Seri es for Vlf Karlsson's 350cc Montesa . H e says he 's still gell ing used to
th e d ifference in power of the Montesa
(a fte r all he's o n ly rid den it in two
events so far) but t ha t he really likes
the bike a lot . J u d g ing fro m his seco nd
p lace finis h, his adjus tmen t pe riod is
com ing a long quite well .
J ust about fin ished for the day ,
Ge orgia 's J im m y G a rmon started into
# 16, a nifty h illcl im b wit h a sh arp
tu rn at the bottom . Instead of ma king
it to the top, he p ulled a spectacular
cras h , a lmost wiping out hi mself. his
bike a nd the checke r. Fo rtuna tely no
one was hurt , bu t it took some fix ing
and coaxing to ge t th e bik e going
aga in .
Hold ing u p th e co lo rs of the loca l
riders was Bruce Adl er wh o finishe d
ninth in the Cham pi onship class. By
th e way , for those of you wh o a tte nded
the event and thought yo u were
hallucinating, there were three Adlers
riding · Bruce , Mik e a nd Ken .
Championship: 1. Bernie Schr eiber IBuli 19; 2.
Marland Whaley IMonl 38.2; 3. Jade St ites IMonl 39; 4.
Curt Comer IMonI42.1; 5. Terry Cheney IBuIl43.9; 6.
Lane Leevitt (Bull 45.7; 7. Tom McKinney III IMan)
46.5; 8. Bob Hopkins IBul) 50.4; 9. Bruce Adler IMon)
50.9; 10. Keith Adam s IBuli 55.5; 11. Bill Burgener
IMan l 56; 12. Harry GrantlBuli 58; 13. Jimmy Garmon
(Monl 61; '14. Martin Belair IMan) 62; 15. J ames
Stanicar IManl 62.6.
Senior : 1. Bob Nickelson (Ho nl 44; 2. Glenn McNeal
(Yaml 57; 3. Wiltz Wagner (Bull 58; 4. Bud Mylerberg
IBuli 61.5; 5. Virgie Gofol'lh IManl 72; 6. George Bat·
termann IBuli 75; 7. Rober1 Reed (Ha n) 85; 8. Gene
Tuck (Bull 93.B; 9. Tom Cullen IBul1 100; 10. J immy
_IIIBuIlI14 .B.
Spansman: I , Jeff Sefcik IMonl 57; 2. Tom Reed
IBuli 59; 3. Fred Greenawalt lBuli 60 .5; 4. Tom Golden
IBuIi 7315; 5. Kevin Cullen IBuli 73/4. 6. Joe Raga IManl
76 ; 7. Terry Tuck IMonl 76.B; B. Gene Stewart (Yaml
79; 9. DaIle Wood ring IBuli 79.4; 10. Dan King IManl
80.615 11. Gary Sh8
One minute later he came smoking
down the trail , but it was- too late, he
was one minute over his hour and
therefore d isqualified .
A protest wa s lodged against the
tim e watch by a very disappointed
Sch reiber and th e protes t committee
checked th e watch , found it a ccurate
a n d m ost relu c t a ntl y deni ed the
pro test.
Everyone was impressed with the
m anner in whi ch Bern ie co nd ucted
himself. He was m ost co u rt eo us and
did no t get in any wa y .. bnoxious or
unru ly in a try ing sit ua ti o n. H e
showed everyone some real class.
Li ke the previous day's event , there
were 17 sec tio ns offered , bu t this time
th e loo p was a pproxi ma tely 18 m iles
long .
St arting off, th e rid ers were treated
to a ni ce rocky brook with a couple of
twists and a sha rp right hand ou t.
Debbie Evans pulled a clean a nd a
round of enthusiastic applause from
the spectators.
Ed Wh eel er of Conn ecticut .
NETA's #8, also cleaned the opening
sectio n , as did severa l other riders.
Possibly the most undesirable sec tion of the event from a checker's point
of view was #2 . Ginny Micket and her
d aughter were stu ck out in the open
spa ces on a pow erl ine hillclimb o ne
at the top a nd o ne at th e bott om with
no shad e to combat the su n .
Double sections 10 and II were two
of the more interesting o nes . Bill
Blyth e of Connecticut , NETA # 9, was
th e first rider to reach the sectio ns and
he showed up a t I ;30, two and a ha lf
hou rs after t he event began .
# IO sta rted up a sharp rocky b rook ,
over a n off-camber log and then up
the brook wh ich proceeded to rise
uphill for about 200 feet. At a sm a ll
level area , sec t ion 10 ended and sec tio n I I began .
Those who were unlucky in 10 had a
chance to stop and pull themselves
together before tackling II , but those
who made it through 10 had to keep
on plonkin', Eleven became serious about
halfway through . It continued up the
brook started in 10 . wh ich was al most
dry. and climbed more st eepl y. At th e
halfway point th ere was a ful l-width
led ge , high andsmooth on th e right .
rocky and j agged on th e left.
Lea vit t was the firs t rider to loo k
good in the dou b le sec tion . H e cleaned
l O in style a nd d ro p pe d jus t one in I I.
But the best ride of the day was turned
in b y T ryals Sho p pe's C urt Com er. H e
just p la nked on up th rough bo th sections. righ t straigh t up th e mi d d le of
th at tric ky led ge and never m oved a
foo t off his Montesa 's pe gs. Both
Marland Whaley a nd Schreib er chose
the left line and eac h dropped a one .
Both cleaned it o n their second laps,
but Curt was the only rider to cle a n it
both times through .
A special thanks to eve ryo ne wh o
worked over the weekend , and a b ig
VOle of thanks to Mr. Lane. who
gene rously allowed the Nashoba
Valley Riders the use of his land .
Champ ionsh ip: 1. Lane Leavitt IBuli 31; 2. Bill
Burgener IMan) 33.7; 3. Curt Comer IMonl 38.4; 4.
Marland Whaley (Man l 40.3; 5. Don Sweet (Man) 41.9;
6. Terry Cheney IBul145.5; 7. Martin Belair IMan) 46.3;
B. Keith AdamslBul1 55.6; 9. John Stanicar IManI57.8;
10. Harry Grant (Bull 58; 11. Morgan Kavanaugh 58.1;
12. Wayne Galuin IBuli 61.9; 13. Bob Hopkins IBuli
62.6; 14. Bruce Adler IMan l 65 .2; 15. Tom McKinney III
IManl 65.5.
Senior: 1. Bob Nickelson tHonl 23; 2. Bud Mylerberg
IBuli 35; 3. Gene Tuck IBul1 48; 4. George Batterma nn
55; 5. Rober1 Reed (Hanl 5716; 6. Glenn McNeal (Yaml
5715; 7. Wiltz Wag ner (Bull 58; B. Tom Cullen (BuI) 66.
Sportsman: 1. Fred Greenawalt IBuli 41; 2. Tom
Reed lBu11 46; 3. Jeff Sefcik (Man l 50; 4. Greg Howard
IManl 51; 5. Gary Sherwood IBull 5215; 6. Steff
Stefa novich (Yam) 5214; 7. Terry Baker lManI 521 B.
James SchaidIe IMan) 5816; 9. Terry Tuck (Manl 5815
10. BiR Jervis IManl 60; 11. Kevin Cullen (Bull 61; 12.
Rober1Rider IManI 84 ; 13. Randy Herndon l8u 1l65; 14.
James Davenpan (Bull 67; 15. Oa"" Woodring (Bull
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