Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AME NIGHT MOTOCROSS Indion Du"., V....... CA. All cleooea. l00'll> Prop .b., 3O'll> Trophies. Pool en1ry on ly, . 10 May 19 Pro, . 7 others.' Gates open all a. SRA CLASS A SPEEDWAY Hanford , CA . 8 twn Bakersfield & Fresno on H-99. All Div, 4O'll> of Gat. P.B. for inf o 2091897-'1362,29 1-4277. day, p7 p.m ., rote Memb. Reqd ., med CCMlrBge. No Pit riding. 21JnIlII-5n8. AME NIGHT MINICROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia, CA. M ini course. 5().105cc. 3O'll> Trophies. Entry $8. Momb Reqd . mod. cov. No pit riding . 21JnIlIl · May 19-20 RUSS DARNELL MOTOCROSS SCHOOL Byron Mo tospons Par k. Byron, IL ability, all !types of riding weloome. Learn Pro lines, relaxing. how-tos, etc. Entry $40 per st ude nt . For entry Of reservat ions call Russ at 2131367-1722 or 767·1854 . RAC.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwy., Hwy . 91 & Bucha nnan , Corona. CA. M ini lhru ()pen. l 00 'll> p.b. to Ex. an n 4J689.1 913, 735-1705. CMC MOTOCROSS Fremont Raceway , Fremont. CA. H-17 to Durham Ad. All classes. OT, Vet. 1251(, Pro P.B. 3O'll> Trophies. Gates open 5 p.m; rote 7:30. 4OllI2454l448. 4151651-2546 . Reqd. Entry Pro $25 moil, $35 Sprsmn $10 mail• • 15 post. $30,000 Ser ies pu rses. $20.000 Sptsm n prizes. Gates open 7, Prac 8. Race 9. Ma~ Entry AME P.O . Box 1421 Resed a. CA 9 1335. 2131881· 577B. May 20 CALIFORNIA Sacramento Rcwy Park, Sacto, CA. H-50 to Bradshaw Rd, South. All classes + Vets, D-38SEMI-PRO SHORT TRACK Tawn and Country Fairgrounds, ~ CA. Teke 3rd St to Sa-ado T,ail entr ance. Gates op II en 3:30 p.m. , prac. 5, O.T. l00'll> P.B. Entry $a. Gat.. open 5 p .m.. prac. 6. race 7 :30 . 9161363-2653 . race 7 . All classes. Aragon M.C. 4151B92-5350. OKLAHOMA AMA ARCHIE CLARK MEMORIAL SCRAMBLES Lad i Cycle Bowl, Lad i, CA. Btwn. Stockton & Lad i. 8 mi. East on Frontage Rd. A ll dassos. Sem ;.f'ro P.B. Entry .6, no riders ins. $3. 2nd bike. O.T. race. $50 g ift certificate for special Plate race, gate prizes. 2091931·3722 , 368-71 82. ASLSPEEDWAY lime stone Run Spdwy. Oklahomo City , OK. l4 mi. S and II mi. W est of ~ & Counci l. 1st & 2nd Div . classes. Purse of 3O'll> of Gate. Entry .5. Start 8 p.rn. must regtster 2 weeks in advan vo. 405I681·7102. Saturday rr SCRAMBLESISHORT TRACK CALIFORNIA Pe Brass. Gat.. open 5 p.m., prac. 6:30, race 7:30. 7140960-2502. SADDLEBACK SA TU RDAY MX Saddleback Pk.• o.ango. CA. Gate open s 7:30 a.rn., prac. 88:30. race 9. Pros race 40 min. 657-8917 . D-38 SEM I PRO SHOA l TRA CK Monterey Fairgrounds. Fairgrounds Rd. and Casa Verde. Mmi, 100 lhru 500cc classes. Entry $5••7 Ex. l00'll> p .b . to Ex. Prac. 6 p.m . 408I1l992401 . 394-8225. ottlet's 30 min. Entry $8. Pros $13. No membership Of mail entr y req"d . 33 .33 % trophies. 7141495-4n l . AM A rr / SHORT TRACK Fremont Rewv . Fremont, CA . All classes. Am ateur pu rse . TEXAS Entry $4. 14978 McVay, San J ose. CA 95127. 4081923-4613 . SORA MO TOCROS S Star T,adt, EI Paso. TX. 2 mi. North of San ta Terisa CourltY Club on NM Hwy 273. All classes & W omens. OT. 100% Pro P.B., 33'll> Trophies to oth ers. Entry $8 mini, $9 oth ers, $10 ' Ex. $2 d isco un t to SORA membs, $15 per yar. 915 /584- n lSHORT TRACK Peris Rcwy .