Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 07 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Superbowl's motorcycle powered hang gliding attraction ended early. The New York legislature has just passed a bill which would prohibit the use of motor cycles on designated stree ts between th e hours of 9 p .m . a nd 8 a .rn. in urban areas with a po p ulat ion exceeding one m illion residents. The designation 0'£ stree ts will be left _to th e respective municipal ities affected by the bill. The bi ll was originally introduced in th e Assembly , as a noise control proposal . bu t it passed that house in am end ed form on June 19 as a prohib ition on motorcycle use during d esign at ed hou rs. The bill must now be transmitted from the Assemb ly to the Governor's office for his sign a tu re or vet o. 1£ th e Governor does not si~ th e bill within 10 days of Its transmission . it will automaticall y become law. W e ha ve no defin ite indication of th e da te that it will be tr ansmitted to th e Governor's office d ue to th e number of bills involved in th e closing d ays of - th e session . Imme dia te resp onse is impera tive. T elegra ms should be sen t to New York Governor Ca rey pro testing N Y A12663·A an d urgin g him to veto it. If New York sets th e pr eced ent . . .. retired in round two with a broken wheel, as did KTM teamsters Andre Malherbe and Jaak Van Velthoven. DeCoster had placed second in the first moto and was riding in second place in the second race when the wheel failed. T he July 4 d aytim e half m ile listed in A me n'can Motorcyclist magazine for Wichita Falls . TX will, instead , be an AMA nighttime short track. Pra ctice starts a t 6 p.m.. race at 7 p .m. As part of RARE II. a program that' covers about 62 million acres of National Forests throughout the U.S.• your comments on how to use the land are requested by the U.S. Forest Service. Write Regional Forester. U.S. Forest Service. 630 Sansome St.. San Francisco, CA 94111 before Oct, 1. Additional information is available at Forest Headquarters, 900 W . Grand Ave., Porterville, CA from 8 a.rn, to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, Monday ' through Friday. Evening open houses have been scheduled for June 22, July 5 and 18, Aug. 2, 15 and 31 and Sept. 13 from 7-9 p.rn, Saturday open houses are set for 10 a.m . to noon on June 24, July 15, Aug. 12 and Sept. 23. At the open houses you'll be able to review RARE II info, consult Forest Service personnel and offer input. Johnny Cecotto topped the June 25 500cc World Championship Road Race Series round at Assen, Holland, leaving second place for Kenny Roberts. Following the two Yamaha pilots home was Team Suzuki's Barry Sheene, and he was trailed by Takazumi Katayama. Rounding out the top five was 77 winner at Assen. Dutchman Wil Hartog riding Pat Hennen's machine. Roberts leads the point standings. 69 over Sheene's 57. Hennen is third with 51; Cecotto fourth with 35; Steve Baker completes the top five at 25 series points. Roberts won the 250cc race at Assen and leads the series by a single point. 54-53. over Kork Ballington_ Pat Hen nen was reported conscious Mon day, J une 26 . th ree weeks to the day aft er his crash on the Isle of Man . H is eyes a re open and accordi ng to reports from Suzuk i, he "see ms to ha ve command of his faculties." He 's "still a bit sleepy ," reports Suzuki race manager Rex White . 2 HosPITa l STO P: Sid Da m ron, President or Ocelot Engi neering in San' Berna rdino, U.S. Suzuki's first deal er in -th e U.S .. has gone th rou gh a gruelli ng 35-day X-ray treatment for ca ncer of his right vocal chord. Folks who know Sid through his work as AMA Road Ra ce Tech Inspector ca n send get well wishes to Ocelot Engi neering, Inc. , 950 Kend all Dr . , San Bern ar d ino, CA 92407 . Viva Distributing told Papa that Marland Whaley has received a new full 349 Cota. But word from the Montesa factory in Spain is that the machine is not yet finalized, and dealers probably won't see the new trials machine until the 1980 season. Team Honda's Brad Lackey won the June 25 500cc International MX at Hoeselt. Belgium. taking both motos. Second was 500cc World Champion Heikki M ikkola on hi s w orks Yamaha with a 5-2 finish , Third w ent to Be lg ian Fran cois Wellen s. a Yama ha rid er, with a 6-4 score. Roger DeCoster 1£ you 've been having prob lem s see ing la tely beca use you left your soft contact lenses a t Ind ia n Dunes, Ga ry Lamb has found th em . They wer e picked up two pr th ree weeks ago in the Int ern at ional motocross course pits during a Friday nig ht motocross . 