Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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DEALER INQU IRIES IN VIT ED Marshall wins Weeks 100 , ~y Bob Tarnai WEEKS , NV , A PR . 30 Charlie Ma rshall padded his Distx].~t 36 Cross Country points lead Sunday at the Weeks 100. Marshall had the hot line to the smoke bomb and th e only dust he saw during the four 25-mile loops was from lapped riders . The town of Weeks (its more like a historical landmark on th e roadside) was 'on ce a remounting station for the Pony Express , and with a State Park ca m pgrou nd a nd over 40 ,000 acres of BLM land nearby, (d on 't forget to wr ite those desert closure lettersl) th is area is well sui te d for a fam ily week end. The run to the bomb went ac ross a dry lake bed that was once part of a ncie nt Lake Lahonton. Aft er th e bomb there was a sa n dy' road with lots . of whoops, T his section saw Ray Hinson's d ay end ab ru p tly after he a nd another rider tangled in th e bumps. T his prompted some recognit ion to Rea ct for the use of th eir time , manpower and equipment. It makes the desert a little less lonely, knowing th er e are fou r-whee l drive units with CBs close a t hand . Just before th e road open ed up th ere was a fifth gear ju m p t ha t made me feel like Larry Roeseler looks. WOWI T he n th e course went on through some m ud puddl es, a nd ou r-to som e op~n sp aces with a wide open San Jos e MIle sweeper that led ou t past two well marked road crossings and on to a t ra il f.:illof rocks . " -At the top of the next hill , t":'o bundled -up checkers (it started to ram and the wind was blowing like 60mph) . marked cards and sent you ' on you r way downhill . The way ba ck -showed some of the clubs humor (a , Quiet Hospital Zon e sign on an engine-killing downhill) and some of th eir imagination by using a couple of neat sections of washtype trails to get back to a long top' gear road along the base of the . mountains that put you in welcome sigh t of the pits for gas, liquids, bandaids and out for another loop . Yellow plate 14, Charlie Marsha!l, wheelied h is Husky CR p ast the p.ts with hard-charging Randy T eel doing th e same . R andy was flying till a flat slowed him down to third . Mark Jones gra bbed second and the winner of th e Doyle Cross Country race, Conrad Sti tser , was fourth . Bill Onga pulled a come-fro m behind win in th e Old Timers class and J erry Ketchum led a large group of Vet Nov ices to th e fin ish . John Borrows and Rick Ramsey took th e Vet Expert and Amateur class es respectivel y, whil e Jenni Miles got the Powder Puff brass. . Randy Osb orne a nd J eff Km g were t h e top two 250cc Novices and Hemilene W icks rode with the guys and finished with only Bob Hy lton , second, a nd Mik e Williams, first , in front of her. This event was a first time effort thrown by th e Cro ss Country Associ ation with eight m embers and lots of volunteers. They gave 30 % trophies and nice finisher pins and gave a desert rider a good tune-up for Virginia City. Resu lts VET EX 1. John Bo rrows ; 2. Ron Keeping. : VET AM : 1. Rick Ramsey. VET NOV : 1. Jerry ketchum; 2. Chuck Bosch; 3. Bob Inee. OT: 1. Bill On9O. POW DER PUFF: 1. J enni Miles. OPEN 250 EX: 1. Chalie Marshall; 2. Mark Jones; 3. RandyTeel. OPEN JR: 1. Stan M iles; 2. Randy J ohnson. 2501125 J R: 1. Bob Delcalo; 2. Jeff Clouter. OPEN NOV: 1. James Lindeman; 2. Jim Irw ing; 3. Mike NcNeff. 250 NOV: 1. Randy Osborn ; 2. Jeff King ; 3. Dennis Gregory. . 125 NOV : 1. Mik e Willaims ; 2. Bob Hylton; 3. Hermilene Wicks. . Da • ... ~ t 00 I::"- .".s " 0') ... ~ ~ ~bert Jacobson snags 'SIR wins ; ~ AIRCONE ~ ~ "form erly A irco She et M eta l " Distributors of Bo sc h Plugs f 5209 Grevillea Ave , Lawndale, CA 90260 213-675-5290 Complete Line of M otot ek - COl Kits CN e-, ~ By Sue Sykes ~ KENT, WA , .MAY5 BUY THE BEST SIR was busy at both ends for Fri day night's opener. The W inston Drag times were running behind the tree lights for the four-wheel lovers . and CMC m otocross on an all new track. Two h undred and fifiy-eight rid ers jammed in for practice with th e showoff first lap led out by Movin' Marty. It was a long program and ran well into the wee hours. Th e riders were especially understanding. Moto one 250cc Pro action was some dicing display with Totem Lake Chief Blaine Elledge (Can-Am) and Bellevue Suzuki king Pat Jacobson (Suz) pushing side by side . Pa t ca ugh t the lead from the gate. but slid out on a new right hander. By th e time he dusted his lea th ers he was passed by E~ledge, wh o went on for the m oto win . Jacobson took command of rnoto two and put th e win up for th e