Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above leftl Jorgy was all by himself in the National. (Above right! Junior Invitational w inner M ike Kunsman (93z1 got together w ith Novice Invitational winner Jeff Haney and Miss Camel. Lynn Griffis. (Belowl Leading Rookie Don Bailey 118YI passed Gary Scott f or the lead in the last turn of the first semi. abs point lead Novice Invitational , Jeff Haney, riding a KR Racing Frames Yamaha , hadn't been beaten in 16 starts prior 10 the Ascot Novice In vitational. When it was over, Haney had made il 17 in a ro w. winning with a big lead. Oklahoma's David Jones (Yam), who qualified for th e event th e previous even ing . held second throughout while th ird was a tu ssle that finall y ended up in th e hands of David Ryan (Yam ). Semis Another Rookie of the Year contender. Eddie Laws on (Shell Racing Spec. Yam) .Ioo k the lead in the first semi ahead of Gary Scott (KK Supply H -D) and Bill Schaeffer (Be lRay/Schaeffer's H ·D ). A third Rookie of th e Year candidate , Don Bailey (Concord Yam /Lillie Racing/ND/ DJ .D. Yam ) took over third. T he three of them made for a very exciting final lap . First, Scott passed Lawson going down the back straight. But Ba iley passed both Lawson a nd Scott in turns three and four to take th e win and transfer by a wh isker. .Corky Keener started on the outside pole in th e seco nd semi , made a sharp mov e t,o the insid e go ing int o th e fir st IIlTn. took the lead a nd hel d it all th e way to tak e th e last spot on th e Nation al sta rti ng lin e-up . T om Berry (T ir ) held secon d in itia lly, lost it to Gene Romero (Da n MurrellO cean Pacifi c Sunwca r H ·D ). hut rega ined it wit h four laps to go. Junior Invitational Wayne Ra iney, the fastest Junior in the nation , put the Shell R acing Specialties Yamaha into a huge lead. The lead end ed about halfwa y ' through the race when th e rear axle broke and forc ed Ra iney into a turn one crash that he walked awa y from unhurt . Charlie Summers (Ya m) had held second , but Mike Kunsman (H -D) passed him on the third la p and was there to take over the lead when Ra iney went out. The second sp ot was a subject of discussion down to the checkered flag, with Summers, Don Grigsby (Yam) , O kla homa 's Ron Jones (H- D), who like his brother Da vid . qualified for the invitational the night before , Mike Minnig (Yam ) and Craig Armstrong doing the discussing. When the final order passed the line it was Ku nsm a n , Jones. Minnig , Armstrong, Grigsby and Summers. Trophy Race T erry Poove y had a slight advantage at the start of the trophy race , mainly because al most everyone was sent back to the pena lty line. Poovey was th e onl y one left in th e fron t row and Mike Cav es was th e only one left in th e sec ond row. However , penalty.line sta rters Bobbv Sanders and Eddie Lawson were second a nd third behind Poovey at th e end of lap on e . T om Berry and Gary Scott mov ed up behind Law son and Sanders, with Berry ge tti ng by both on the eigh th la p on ly to shut off a gas petcock with his knee and lose several positions. On th e next lap Scott passed Lawson and on th e next -to -last lap , Scott and Lawson both passed Sanders, wh o firiished fourth ahead of Berry. National Alex Jorgensen and Randy Goss battled for the lead through turn one with Jorgy grabbing it. Br ow , Sp ringsteen and Aksl and follow ed . Aksland passed Springer for fourth on the nex t lap, then did away with Brow for th ird and Goss for second before th e first five laps were up. With Jorgy stretching a lead on th e field , attentions turned to the battle for third involving Goss , Brow , Hank Scott and Springsteen . Scott went by Brow on lap eight , but Brow got it right back and Springer passed Scott as well . two laps la ter. ' Brow got Goss for third on the 14th lap as they went through turn two . Two laps later he passed Aksland, but Skip was back in front on the next lap. Sp ringsteen had been riding since la p three with a loose wir e o n t he right sid e of the double -ignition (battery a nd magneto) factory Harley. Every time Jay tucked in his right leg 10 go through th e corners. he was getting zapped. Nevertheless, he passed Brow for th ird with on e la p rem ain ing . It _ didn 't last. " I nearly got by both of them ," said Brow after the race . " I pit ched it dow n on its sid e and had m y left foot dragging behind m e. " Brow went insid e in turns three a nd four on th e final lap and took third away from Springsteen to finish behind Jor gens en and Aksland. Filling in the top 10 behind Springsteen wer e Goss, Keener, Hank Scott. Hareley, Ba iley (who took. over again as leading Rookie), and Mike Kidd . How did it feel to be all alone in the lead? "It felt great, " said Jorgensen. • Results NOV INVITATIONAL no laps): 1. Jeff Haney !Yaml; 2. Oavid Jones !Yaml ; 3. David Rvan yam); 4. Jay lewis ISuz); 5. Rob Selvv IVam); 6. St eve Polson !Yam); 7. Mike DeLacv !Yam!; B. Derek land !Yam); 9. Rod Sullivan !Yam); 10. Kim Jorgensen IC-Al: 11. QvIan Neihart !Yaml ; 12. Ken Robicheaux (H·Dl. TIme4:05.54. • JR INVITATIONAL MAIN 1 12 lapsl: 1. M ike Kunsman IH-Dl; 2. Ron Jo nes (H·O); 3. Mike Minnig !Yam); 4. Craig Armstrong !Yaml ; 5. Don Grigsby (Yam); 6. Charlie Summers (Yaml; 7. Mik e Inderbitz in !Yaml; B. Danny Perkins (Varni; 9. Rod Spencer (Vaml; 10. Wayne Rainey (Yam); Tim e: 4:46.83 new track record for Junior. EX TROPHV RACE 112 1apsl: 1. Terry Poovey IH-DI; 2. Gary Scott IH-D); 3. Eddie lawso n !Yam); 4. Bobby Sanders IH·DI; 5. Tom Berry (H-OI; 6. Bill Schaeffer IHD); 7. Mickey Fay IH-DI; B. J ohn Sperry IH-D); 9. Frank Word IH-DI; 10. Mike Caves IH-OI. TIme: 4:41.25. EXPERT MAIN (20 laps); 1. A lelC J orgen sen INort; 2. Skip Aks land IH-OI; 3. Garth Brow {H-DI; 4. J ay Springsteen (H·D); 5. Randy Goss (H·DI; 6. Corky Keener (H·O); 7. Hank Scott IH-D): B. John Hateley IH0 1 9. Don Bailey IVam l; 10. Mik e Kidd IH·D); 11. Dave : Aldana INorl: 12. Ted Bood y. Jr . IH·DI; 13. Steve Morehead (H·D); 14. J ohn Gennai IH·D). Tim e: 7:42.02. CAMEL PRO SERIES POINTS I Thro ugh May 14t h): 1. Skip Akstand , 54; 2. Jay Spr ingsteen. 51; 3. Steve Eklund . 41; 4. Ganh Brow . 33; 5. Gary Scott . 31; 6. Ale, Jorg ensen, 26; 7. Hank Sco n , 21: 8. Kenny Roberts, 20. Ted Boody. J r., 20. Steve Mor ehead. 20; 11. John Hat eley, 18; 12. Terry Poovey, 17. Joh n Gennai, 17; 14. Don Bailey. 16; 15. Mike Caves, 13, Corky Keener, 13. M ike Kidd, 13, DaveAlda na, l J . 7

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