Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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UEA Tuff E' Nuff enduro winner M ike Adams crosses a stream near camp. large. ha iry beast was seen ru nning dow n th e tra il on all fours. It 's not cert ain wh ether it was one of the bears that in habit the a rea. or course ca p tai n Ed Ma zenko out doing a little last- minute cou rse m arking . T he chec k a t t he end of th e specia l test found even the best rid e rs five mi nutes lat e. Again , a well pl ac ed rese t go t everyone back on tim e. Aft er some mor e fir ero ad , the tra il turned d own a cree k a t six mph . Six is ' usua lly p retty slow, but not in th is case. Lots of wet logs and ro cks kept everyone busy. To top it off. a sma ll . bo ttleneck developed near the end of the sec tion . T hi ngs were p retty well jammed up by a large log across the trai l when Mark Heacox (Hus) arrived . Mark blazed a trai l up the hill to the rigot and was on his way wit h no time lost. Ma rk 's efforts later went for nau gh t when he missed a turn on the pavement after the gas stop a nd wou nd up timekeep in g ha lfway to Bakersfiel d . Aft er th e gas sto p in Havila h, th e rid ers hea ded back ou t on the 57.9 · m ile trip back to cam p. So me of th e O pe n class riders were worried a bo u t running out of gas . but th e co urse was not a gas -ea ter a nd mos t made it. Adams wins D·3 7 Tuff E'Nuff enduro (Above) Donnie Morrison takes to the air in the Outlaw GP small-bore class. (Below) Tom Kelly pulls a mid-air pass on Jack Fuller. By Mike Adams Photos by Peggy Hickman KELSO VALLEY . CA, JUNE 11 After two trying years the Uni ted End uro Associa tio n was at last a ble to hold their Tuff E' Nuff end uro in the Sequoia Nation al Asbury aces CRC OutlawGP By Jerry G. Welton RI VERSIDE. CA ,JUNE 18 Mark Asbury and his 390 Husky overcame dust , heat a nd two hours of ro ugh rid ing to take t he Expert class win in California Ra cing Club's Outlaw Grand Prix a t Riversid e . The start ing procedure consisted of one row of 10 riders every 15 seconds. When the first wave took out it was Cra ig Adams (400cc KTM) a nd Kevin McNeal and his no n-monoshoc k 360cc Yamaha jumping into an early lead . Senior riders Mike Dyott (400cc Yam) a nd J a y Sheld on (250cc Yam ) im med iately went for a shot a t clea r air while the second wave took off . Asb ury pu lled off well , as di d Morgan Ma locco (:lOOcc Ya m) a nd Scot ·Ellico (175cc Yam) . As Ad ams swu ng high a nd wide on one of the firs t sections of pavement , McN eal slip ped by and be rserked it to th e first pil e-driving jump. McNeal led for nearly two fu lIla until fatigue set •• in and ended his ride , turning the lead over to Adams. Ba ck in the pack, T om Kelly (400cc KT M) had moved up rapidly as ha d Scot Duncan (250cc Yam) and Jeff Blix ( 125cc Suz).. . Mike Mulcomery was ru n ni ng th ird until the hard cha rgi ng Asbury got by hi m . Mal occo worked h is wa y u p to fourt h about the time Kelly's fro nt bra ke locked and th rew h im from his m ach ine . As the two -hour ra ce d ragged on. it seemed as th ough Ad a ms, who had a huge lead over secon d place, wou ld be t he uncontested win ner unti l a n ex tra le ng t h y pit sto p gave his lead to Asbury. Ma locco caught u p to Mu lconery and moved past in a n effort to ca tc h the leaders bu t a severe ly fractured frame ende d his ch ances. for th e lead. Blix . a nother top runner . was force d to d rop ou t with a fla t rear tire . Ada ms tried desp a rately to ca tch Asbury , but co u ld not ma ke up ground. Asb ury crossed th e fini sh line wit h the overall victory. Du e to the timed st a rt scorin g system , information was not avai la b le in the ad ditiona l classes by press time. Com lete results soon. Forest. T his was the first en duro to run in this area in many yea rs and it is a significant accomplishment when you consider the la nd closu re trend motorcyclists current ly face. - • Most of the credit for th is fea t goes to UEA member J erry Co unts. who totally dedicated his time and energy to pu tting on this event. On e obstacle after a nother arose a nd a lot of peo p le said it couldn't be done but pe rsisten ce paid off. J erry arranged for the pit a rea to be on a piece (If private prope rty j ust nort h of Sagela nd in Kelso Vall ey. A cre ek bordered t he pit area on the cast and ca ttle roamed t he nearby desert foot hills . Not your typica l scene at AMA 0 -37 enduro. To ma ke the pi t area access ible the creek had to be diverted through a cu lvert donated by Ron Sloan and a road bulldozed across the sandy creek bed . The kids loved playing in the creek and pit peop le got a cha nce to see th e ir riders in actio n as th e co urse ra n dow n th e cree k at bot h t he sta rt and finish . Afte r sta rt ing down the creek th e co u rse turned onto a fireroad th at took th e riders up int o the p ine covered Following a Piu te Mounta ins. time keeper's check on th e roa d, the ro u te led to a mo u ntai n tra il whic h • featured a seemingly endless series of water bars. A chec k at the end of th is d usty 18 mph section fou nd some "A" riders a nd most " B" a nd "C" rid ers late. However. eve rvo ne had a chance to get ba ck on rime a t the 10 minu te reset th at followed . T he UEA has severa l know ledgeab le endu ro rider s a nd it sho wed in th ei r chec k placem ent . spee d a verage select ion a nd judicious use of resets. Check D served ast he "c heck-in" for a 24 mph "specia l test" sect ion co mprised of tight twisty tr ail s. d owne d logs . and 'more wat er ba rs . When the UEA hiked thi s section wit h th e Forest Service , th e ranger pointed out bear tracks, on th e trail. It is rumored th a t d uring the n ~ a T he water ba r tra ils were again used as special tests . ru n in the opposite direction wit h the speed averages bumped u p to 24 and 30 mph . Best score her e was fou r m inu tes late by Ma ico -rnoun ted Mike Godfrey . At one poi nt t he club tried to be cute by reduci ng th e a verage to 12, mph afte r ge tti ng everyo ne late a t 24 . The idea was to ca tc h peop le ea rl y but th e UEA overes tima ted the rid ing a bility of ou r local tal ent a nd most were lucky j ust to be a minu te lat e. With Nati on al ca libe r riders. thi s trick m ight have worked . Nex t yea r th e UE A plans to ask the AM A for a National point event a nd. based on this yea r's performance, they could pu t on a good one . The on ly th ing sub -standard was a litt le word ga me t he UEA p layed with the ro u te sheet. Because th ey had some good spots for chec ks that wer e less than five m iles a pa rt . they dreamed up t he idea th at free territory arou nd th e gas stop d id n't co u nt as ac tua l m ileage . This su p posed ly m ad e the 104 ·mile event less th an 100 miles and qual ified it for th e three -mil e free territo ry rul e. On th e positi ve side . th e route she et di d feature m ileage a t th e major turns. a good p recaution against possib le course marking sabotage. I' it . J ~ ~ P 'J

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