Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, This is one way to get rid of t rouble at Mammoth Mountain . Sportsmen sprawl on Mammoth Mountain By Lee Taylor MAMMOTH LA KES . CA . J UN E 10 Blustery win ds swept down from the mountain to heral d the start of the 11th Annual Mammoth Mountain Motocross. As the races ... 54 got underway. the winds were replaced by a cool b reeze . crea tin g superb riding conditions. T elevision cr ews filmed throu ghout th e day as top sponsmen racers battled for silver buckles. trophies a nd numerous conringencies. Richard McQuade (Suz ) took home top honors for th e Open Juniors . The huge pack got off to one of the rocki est starts of th e day in their final heat . Piling up at the top of the hill. th e rac e was im me di a tely red -flagged . On th e restart Gl enn Glass. who had a great ride in his qualifiers . led off with McQuade right be hind . A battle for third was going dow n among Bob Stephan. Ken Feulner . Rona ld McNa y and Randy Reinhard. Co ns tan t ly hound ing Gl a ss. McQu ade pull ed ahead and secu red himself in the lead . McN ay pulled. awa y fro m the jam he had been trapped in and set ou t after McQu ade. Rich a rd held fir m and ca rried th e lead down to th e wire for the overall win . It was a disappointing heat for Dave McCoy. He had won th e second moto of his qualifier and was giving it everythi ng he had in the fina l. At 62-years of age he found himself competing with riders th e same age as his grandchildren . Not to be ta ken lightly. he's considered a formida ble challenger by all on the track . Com ing in for seco nd in the final was McN ay. Gr eg Ca cott brought home top honors for the Open Intermed ia tes. in one radical ra ce. Leading off th e line of th e first moto, Ralph Foster went down in a hairpin tu rn. taking with him a whol e group of r acers. Emerging ou t of the chaos , Greg Cacott took command with Dennis Wilson riding shotgun. A heavy duel for third was on between Randy Lewis and John Handelin as the duo clashed wheel s all over the mountain . Coming in for the end of the moto Cacott held with W ilson second and Lewis third . The seco nd round was fired off with Ca cott once more ta king ch arge . He · had heav y art ille ry. from the rea r in Greg St arczak , Handelin and J ohn Burrows. From fourth on back t he pack was cr amed together with no room for erro rs. Coming home for the win . Cacott took first overall . Wil son cla im ed seco nd overall . thi rd went to Lewis, fou rth to W illiams and fift h to Foster. Out of a to ta l of 140 rid ers and num erou s qualifiers , Matt H ope emerged the victor of the 125cc Ju niors . He started off th e d ay by . d ra win g back-to-hack win s in his Qual ifiers. Blasting off the lin e for the final . th e pack ws quic kly turned back to th e line for a resta rt with numerous pi leups all over the hill . Leading off the res tart was Cu rt is Anselmo , follow ed by Kevin McD ona ld . McDona ld had Nick Young be hi nd him . followed by Rick Evans. By the en d of the da y Hope took home th e overall win. Young hel d second overall and third went to McDonald . Rhe H elmes . ridi n g for JD Engineeri ng . cla imed top hon ors in the Women's race. To say th e leas t , conditions were unusu al for m any of th e women . Dee Granger was running an IT175 instead of her usual bik e because of improved sus pe nsion . How ever, on the Mammoth track and at a n alt itude ' of over 8000 feet . stra nge th in gs happened to t he gases in th e shoc ks, giving her a d ifficu lt ride. T he firs t m o to was a cont est be tween Hel mes a nd Carey Steiner u nti l Helm es developed