Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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co C'! r:: <1.J Winner Broc Glover 1841 is third from the right as the 12Scc Pros blast off. Runner-up Warren Reid 151 is in the m iddle while David Taylor 1121 is on Glover's left. ::3 -, Marty Moates rode his LOP-sponsored Honda to the 250cc Pro win. Top Open Pro Sherman Schneller. Glover, Moates, Schneller win 11 th Mammoth Mountain MX specta to rs In all directions , Taylor fini shed the ra ce in third with Myerscough running a st rong fourth . Keese took fifth , Scott Karl sixth, Mart y Miller seve nth and Jones eighth. Keese , M iller , J on es, Myerscough and Karl foll owed Taylor in th e overall order. Coming to th e lin e for th e st art of t he 250 cc Pro sem i-fina l, Marty ' Moates (LOP Hon ) led off th e lin e in o ne of th e most radical st arts of th e day . J er ome H ei berger, on a Hond a , was cha lle ngi ng, wit h Bob Klin e , a lso H ond a -m ounted , in third . Kline ha d hea vy traffic be hi nd him fro m Brett Meye r , Allen Be rluti a nd Gary Denton . H eiberger had Moa tes in sig ht and was holding off a hea vy pa ck of racers. From Kline on back , bikes a nd riders were tak ing th e tr ack two a nd three a breast: a bso lute m adness! J im Lesn iewski (Ma i) was m aki ng tracks, moving up from eig ht h to th ird and kee pin g t he heat on H eiber ger . Gary Denton , wh o co u ld n' t seem to break aw ay from th e pa ck in his semi final made up fo r it in t he fina l, la king th e ho lesh ot and fighting off T urner a nd Moat es. On the uphill , Moates look co ntrol wit h Denton and Turner ho ld ing second a nd t hi rd , Tim T olar (Suz ) m oved o n up a nd into second, finding Turner a nd Denton ste ami ng up beh ind him . Jim Lesn iewsk i a lso was m ak in g a bid a t th e lead and followed De nt on p ast Turner and on th e wa y to Moates. Coming a ro und o n the wh ite flag lap Denton had the throttle wid e open a nd was clos ing on Moates. But Mo ates hel d firm and led Denton acorss the fini sh line for th e overa ll win fo r th e class. Lesni ewski fin ished [he mot o in th ird . Turner took fou rt h , Phil Cra ne hel d fifth a nd Mike W ick ersh a m was ru nning sixt h . . ki L es ruews l·s ·2 -3 was good for t hi rd overall. ahead of Turner . Den ton . H yberger , Crane , Wi cker sh am , a nd SIeve Blackm a n (Ho n ). By Lee Taylor Photos by Greg and Lee Taylor MAMMOTH LA KES , CA , JUNE II Mammoth Mountain was charged with excitement and tension in anticipation of the II th Annual Mammoth Mountain Motocross. Racers from throughout the western United States th~ fin ish line T aylo; crossed over in . third with Ke~e holding fo urt h .. When th e bik es fired off th e hne fo r fi a I. T Suzu ki 5 B n' a n t he In earn I Myerscough led with Moat es ' closing fast in second . Reid was running third wit h Bo bby J ones (Suz) , Keese a nd Blose in th at o rder . Glo ver, set back in II th , was sho wing everyo ne why he is th e Nati on al Number One 125cc m otocrosser . Litera lly" dusting t he track , he moved 10 fou rth , right beh ind Reid wh o was pu sh ing Myer scough for second. T aylor had worked h is way into th e lead a nd had ope ne d up all th e sto ps t ryin g 10 keep a head of th e tr affic. Reid m oved o n by fo r seco nd 'a nd was goi ng fo r it! Gra bb ing a handfu l, he set out to take Tavlor . A wh eel clashi ng duel went dow n betw een th em and Reid propell ed him self into th e lead , followed closely by Glover . Wha t fo llowed be tween Reid a nd Glover m ade motocross history for Mammoth . At first it appea red that Reid wou ld make it , pull ing Glover up t he hill and stretching out a bit of a lead. T hen coming a ro u nd for th e final time , Glover made a last m om ent sta b at th e lea d. clo sin g rig h t on top of Reid over th e ju m ps and edging up a longside hi m in t he last tu rn s. Fighting fo r all he was worth , Reid led by mere inches with G lover thrust ing his Ya m a ha ahead at the checkered flag for the overa ll win , then promptly goi ng over a berm , scattering started arriving early in the week to test t he mselves and their ma · . h h II' c h m es agamst t e c a engm g tra ck: some 8,00 0 feet above sea level. 