1£ they 're yours , call Lamb at 805 /255 4200 . , " • . •., . Sachs' rider Will i Bauer crashed in practice at the June 18 British MX Grand Prix . fracturing his spine . Bauer, reportedly paralyzed from the waist down , was flown home immediately for treatment from his personal doc tor. U.S. fans may recall Bauer's winning th e first official USGP at Carlsbad while riding for Ma ico . Apologies to Roy "Tuner" Turner. Jimmy Weinert's very capable mechanic. Our Sears Point National coverage had Rick Jones tuning The Jammer's Kawasaki. and any fool knows that's not' right. . Republican Congressman W illiam Ketchum . on e of off-road riders' best friends in th e House of Representa tives, died Sa turday. June 24 , of a heart a ttack . Ket chum was the prim a ry sponsor of Owen Kearns' protest of th e Golden T rou t wilderness. to be held July 2. T he non violent 'protest will be held as scheduled, in memory of Ket chum , ac cording to Kea rn s. . a t th e Long Mead ow Campground a t 10 a .m . Call 805/323-763 1, ex t. 23 1 (days) or 805/3 93-6121 (eveni ngs) for more informati on . Through no fault of CN desert correspondent Gary Laudig, his report on the AMA 0 -37 Desert Rats hare scrambles was not received in time for Cycle News' Monday deadline. KTM 's Bob Balentine was the w inner; complete coverage next week. T he Sep t. 17 Columbus, OH half m ile - originally the Toledo half mi le has been cance lled due to "drama tic ally rising expenses and t he very se r io us t hreat of rain in Se pt ember ," accordi ng to promoter Paul Schl eg el . , A ll ad va nce tick et mon ey will be re tu rned immed iat ely. Harley-Davidson has announced that it will no "lo nger produce lightweight motorcycles. John A . Davidson. Harley-Davidson chairman. said that the company's lightweight motorcycle business which represents less than 10% of its worldwide sales. "has been unprofitable for some time because of severe price competition from the Japanese imports. especially in the United States." How long will the H-D motocross effort last? Probably only until the 250cc World Championship MX Ser ies round at ::U rilldina. N,y"o'o'Jul" 30, The Long Beach Safety Coucil is offering a $ 1,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsibl e for destroying a tractor at Cycle Haven. Contact the LBSC a t 213 /437 ·81 12 with t ha t info . Oasis Raceway. an 'of f -road motorcycle and four-wheel drive competition circuit located about 25 miles west of Williams. CA will reopen on Sunday. July 9 with a CMC-sanctioned motocross. according to William Constable. a spokesman for the facility. Details on racing schedule and practice dates are available by calling 707/994-4175. or writing Oasis Raceway. P.O. Box 1748, Clearlake Highlands. CA 95422. A member of th e Indonesian roya l famil y, Prince B.R .M . Kasworo Hamengku Buwomo IX , is studyi ng a proposal he request ed fr om Rokon, Inc. to esta blish a "t urnkey" fa ctory in Jakarta for th e m a nufactu re of Rokon Rang e r tw o-wh eel , all -wh eel-drive vehi cles , acco rd ing to George D. O 'D ay , Rok on president . Prince Kasw oro became inte rest ed in th e multiple uses on all manner of terrain . in cluding j u ng les , swa m ps. mounta ins; and beaches, to whic h th e Rok on Ra nge r is adapt a ble for pers onnel a nd ligh t ca rgo transport and a vari ety of recreational a nd work a p p lica tions. T hro ugh Ve ntu re Ca pit al Consulta nts in Sherma n Oaks, CA , Prin ce Kasworo reques te d a co mplet e p roposa l fro m Rokon for pl a n ning . constructio n, eq ui p pi ng and indoctrina tion of Indon esians in o perating a com ple te pl a n t to m a nu fac t ure a nd di st r ib ute t he Ra nge rs under license fro m Rokon. Gary Scott. as dedicated AMA Grand National Championship/ Camel Pro Series fans will recall. has won the last five TT races at Ascot Park. (The fifth one was the relocated Peoria event.1 His chance to make it six is coming up on July 15 when once again J,C, Agajanian will present the 25-lap National TT in beautiful downtown Gardena, The American Motorcyclist Association sen t Pa pa a not e saying that U .S. Suzu ki has donated $500 to th e Ru sty Bradley T rus t Fund. Good example to follow for those who earn th eir living from th e sport, huh ? How do you feel about the idea of running a bus from the Long Beach area to next year's Superbowl of Motocross at the L.A. Coliseum? Let Papa know, and he'lI wheel 'n' deal something up . •

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