Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Marland Whaley rode to fifth overall, second in the National. in his first appearance onthe Montesa. (Leftl Vrjo Vesterinen charged through the spray to second. (Right! Points leader Martin Lampkin was fourth. Lane Leavitt and fi ance Debbie Evans joined the world 's best t rials riders. tota l. Vesteri ncn was on ly 3.6 points a head of Sweden's Ulf Ka rlsson , who holds down fourt h in the poi nt stan di ngs for the Montesa marque, a scant six points be hi nd Schreiber. T he originally planned th ree -ride schedule was dropped for a two-ride program with the riders allowed five hours plus an hour of grace to complete th e even t, The cou rse was d ifficult , even by World Championship standa rds , and the fatigue level was high. Hill sections #6 (N a il Factory Mounta in ) and #1 1 (Loose Rock Camber) were high point losers for most riders , but veteran Mick Andrews and Vesterinen cleaned # 11 on their first run, and Lampkin got b ut a three. Only two other riders mad e it to the top on the first run through. O n the second loop Ma rl a n d W haley , on his new Mo ntesa ride, and Vesterinen cleaned it while Lampkin took another three. Schreiber took a 5 both times as d id SWM rider , Fren chm a n Charles Cou tard, An drews also took a 5 on the seco nd loop as fati gu e was clearly visible not only on h is face , but in his perform a nce as well. Arrows on th e hi lls were very far apart so there were about three alterna te ro utes on # 11', whereas #6's hill had on e well worn hig h speed trail to th e fina l steep incline wher e it was doit -howe ver -you -can to keep the front wheel down and the rear whee l under tracti on over the loose rocks and root s, Ossa mounted Andrews and Moru esa mounted Curt Com er were a mo ng th e few who made it to th e top . On the seco nd loop man y com petitors a ccepted a 5 at th e base th us saving time a nd possib le tim e pen alt y points an d went on to th e next section. ' Some fel t th er e was no necessity of nearly impassable sec tio ns. however, dis cu ssions with several N a tio na lly ranked ride rs brought forth opinion s that added up to approval of such section s to pr ovid e th e cha llenge required by int e r n a t io n a l cl ass r id e rs to establish a point spread. The Wagner Cup , whic h Schreib er won at Roa ring Bra nch , is a u niqu e 24 -carat gold bow l on a wooden base with four ca rvi ngs of the bighorn shee p, a species found pri mari ly in the U.S . and weIl known for its agi lity in rocky terr a in . T he Wagner Cup stays in this cou nt ry a t AM A head qua rters in O hio and the yea rly win ner receives a ha nd carved replica of the big horn sheep. The award is named after Wiltz W agner, an enthusiast ic trials co m petitor fro m Co lorado who was in strumenta l in the foundi ng of the North America n T rials Council. Wagner finished second behind Honda's Bob Nickelsen in today's Senior class. Over 4 ,000 specta tors ventured int o Roaring Branch Motorsport Pa rk to witness the 5th Annua l. Wagner Cup Trials , an event that can best be described as be ing a masterpiece of hard work and planning. Under the direction of clerk of the cou rse Jerry Young and the Pennsylva nia Trials Riders, Inc.. the who le affair went off with unbelievabl e smoot hness. Rea ping the profit fro m th e th ou sa nds of spectators who paid to watch the world 's best trials riders is the North Central Pennsylvania Cha pt er o f the Mu ltiple Sclerosis Society. • Results World Champ ion ship : 1. Bernie SChreiber (Bull 24.2: 2. Yrjo Vesteri nen lBull 35 ; 3. Ul f Karlsson (Mon) 38 .6; 4. Martin Lampkin IBul) 39; 5. Marland W haley (Mon' 50; 6. Curt Comer (Mon) 50.9; 7. Malcolm Rathmell (Suz) 59; 8. Mick Andrews (Oss) 60.6; 9. Antonio Gcrqot 18uIl65.7; 10 . Charles Couta rd (SWMl 71 . National: 1. Schr eibe r; 2. Wha lev; 3. Comer; 4. Lane 16 Leavitt tBul) 54 (Finish ed 7th in Wor ld Championship class but disqual ified for not having renewed FIM license]: 5. Terry Cheney (Bull 74; 6. Bob Hopki ns (Bull 75; 7. Don Sw eet (Man) 78.7; 8. Mart in Bela;r (Ma n) 81.5; 9. J ack Stites (Ma n) 82.6; 10. Morgan Kavanaugh IBuI186 .9. Senior : 1. Bob Nick elsen IHonl 54; 2. Wilu Wagner (Bul) 79; 3. Richa rd Wal sh (Bull 82 ; 4 . James Scha idle (MonI 8S.

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