mecha nica l problem s and fell be hind . Roxy Kla tt , a new Pro , too k over the lead and was hounded to the end by Steiner. Helmes was not out of the race by any means and worked back up to thi rd b y the end of the moto with Vick v and Ca ndee Haag finis hing fourth a nd fift h respectively . T he seco nd time around . Helmes was lead ing with Steiner second. dueling with Klatt in t hird . Steiner pu lled into th e lead , taking a turn radically and inju ri ng her kn ee . bu t maintain ing her pos it ion . With Klatt on her ta il. Ste iner was pull ing out all th e stops to pull Helmes. An in credible ra ce betwee n Stein er and Helmes took form as Helmes was flying . passing riders left and right on the downhill and finally grabbing back her lead. Dee Granger. despite suspension problems. wa s making tracks and took over third . Coming in near the end of the race , Klatt went down. leaving the overall win to Helmes. Results 125 JR : t . Man Hoep; 2. Nick Young IYaml; 3. Kevin McDonald (S Ull; 4. Mark Moscr o p (Yaml: 5. Davey McCoy IVam); 6. Curtis An selmo ISUl l; 7. Rog er. Gauvin ISuzJ; 8. Rod Wi ll;"ms ISuzJ; 9. Joe l eak IKaw); 10. Allen Hopper. 2SO JR: 1. Mark Toycen IMa;); 2. W ayne Hoppr (Yam); 3. Rick Sbrocca iSUll; 4. Ch,;s Mal loty IMon) ; 5. Donald Draskovich slides under Greg Winkel on his way to top 250cc Int . Brian Woods (C·AI; 6. Kirk Woods (Sull; .7. Terry Thomas (Han); 8. Mar k McAlpin (Yam); 9. Stuart Doug las (Suzl : 10. J o hn Myerscough (Ya m). . OPEN JR : 1. Richa rd M cOuade (Sul I; 2. M ike Rob inson (Yarnl : 3. Rand y Reinhard (Mail: 4. Ken Feulner IMai) ' 5. M ichael S. W ast e (Yam l: 6. Jim Eberl e {Mail; 7 . Gre9 Bur geso n (EGGI; 8 . Mike Guerra (Mail; 9. Dave M cCoy (Mail: 19. Bil l Becker (Ma il . 125 INT: 1. J im Papp e ISuz) : 2. M ark Sir ota ISUl); 3. Rob bi e Healy (Sul I; 4. Mik e Toy cen (Yam ); 5. lach Halopoff ISOlI. 250 INT : 1. Donald Draskovicn (M ai); 2. Darr en Shotwell IYam); 3. Kirk Harr is (Yam); 4. Greg W in kel IVam); 5. David F~er tESCI. OPEN INT : 1. Greg Caron IYam); 2. Den nis Wilso n tSull: 3. Randy Lewis (Yam l. OPEN lN T : 1. Greg Caron (Varn i: 2. Dennis W ilso n ISuzl; 3. Rand y Lewis (Yam l; 4. David W ill iam s IYaml: 5. Ralph Fost er. . WO M EN'S RACE: 1. Rhe Helmes; 2. Carey St einer: 3. V tcky Haag : 4 . Ro xv Klan; 5. Dee Granger; 6. caodee Haag; 7. HeI . undo Meyers, Coupe claim Marysville • wins By Ramie Sexton MARYS VILLE, CA . MAY 21 A new Ledbetter starting gate had Marysville specta tors lining both sides of the grid Sunday to see if the new device would work or fa il. And it did , without a flaw a ll day as over 40 0 rid ers ga ve it a try. Da ve Cou pe (Suz) put toge t her a one -two pu nc h to take first overa ll awa y fro m Danny T urner (Yam) in th e I25cc Expert class . Cou pe led a ll t he way in the first moto , fo llowed by Eri c Mc Kenna (Suz), T urner. Don nie Canta loupi (Ya m) and Br ad Harrison (Su z). Turner. with Lesniewski on his tail , closed ground on Harriso n in third and was making his move. Ha rrison got a litt le out of shape. causing Turner to brake hard , and Lesn iewski plowed . into Turner's rear wheel. Turner a nd Lesn iewski had to sto p and dis connect thei r bikes while losing valuable time . Turner again remounted and chased Harrison before fina lly getti ng b)' on the last lap to fin ish third behind Cou pe and McKenna . Ha rrison . now being pressed by Lesniewski, held on for fourth and Lesn iewski fifth. . In the seco nd rnot o , Dana Waxham go t th e ea rly lead a nd held on unti l the last two la ps whe n tr ouble sent him back to fourt h . Coupe took over first, but it was sho