20 On Sunda y, close to 300 Pr os enga ged in a ba ttl e that shoo k th e Mount a in . T eam Yama ha's Broc Glover look 'hom e the ove rall win in a hist ory making last -second -pass finale in th e 125cc Pros. Marty Moates , riding for LO P aboard a Honda , picked up $ 1,000 for the 250cc Pro win , a nd Sh erman Schnell er , Su zuk i-mounted out of Santa M aria , CA clai med to p honors for th e Open Pros. Davi d T aylo r (Suz) j umped off the line a nd into t he lead of th e 125cc Pro semi-fi nal. The sem i-fina l and fina l scores were co m bined to det ermine overall sco res. T aylor had Arizona 's Chappy Blose in second follo wed by Ronald McQuade , The race was immediatel y red -flagged as a floc k of riders went down on th e hill . On th e re -start , Glover pu lled the ho lesh ot : Jack Keese edged into seco nd . 'Moving in qu ickl y, Warren Reid sho wed wh at th e new Honda was m ad e of by taking over th e number two slot a nd entering into a du el with Glover th at wou ld car ry th em through bot h races and d own to th e finish . Reid cont in ued h is pursuit of Glvoe r and was . na r ro wing his lead d ramatically by th e end of the heat. At • 1 • .. .. . . .. . . . .. ... .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . "' • • • •• " .. " .~ .+ ... . " oC .f~ • • • • ' ,.· • • , • • ~ ~. " ~.4 ·. _ "' Val Tamietti (Mai) roosted off the lin e in the Open Pro semi -final with Larry Watkins right on top of him . H eavy dicing and moving up took place throughout. the pa ck with Sherman Schneller m oving into third from back in sixth . T odd Kohlmeister was sta ying up close to W atkins and had Steve Rawson , followed b y Eddie Col e , kee ping consta nt pressure on . Back in th e pa ck Tracy Oswell was m aking tracks! He co nt in ue d to ta ke on rid er a fte r rider and fin all y eased into fo urth , right on the back of Schneller . When th e sem i-fina l came to a n end , Watkins was in th e lead positio n . In th e final , T amiett i once m ore led the pack with his buddy W atkins right behi nd him . I n th ird Schneller was go ing fo r it and he look over seco nd . Co nti n ui ng to smoke eve ryo ne in sig ht , Schn ell er took ove r the lead as T racy Oswell dueled with Tony W anket for fourth. These two were at each other's neck all a ro u nd th e cou rse , Ken Zahrt (C -A) had his own ba tt le going with Bo b Maxwell forsixt h . Coming in for the end of the race , Schneller cr ossed over to th e moto victo ry . W akins had sec o nd , T am iett i was hol ding third , W anket finished fourth a nd Oswell was firmlv entren ched in fifth . • In th e ove ra ll tally, Schneller took th e win in a tieb rea ker with Watkins, 2· I to 1-2. Third went to Tamietti , who was foll owed by O swell, Maxwell , Wanket , Col e a nd Zahrt. • Results 125 PRO: 1. Broc Glover IYam); 2. Warren Reid IHonl; 3. David Taylor ISUll; 4. Jack Keese ISUll; 5. Mart y Mi ller ISUll; 6. Bobby Jones ISUl l; 7. Brian Mv erscough ISuz): 8. Scott Karl (SU1); 9. Mik e Tripes ISUl); 10. Pal W ilson IYam}. 250 PRO: 1. Marty Moal es lHonI; 2. J im Lesniewsk i (Mail; 3. Dan Turner (Yam); 4. Gary Denton ISuz); 5. Jero me He'berger IHon); 6. Phil Crane IHonl; 7. M ike Wi ckersham (Mail; 8. Steve Blackman (Hon); 9. Mark Gregso n ISuz); 10. Ron Turner (Yam). OPEN PRO: 1. Sherman Schneller ISu, l; 2. LaNy W atkins ISuz); 3. Val Tamiett i (M ail; 4. Tracy Oswell ISUl); 5. Bob MaxweillMai); 6. Tony W ankel IYaml ; 7. Eddie Cole (C-AI; 8. Ken Zahrt (C·A); 9. Jon M iller (Mail; 10. K,p Classen lMai). . ·~ _"' . <

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