars su pporti ng the Sierra Club? It should now be apparent that the Sierra Club has lost its original dir ection, i.e . , the preservarion of the natural wonders of the Sierra Range. It has grown in size , in wealth , in poli tical power and in aggressiveness . In outgrowing its origin , it has become contaminated, as if the atomic age has altered its genes and created a mutant organization wh ich now appears to demand control over all resources within the state of California. Its members move boldly toward . their power goals ' as evidenced by the accompanying article from The Highlander newspaper. I cannot currently find more audacious or illegal activities than those of Mr. Stan Hart. The inability or refusal of Governor Brown to deter such activities casts even more doubt upon his ability to run "The Big Ship of State ." JOHN WILLIAMSON Badgers M.C . La Mirada , CA Mr . Williamson included a pag e from th e July 5 edition of Th e Highlander n ewspaper wh ich carried a story headlined " T ax payers Ripped -Off Says SCTAC Official. " In th e article , Virgil Waters, chairman of the Southern California Transportation Action Committee, revealed that Mr . Stan Hart, a state employee, was the contact person listed on a publicity handout entitled "N ews from the Sierra Club . " Th e phone number listed on the handout, 2IJ /620-J684, according to the article, is th e Caltfomia State Architect's office in Los Angeles. Judging from the iriformation in the article, it seems we've been paying Mr . Hart's salary while he's been attending to Sierra Club business . . . Editor. factory rider, rookie versus all those professionals , Norton versus all those Harleys and the crowd ate it up as they should. Little man versus big man has been part of history in America . All of us thank you for a job well done. BOB BARKHIMER Bob Barkhimer Associates, Inc. Scotts Valley, CA Big time bush leagues? When will motorcycling ever get out of the bush leagues? From five o'clock on at the Coliseum we listened to an endless babble of commercials blatted at 120 db, occasionally broken by such mind- numbing edification as, "wheelbreaking whoop -de-docs. the treacherous waterhole ... " and at least 4000 reminders.that we were watching the Coca-Cola Superbowl of Motocross. When will we outgrow the attitude. that anyone who watches a motorcycle show has to be by definition or im p lica tion a mindless ass who should be kept m indless if not en tert ai ned for the evening by non-stop assininities for his non-edification? How would baseball or football crowds react to someone explaining over and over what first base was , or what the quarterback does, or to "trea t you rself to a Coke," or "you got it .. . Toyota . . ." ? Thank God for th e riders, who put on their usual fantastic show and made it all worthwhile. JOE PHILLIPS Santa Barbara, CA When we do get out of the "bush leagues, " Joe, it 'll be because . we 've been accepted by th e big-buck sponsors and the non-motorcyclist spectators (who need those seemingly overly -simplistic explanations) that seem to irritate you so much . . . Editor. Roxy, you're the greatest Your announci ng of Saturday n igh t's AM A Nation a l at San J ose was t he fin est p ro fessional j ob I have ever listen ed to . And I ha ve been in motor ra cing since 1936 . You pla yed th a t a udience like a maestro would , privateer versus DONALD E.L. BETSWORTH A fellow fireman and enduro rider Torrance, CA TV downer On the June 30 KSBW·TV News at II: 00 , the sports announcer did annou nce the Camel Pro ra ce at San Jose , but in the most degrading way any news media could ever state. With film cuts of something that looked like "O n Any Sunday" with people wrecking, falling off and smashing into the walls, he stated, "Come and watch the accidents , they're fun to see ." If this is the only kind of support we get from the news media . we can do better without it. What do we have to do to convince these people that motorcycle racing is a sport and not a demolition derby? NORMAN B. WINDSOR Soledad, CA Published letters do not necessanly refleet the position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letters to Voices. Box 498, Lo ng Beach, CA 90801. Next Week AscotTT Sears Point Road Race . _Where's WERA? Request fu ll name a nd a dd ress of WERA so that I can write them regarding t he WERA Na tional Road Races sch eduled for Au gu st 19·2 0 in Coll ege Station , TX. I've he ard th at 500ccworks MXmachines

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