Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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q Bobbie Hunter wins Berdoo seco nd division main By Dennis Greene SAN BERNARDINO , CA , MAY 10 Bobbi Hunter, one of a half doz en you ng ladies to try Speedway in recent yea rs, showed her steady improvement by winning the Division Two Handicap Ma in Event. Sh e had ea rned th e ride in th e Main by winning he r heat ra ce , as well . Hunter has a style th at very well may put her in th e First Division later this yea r a nd th a t would be a firs t for Am erican Speedway. For on e terrible m inute, it look ed like Mike Bast m ight be out of Speed way for the yea r whe n he cras hed into Bob Mcl.ain 's b ike after Bob ran in to th e wa ll. McLa in was okay, but Mike ca ug ht his rig ht foot under th e motor and as he went over th e to p , his foo t was folded ba ck so far that the stitching on his boot pulled free. Mike ro lled a round on the ground as the a m bula nce cre w told him he was th rough for th e nigh t. Mike asked for a minute or two to tape u p his boot , saying "T h is is th e Handicap Main and thi s is how lmak e m y living ." He got back on his bik e ~ nd was on the lin e for th e restart. L ike all good sto ries , this on e had a h a p py end ing . Mike won th e Main Event. Two ra ces later, Mike was on th e lin e for th e Scr at ch Ma in Event a lon g with Bob Schwartz , Alan Christian a nd Mark Ch erry. Cherry got th e jump at the sta rt and never look ed back as he rode th e four laps to victo ry. . New comer Mark j ackson . in only his second Speedway rid e , won th e Division Three Handicap Ma in Even t. . wins Bast Costa Mesa "crazy night" COSTA MESA . CA. MA Y 12 It wasn't even a full moon , but funny things went on all night at the O range County Fairgrounds . It looked like someone had come up with a new game ca lled "Chase, " or " Let's see how fast th e photographers and infield people can runl " In one event , two riders went down in tu rn on e and as they tried to get back on their bikes , which were still ru nning , they cut through the infi eld . sending everyone running for cove r. At the same time , two more got together on th e front straightaway and with their ha ndlebars interlocked , they came at us from the ' other direction , then the two rid ers lef t tri ed to miss all the fun by laying it down Mike Bast leads Alan Christian and Ron Preston. a nd slid ing into th e infield , where we a ll were trying to get up th e flagpol e for sa fe tv. Of if you do n't t hi nk t hat was fu nny , th ere was one ra ce where three of th e fou r riders went dow n a nd as th e picku p m en ran to hel p th em , th ey got b ack u p and back into th e race with the p ick-up crew still hanging on , almost ta king one of th em along for the ride. There was eve n one race sto p ped • wh en th e referee th ought th e sta rt ing tape had bee n brok en . As th e rid ers ca me ba ck to the starting line, the ga te was p ull ed down a nd ,' much to th e su rp rise of th e red -faced referee . a ll th e tapes were inta ct. Ther e was some outstanding ra cing , Danny Becker bringing with every bo dy to th eir feet. He ea rned a rid e in th e Scratch Ma in Event a long with Sonny Nutter , Bob Schwartz and Mike Bast . Becker tri ed the ou tside lin e , but it was not th e fast wa v arou nd this night. Sonny Nut'ter staye d just in front of Becker as he tri ed to close down th e sp ace on Bob Schwartz , whil e way out in fro nt , sore foo t a nd all , Mike Bast won his seco nd Scrat ch Ma in Event of th e new season at Costa Mesa . Sitting 50 ya rds back from the sta rti ng gate , Alan Ch ristia n look ed over th e other five rid ers. All he had to do for th e victory was ou tride the m in five laps in a rac e th at takes less th an a minu te to ru n. Alan's bee n th e re before and d oes his job wel l. Alan too k th e checke red flag first wit h Bob Schwartz right th er e for seco nd . A th ird night of Speedway will be added this week with th e ope ni ng of Ascot on Thursda y night on th e quarter -mil e track . • Results Bobbi Hu nter. making a cla im for t he " First Lady of Speedway" ti tle. won the Second Divis ion Main at San Bernardino. ... '(A bo ve) T om Ferr is (o n t he ground ). Dennis Bartlett and M ike Bast in Costa Mesa co nfusion. (Below) Ray Burba tucks in down t he straight . . SAN BERNARDINO 511 0178 SCRATCH MA IN EVENT: 1. Mark Cherry; 2. Alan Christian ; 3. Mik e Bast ; 4. Bob Schwa rt s. HANDICAP MAIN EVENT: 1. Mik e Bast; 2. Jan Ballard; 3. Dave Galvin; 4 . Don Faulkner; 5. Bob Mclain ; 6. Ron Preston . DIVIS ION TWO: 1. Bobbi Hunter. DIVISION THREE: t. Mark Jackson. 8 COSTA MESA 511 217 SCRATCH MAIN EVENT: 2. Mike Bast; 2. Bob Schwar tz; 3. Sonny Nutt er; 4. Danny Bec ker. HANDICAP MAI N EVENT: 1. Alan Christian: 2. Bob Schwa rtz; 3. larry Kosta; 4. Sonny Nuter; 5. Steve Nutt er; 6. Tom Morley . DIVISION TWO : 1. Jim Forehand. DIVISION THREE: t . Dan McNeill. 33

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