rt lived . T u rner was on th e m ove from sixth a t th e end of one la p. first with ju st two la ps to go a nd won goi ng awa y. Coupe knew he co uld fin ish seco nd a nd still ta ke th e overa ll, so loafed in a nd was a lmost overt a ken by Lesni ewski, who fini shed in thi rd . Wa xh am fini shed fourth , McK enna fifth . T he overa ll went to Cou pe . T urner seco nd , McK en na third and . Lesn iewski.fou rt h , Bob Meyers took ad va n tage of a DNF by J im Lesn iewski (Mai) in the first 250cc Exp ert rnoto a nd gra bbed th e overa ll win wit h a 1·2 finis h. Lesni ewski took th e ea rly lead a nd was hal fway ho me when he retired . gi ving firs t to Me yers. Tad G umb man n (Ma i) worked up to second on th e sa ndy track followed by Pa t Wilson (Ha n) . In th e seco nd moto Lesniews ki fir ed up his Ma ico a nd disappeared from th e rest of th e pack. as Meyers was stuc k ba ck in 10th and had to wor k for his seco nd place finish . George McNa ma ra (KT M) started a nd finished in third , and Pat W ilson moved up from last place to finish a solid fou rth after passing 25 riders in six la ps. Meyers too k the overall. W ilson a well-deserved second overa ll a nd Randy Lash rode co nsiste nt eno ug h to claim third. Bob Meyers (Mai) ca me back lO win th e Open Exp ert overa ll a head of Brian Jod ry (Mai) . Jod ry led all the way in th e first moto a nd was followed by McK enna . th en Meyers. Bill Swartz (Ma i) ran third for severa l laps befor e fall ing a nd droppin g back to fini sh sixth . Dean Wiggin g (Mai) finished third and McKenna fou rt h . In th e seco nd mot o , Meyers passed leader Swartz a bo u t hal fwa y t hro ug h and went on for th e win. Swartz fin ished 'second and J od ry berze rked his way up from m id -pack to tak e third away from Da n W a ller (Ma i). O vera ll winner was Meyers, with jodry second , Swartz th ird . a nd Wi ggins fourth . Results 50cc NOV : 1. Stev e M cCr ary (Suzl; 2. A nth ony Rose IHon t . 80cc NOV : 1. Bi n Man A vefY (Suz); 2. St eve M achads IYam ); 3. Do nald Barnhar t (Yam ). 80cc JR : 1. J im Ol son (Yam) ; 2.. Bobby M OOfe IM CS); 3. J eff McCrary (Suz). 80cc EX : Tim Aston ISUl). 100 MINI NOV: 1. St eve Ar ch er (Yam); 2. Jerry Cabr aIISul); 3. Mike Bercier ISuzl. , 00 MIN I J R: David Reade ISUl ). 100 MINI EX: 1. Jimm y Souza ISuzl; 2. Howie Ro ss (Suzl. 100 SPORTSMAN: 1. Steve Vlahos ISUl l; 2. Hobert Harmon (Suzl: 3. Stewart Perry (Yam) . POWDER PUFF: 1. Donna M cGlothlin ISUll; 2. Shelly Coff ey (SUl ): 3. Ellen Parker l Hon) . 125 NOV DIV 1: 1. STan Capps (Sull; 2. Willie Vanc e (SUl ): 3. Sco tt Dorman (Yam l. 125 NOV DIV 2: 1. Curt An selmo (Suz); 2. Ron Hess (Suzl: 3. Rick Evans ISull . ' 25 NOV OIV 3: 1. Robert Presley ISUl) ; 2. Russell Erk (SUl); 3. Kevin Gray (Yam). 125 J R: 1. M it chel l DeV aughn (SUl) ; 2. Freddy Bercier ISu zl; 3. Ron Tay lo r ISuzl. 125 EX : 1. Dave Cou pe (Suzl; 2. Dan Tur n er (Yam); 3. Erik M cKenna (Suz). 250 NOV DIV 1: 1. Dan Sch arf (Hon) ; 2. David Clark (Mon); 3. J erry Grisw old (Mail. 250 NOV D1V 2: 1. J erry Gatton (Hon); 2. W ayn e Sno w (Yam); 3. Sc ott St ephens (Mail. 250 JR : 1. Ed Cummins (Yam l; 2. M ar k Zeisster (M ail ; 3. Richard M ath ers IMail. 250 EX : 1. bo b M yers (Mai) ; 2. Pat W ilson (Han; 3. Randy Lash (M ail. OPEN NOV : t . Leo A g bulos (Yam) : 2 . J oh n Quinones (Yam); 3. Perry Pat on (SU I ). OPEN JR : 1. Richard M at hers IMa i); 2. Brad Em ery IVam); 3. Thomas W aldon ISull. OPEN EX: 1. Bob M vers IMai l; 2. Br'an Jod ry (Ma i); 3. Bill Swartz (M ail. VET NOV: 1. St eve Schutle fCZ): 2. J im Sousa (Hus);

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