Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kenny Roberts wins Salzburgring GP road race. time finding a wa y past local ac e Henk Pauw , Andre Massant , also mounted on Honda , gated abominably in 26th spot , but ca rved through the field at a hectic pace , eventually d isplacing Matti Autio for fourth a t two -thirds d istance. W aywa rd chains sidelined bot h the works ' KT Ms of Co te Liljegren and Sigi Lern er. who had he ld fifth pla ce in th e opening sta ges. H a rd rid in g \ u ri Khud iak ov cras hed fr om th e leaderboard on lap seven. to t he u lt im a t e adva ntage of h is fellow RUssian Anatuly O vchinnikov, Both were ridi ng the wor ks wa te r-cooled CZs. although Ovc hinnikov had rever led 10 last year's ai r-coo led model duri ng p ractice. -T he Czech CZ sq uad of Chura,')'. j irk a and Nova ce k si mp ly ne ve r sho wed u p - a measu re of th ei r current d isillusion me n t with th e strangely ' u n satisfac to ry water-cooled machi nes , T he se con d m o to prod u ced a n eq ua lly devasta ting victory for Ron d who was chee red a ll th e way by a hu ge . partisan crowd . W at an a be's seco nd SPOI was 'never in doubt, bUI d ra m a raged be hind h im as thi rd p lace was held , insec u rely by Dut ch sa nd specia lists Pet er Groeneve ld . and Din ant Zij lst r a . Khud ia kov. a nd fina lly Liljegren . All were there a t the finish except Zij lstra , whoseKawasaki seized on la p eight. Massan t ga led ba d ly agai n . the n crashed hea vily, b rin ging down Roy Landberg on th e Germa n -b uih Go ri . Massant remounted . bUI a jammed cha in cu rtailed his lurid efforts , while hi s equa ll y ex u be r a n t firs t race pr9tagan is l Auti o t ook an u n scheduled p lunge int o the ever ,present trees and retired . for tunately u nhu rt, ziMea n time Rond ha d once m ore la pped all but the first four riders. The likea ble Dut chm a n re mains uncerta in a? iio whether or not he ca n ma inta in t Ihis dem or al isin g form on the firm er Eu ropea n tracks that a re 10 co me, bu t h, -has a lready burst the titl e chase wid e open, and co nfro nted Gaston with his ser ious cha llenge in two vears, m, ~ • I Results 1 OVerall: t o Gerard Rond (Yam); 2. Ak ira Watanab e (Suz); 3. Gaston Rahier (Suzl: 4. Gote Liljegren IKTMI; 5. ee ter Groeneveld (Sull; 6. Andr e Massant (Hoot; 7. Yurt Khudi akov 1CZ); 8. Man; Aut io (Suz); 9. Dinant Zijlstr3 (KawJ; 10. Henk Van Mi erlo IKawl; 11. 5 igi Letne~ IKTMI; 12. Robert Greisch (Yam); 13. Marcel LeclerQ (Mai); 14. Anato ly Ovch innikov ICZ); 15. Victor PiiperikolCZI. MrSI Moto: t . Rond; 2. Watanabe ; 3. Rahim; 4. Massant; 5. Autio ; 6. Zijlstre; 7. Groeneveld ; 8. Greisch; 9. Dvchinnikov; 10. Bjurstrcm . Second Moto: 1. Rand; 2. W atana!:le; 3. Liljegren; 4. Khudiakov ; 5. Groeneveld ; 6. Van M ierlo ; 7. Lerner: 8. Leclerq; 9. Popenko; 10. Greisch. Champ ionsh ip standings : 1. Rood (96); 2. Rahier (91); 3. Watanabe 185); 4. Massa nt 1 35); 5. Lamer 130); 6. Liljegrev (27) ; 7. Corrado Madd ii 22; 8. Autio (2Ql. Kenny Roberts challenges the world on Goodyear racing tires. Kenny Roberts riding his Yamaha VZRSOO equipped with Goodyear racing tires, has won the Austrian 500 GP. It's another chapter in the 1978 . Goodyear world challenge. . Goodyear motorcycle tires have helped Kenny win just about every dirt track and road racing title the U.S.A. has to offer, So, this year Kenny is traveling the world taking on the world's best riders and road courses. Arid, wherever Kenny races, Goodyear will be there ; Goodyear engineers will be there testing, working and learning about how Goodyear racing tires stand up in ' Grand Prix motorcycle racing . Later, these same engineers will put their experience to use in building championship quality into the tires you can buy for your motorcycle. World Challenge Scoreboard . Daytona 200 Venezuelan GP Brands Hatch F750 Austrian GP 750cc 250cc 750cc 500cc 1st place 1st place 1st place 1st place LGOOiJlrYEA-R_ ~EN WE RACE, YOU WIN. • •• Dual Purpose AND off-road clearance Sale! .c:: .- ~~'3'~~. weship ·'. I f \ -~ - 'anywhere WAS NOW .... ·77 KD100mlnlMX •••••• $525 $425 new '77 KElOO dirt • • • • •• , ••• , 585 479 new '77 KD125 dirt. , • . . • •• • , . 799 649 new '77 KD175 eRrt••••••••• •• 869 699 1978 KEl26 dual purpose , 1 1978 KE175 Dual purpose , • •• 1 1978 KL250 4-cycle e_ro .. , 1 new '77 KH400 street 1295 899 Similar savings on moat other model. Iii HOLLYWOOD KAWASAKI 1339 N. Highland Ave. 213-466-8451 Hollywood, CA 90028 Motocross 'South MM June 3 & 4 ~ GION ... j, -4t Points Race Points Race $3.000Pu... Central Regional Professional Motocross June 3rd Amateur Classes $600 plus 5 trophies per class Registration at Track. Practice 8:30 A.M . June 4th Pro Registr ati on: Sat urday. J un e 3rd. Pro Classes Days Inn. Hw y 80. Pearl, MS 2 · 5 P.M . $3,000 Purse Sunday, J un e 4th at track Pract ice; paying 12 Sunda y. June 4th 9:00 A.M . Pro Classes 125cc/250cc/500cc. places per class Motocross South 1·20 at th e Airport Exit. J ackson. MS For Information call: 60J /939-7036 or 932·J 759 Dr 932·3J95 15

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