Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 21 of 71

~ mEMA8NIFICENTMO'RXROSSERS ' eoe Io4ANNAH Io4EA05 'THE PAC~, APFRO" IS I: = IIiII ..:I g ~ 0) ~ft PRlA1'EI-Y NICKNAMED lO""'URRICANS", L.AS1' YEARS SUP6RC~05&' CHAMP' ON A\..SiO L..OOKS L.lKE ',1.U$ YeARS SUPERCR055 Cf-lAMPION. • • A~RO ..,15 250ec. YAMA)4A BOB'S L.eAD- INa- IN"'1'HE SERIES. HE'S ALSO PRACTICALLY CLlNCHEO "t'HE AMA Z50ec: NA"1'IONAL. MX C~MPIONS~IP.ANO 'T~E SEASON'S NOT evEN OVER VET, 00 CN v I:: ::l -, ~NNA~ GL.OVER l'OIN& Too BAOL.V EI'n-IER .. Gt\.OVER1 L.A~'f YEAR ~& '(OUNGE5T NATIONAl. ~~MPlON IN AMA ~I~'ORV I ,~ FAeT RACWlNQ UP A &Ie. SNOtJetoC POINTS l-EAO TO A55UR2 \·"5 RE'tCH'T1ON OF '1\-\E 12~~c.1 PLA'T.E.. I T~e TEAM'S VE.1'ERAN AND OFFlClA\.. I-I"'N& L.EeeNC I~ P\ERRE ~RS~RS. ONe o~ -n-4E WOR\..O'S GReA,.EST RIce-AS YEAR AFTERVEARtP\ERRE ~~QONE Au..-n-lE wlJ:'( FROM 7 P\.ACE 10 A "le. FO~ 2 nd IN"""S 2.60cc NA'T\ONA\..C~· PION&WIP WITH 5 MORE RACES 1'0 GO.. TH OUR YrS. YOU CAN"r 9='INO A STOCW 8\KE -rHA'T'S CL.OSER 'TO A COMPL.E"N& "\"WE ROS'TER AR& MI~ SE.L.L. ANDRICK euFGEn ~ '1"OP AMER\CAN FtNla~ERS IN 'THE. 178 ClR\.56AO 500cc US&'P.. ANO L.EAOIN& CONTENCERS IN'11oE AM,4 600cc i • 4 # y'". , • #; • ,, • '. '.• p , ' " . •• •• .' _ , ,. f· 'f. ....... .-. r . . • ... ...1;. , ., I, ~~ , , . ., "~,;;,,.~. ~.., , ~.. ~ -I'll"" . ".. .,'f" • ~ c•• #, . , ...... I ' f, f . 4 A'T ANY' PRICE... NA"ONA~ CI4AMPlONSH'~ -' " , I • woRKS &IKE .. , ~ I~ ~" .., , • • .1 f '·~1I11 I • ~~~;S " .. 22 , ,

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