overall. A busy guy Pat 'was, overall winner with aces in both 125cc Pro and Open Pro classes for a lion's share of the money. Cory Klaudt (Kaw) put a spark up for Kent Kawaski in the rugged I25cc Junior division. With enough riders gathered to hold their own race , the bikes were divided in to three heats and only the top six went to the main for the CMC slots . Klaudt didn't have any trouble with a win in division one heat. Cory Rot off in . the right pos ition in the main , but second moto winner John Christian, Jr. (Suz) was lo cked up in the back. Heat three winner Marty Plumb (Suz) did a mid-start , pushed up to th ird at th e flag to score just behind Scott Tyler's 2-2. Future Pros took th e spotlight in the I25cc Intermediate ac tion as T om Dougherty (Suz) eased through two wins for th e over al l. Tim Davis , J r . (Suz) took a h eat second and main second for th e next spot , followed by J eff Hayden (Suz) and Brian Swin dahl (Suz) . EUROPEAN ENDURO ... Tne SACHS 7-speed (SDT End uro is a. q uality mach ine . . . but at . J apanese "trail bike" pr ices. Fou r d ispl acem ent classes . GS 125, GS 175, GS 250, GS 350 . All featu re SACHS depe ndab ility and Cerrnan craftsma nship. See your dealer ... NOW! Remember the bison ? They were kilied in great numbers on the plains. Pretty soon there weren't many bison lefl. . Now if bison had had any bra ins at all, they would have organized . They would have gotten someone to represent them who would have seen that laws were passed which insured their survival. And we would have some bison around today. The motorcycle industry is smarter ! From all areas of the indust ry people have given their support to us and we have, become a strong .votce for them. In a world worried about polluti on , concerned abo ut the energy cris is, we make sure that the indus try gets a fair break. From federal , state and local legislators- as well as the public in general. We're the Motorcycle Industry Council. We're strong, but to grow stronger we need you. It's a matter of survival! Send for the MIC membership package today. EAST ERN DEALERSERVICE & PARTSCENTER 909 Crock er Rd.. Dept , F·14 . Westlake. OH 44145 (2 16)87 1-48 90 WESTERN DEALER SERVICE & PARTS CENT ER 640 1 Reg io Ave.• Dept. F·1 4. Bue na ·Pa~. CA 90620 [1 14 ) 523-34 80 Robert E. Griffin Attorney a t Law Personal Injury Worker's Compe nsation Do mestic & _ Soci al Secu rity Matters No fee for initial consultation 84~5820 213-437·2807 714 Ainbinde r and Blatt 1241 East 4th St. Long Beach, CA 90802 / Holeshot? • Results PEE WEE: 1. J eff Mun son ISuz); 2. Brad J eff ery Iltjl; IIUFTI 3. Eric Davis (Hon). MINI EX 1. Chad Jeffery IYaml ; 2. Dave Holloway : IYaml . . . . MINI INT : 1. Dale Peterson ($u z); 2. Ted .Pinkman (Yam); 3. Doug Ma ssey (Suzl . M INI JR : 1. Bryan Birkesto l (Yam ); 2 Kelly Davis ISuzl ; 3. Mark Plumb ISuzl .· 100 INT: 1. Mike Felt IYaml; 2. Danny Diesso ISuzl: 3. Vin ce Dale (Yam). ' 100 J R: 1. Sitae McMahan IYaml; 2. Marty Plumb ISuzl; 3. Ken Wright ISuzl . 125 PRO: 1. Pat J acobson (Suzl; 2. Rod Casper ISuz); 3. Duke Coleman ISuz). 125 1 NT: 1:Tom Dougherty ISuzl; 2. T im Davis. Jr . ISuz); 3. Jeff Hayden ISuzl. ' 125 J R: 1. Cory Klaudt IKawl ; 2. Scon Ty ler IKawl; 3. Marty Plum b ISuzl. 250 PRO: 1. Pat Jacobson ISuz l; 2. Blaine Elledg e ICAI ; 3. Tom PoagelYaml. 250 INT: 1. Jayme Nickle (Hon); 2. Ron Sim mons (Honl ; 3. Russ Tom (Honl. 250 JR : 1. Mark St evens (Suzl; 2. Mark Hansen {Sun; 3. J ohn Christian J r (Suzl. OPEN PRO: 1. Pat J acobson ISuz); 2. Tom Poage IYaml; 3. Clint Calhou n ISuzl . OPEN INT : 1. TIm Davis Jr ISuzl; 2. Mike Kulp IYam l; 3. John Hribar I6Ow1 . OPEN J R: 1. Mar k Gabouer (Suzl; 2. J im M yers IMai l; 3. Steve Glenn IYaml. OVER HILL: 1. Ric Conway (Yaml ; 2. Dayton Hickson IMa il; 3. Stephen Baze IC-AI. OLD TIMER S: 1. Richard Zeiler IKTMJ: 2. Don Tyler (M ail; 3. Dick Graham IC2l . /1i..!H!!.c"KS 7831 Alabama St. #1 Canoga Park. CA 91304 213-341.Q448 _ Triumph H onda :J.~E. daJl.Ga~ BMW M otorcycles Try us tor Triumph parts UPS same day 2509 Broadw ay Sacramento, CA 95818 916-452·5491 _ ........_.1 MA tC O C L EA R A N C E S A LE Br an d N e w 197 7' s All N ew ' 775 & u sed M ai c o s mu st go N o reuso na bte o tter refused PA CIFI C CO A S T HONOA 18 2 0 Pac i f ic C o a st Hw y Lomita . C A 9 0717 2 13 · 32 6 ·3 8 10 8225 Remmet A ve. Canoga Perk. CA 91304 213-888-4950 Hand Washahle ~ti _ J!i IJ_ .. ~ ~ ~~ O thman Di stributing .. o . C B o .356 San Lu i s Obsipo , CA 93406 (8 0 5 ) 54 4 ·6 18 1 ~ Ri ding • Racin g • Street GLOVES De aler Inquirie s In vited 37

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