Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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...............................;.•..."""" .. ORKS CLOTHES. Novice/Beginner ra ce No soo ne r had the d ust cleared, th e banner d ropped for the secon d wave. The first bike into the narrow ca nyon / wash 'was a 250cc Yamaha ridden . by Lou Ortal i of th e Viewfinders. Clea ring .the wash , blast ing over th e hardpan hill , Ortali maintain ed a lO·yard lead on seco nd pl ace Ken O viatt. Scott Dinger was the next , th en Rich Buchm a n n headed for th e sky as his C bik e cres ted th e bank exiting th e was h . La st week 's leader Mike Rya n cross ed th e ro ad with Pat Cain right ,behind . Back in th e pack , An dy Co ssio , a Trailb ike Beginner, had three more Beginners in his pa th ; Harold Andrews, J r .. Chuck Lagma n , and Bob Fr eeman , an Open Begi n ner who was in th e small wash just before the rollers an d chec k one. Ed Regehs took th e check behind Fr eeman then headed into the flat land cross' co u ntry. Dave .West picked up th e sm a ll sandy wash , Dave Chase was in th e deeper sa nd ahead. Scott Anderson had na vigat ed th e left a nd rig hthand . turn th en began upshifting down the straight. Beginner Ma rk Beau lieu go t off in this sec tion and was busy putting his sea t ( b ike type ) back on wh en Art Gu zman sai led by. Dan Su tton , Pat H enesey a nd Harold Cooper , a ll Beginners. picked u p th e fir eroad and disappea red past th e big rock of the right. Dave Jones saw th e rig ht turn a rrows a nd got on the binders, Gene Pet ers had made the turn and was flying up th e long mining ro ad to the ~l ~ . . Mik e Smith turned right up th e na rrow wash right behind Ste ven Gu nni ng . Gunnin g followed Jim Sh ort as they first-and-second-geared th eir way out into th e fla ts. Brian Bu rski fishtailed up the red ro ck uphill. Ryan Grosz was on the rid ge, enjoying th e new terra in . 'Ma rt y Bishop arc hed Pete Postel hit th e d irt mound in th e middle of th e narrow wash and ge t airborne . O rt a li blew a tire and began to melt in to the pack. Oviatt had a commanding lead but Rich Sm iley on th e C bike kep t him in sight. Al Ba ker-sponsored Novice , Rod Rod erick ha d his 250 cc bike screa m ing as the cou rse too k them ac ross BMR , check th ree and the crossgrai n . Heading up the wash toward BMR , #732 chased Gary White a nd Tim Jasper . Ned Pr it chett was soon to pick . up th e choppy trail known as "Kid ney Bel t Flats." J.R. Strachen re ached the foothills ahead of Steve Kn ight. Mark Nelson didn't get carried away on the windy, gnarly, access road . ' Mark Nelso n could see Ma yes Mountain to th e right and the pits. C learing the road and last check Pa u l Pa lm er, Clint W ood . and Gordon O b la nd er headed for home , Gail Sulli van , Nancy Caselli and Judi Combs tried but th e lon e survivor was Sa ndy Love . T he second loop had a bunch of riders who DN F. Oviatt took th e seco nd loop with ea se , Sm iley was in . for second " Rod erick third . The course was well marked, had lots of va rie ty. The fast stuff was safe a nd fast ; no plac e to ge t in trou ble. A welco me back to District to Cordi s Br ooks, Dean . Modesett and J im Bro wn . Congratul a tions to Roy Mehus (Yamah a of Buen a Pa rk ) rid ing his first ever dez event. T he upper of the week: Cory T im ms is a pappa ; a baby girl Cassa ndra . The downer is th a t Garry Wi llen s, hom e after do ing well last week, woke the next morning 10 find his new 4x4 truck _. , • a nd new bi~~. No riders demand more from their gear and clothing than the m embers o f'leam Honda.They've got winning on th eir mtnds, and the name Honda· line" is an important part of this competitive philosophy. In fact, 'Ieam Honda has played a major role in the design of most Hondaline motocross products. Pro-Honda MX Boots: Easy-on and -on. thanks to Velcro" closures. Steel shank for firm arch support; steel shin plate for added p rotection. 1bp. quality b lack cowhide. Pro-Honda MX Pants: A brand-new design. Rugged cordura nyl on with Jofa'" knee/sh1n guards. Freedom of movement, thanks to spandex insets. 'Ieam Honda red, white and blue accents.Hondaline Gloves:Great comfort and protection for the hands. MX U style in pliable cowhide: or new Pro-Honda MX style in goatskin. Authorized Bultaco De.ler P.O. 80. 118 Axton, VA 24054 703J650-JOJO , Competition Jerseys: 100% rugged 'nylo n with padded elbows, ribbed knit collar and ribbed cu1fs. Racing ~: Lightweight, good ventila· tion plus panoramfc vision. Features foam face seal and foam-eovered upper and lower vents. 1e<'fm Honda Helmets: Multiple-layer fiberglass construction that meets or exceeds Snell '75 requirements, today's most slIingent testing standard. Check out all the Hondaline gear at your Honda dealer's today! Product subject to ava1labillty. see Yellow Pages lor nearest dealer. Cl 1978 American Honda M otor Co., Inc. . ~~,niu _ J' 1&1£/" ·d . .' ~ ? ).I \, .~ '78 Buls are here Hi.Pipes Available Fits 75-78 Fronteras & Pursangs Large Parts Inventory We Ship PP & UPS Modify your '76-'77 Pursang like '78 PART TIME SALES REPS NEEDED · (714) 440-4612 :JOE. Mom,,", ." . Triumph Honda • MIC daJl.~UA Motorcycles Try us to r Triumph parts eM" •• DBA PROGRESSIVE. INC. IN CALIF. _~. 1444 P • • • WAY#7 • El CAJON, C• . . 92020 .IONEER _ .• _ • • • AUF , . _,-" M",W B". . . _ UPS same day 2509 Broadway _~~F;~~~9~~~ 8_ .~:~ ~t " __c_.. _ Sidecar Afotocross Frame kits and related parts 1340 Hacienda Blvd• L a Puente, CA 91744 213-336-465 6 ~• • _ _ . _.7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ _

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