• on Hw y. 74 oH Ellis Ave.. 1r4-mi. w est side. Perris . CA. Gat e op ens 5 pm, race 7:30. All classes. Beg . thru Ell. 30 % brass . ' ,4 f96D-2501 . 3802. May2D-21 WRA HIGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS Rivers ide lnt' L Rcwyh. Rivo Trophies. Entry $8. Prec, 7-8, Roco 8. Momb. Roqd . Mod cov, OIN Camping. 2131881-5n8. CMC . 1500 PURSE MX Saddl eback Park. o.ange, CA All classes. Entry Sptsmn.·$7 mail. $10 post. Pro- $15 mail. $20 pe st. Gates open 7:30 a .m.. PTac 8, race 9:30. CMC liscense . required. Mail to CMC. P.O. Box 1402. Costa M esa. CA 92626 . Every 1 st Sunday a CMC po ints race . 40 - Channet CB to Sptsmn 7141557·3323 . ITA TRIALS AND SCHOOL Saddlobadt Park. Orange, CA. :~n up 8:30 a.m., riders m tg. 9:45, com petit io n starts 10. Entry $5. no n-memb. $7 Bog. Nov, Am. Es. Sr, 1st limo Bog classes. School taught by Ellport rider. Awards top 40 % . 714J879.0570. ITA TRAIALS SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP Saddloback Park. o.ango CA., 35 or Older. Sr. A & Sr. B; Am.. Ex. Beg ., Nov. sections. Entry . $5, $7 non-mombor. Start 10 a.m . 71 4~70. DESERT WHEEiS MOTOCROSS E Trophies, Caoh to Pros. Entry $8, $10 Pro. Free DIN camping. Race 9 :30 ' a .m. M O TOCR OS S Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA . I ~ 5 to H·126. All classes. 2 long motos and cash for pros, . 3 mo tos and 30 % trophies to sportsman . Entry $10, $15 Pro. $3000 meet insurance. Gates open 7 a.m.• ptac. 8. race 9:30. Membeship required. 100% T· Shirts . 2131830·7519. 100. 125.250.500 mail $25 post $35 Sat. Night Movies & Camping 1 SUN. Pros All Classes mail $10 post $15 . Sun, $10 mail Sat. Sun. $15 mail $20 Post 30% Trophies Int. BOSCH $pU'kPlug .olINTI£S Grand Prize Drawing . 1,...... . Special Grand Prize Drawing E-400Honda Pit Generator Bill Robertson Honda • 1 I I CONTINGENCY paOGaAN AME PO Box 1421 Reseda. CA 91335~ 21~1~ Argy ll Park . Dixon . CA. 12 mi. south of Dixon on H-113. All classes. l00 'll> Pro P.B., 30 % Trophies. EntrY . 10, .15 Pro. O/N camping. Prac. 7:30 am., Roco9. 4151686-3172. .. -~ A.M.E. AMA SEM~PRO MOTOCROSS River Front Park, Marysville, CA. New entrance at 1st & F 51. All classos , PP, OT, Vet. 100 % Ell P.B., Entry . 15 EX & .1 for Ins, Others . 10, incl ds Ins. Free comaping, Paved pits . A.M. · all minis. P.P., 100 thru Open Novo. - Race 8:30 p.m . - all AM, Ex, OT, Vets , Sign up 10. Prac. I , rece 1:30. MAY Purse 21 $3000 Pro AMA SHORT TRACK Sand Hill Ranch , Brentwood, CA. Comer Camino Diablo & Vasa> Rd All classes. l00'll> P.B.. 3O'll>tr ophies. Entry $6 per b ike. $3 Spectate. Gat.. open 8 30% Trophies Grand Prize Drawing AIlE ~ P.O.IOXMZl 0-37 POINT RUN TT Elsinore Rcwy, Elsinore. CA H· 71 at Lugonia . All clases. Same Day Trophi es. 8 a.rn., Prac. 9. Entry $4 . Bid ers M .C. 714 /8262386 , 674-5383 . AM A SEM I·PRO MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch. Brentw ood . CA. Corner Cam ino Diablo & Vasco Rd. An classes. 100 % Ex. P.B.. 3O'll> Troph ies. Entry $15 Ell.. $9 others. Gat es open 6 :30 a.m., Prac . B:3O. ' ace 9. 4151 6343328 . 634-1667 . ,., IISEDA, CA 91335 AME MOTOCROSS Spillway Pa, k, Santa Moria. CA. H-l 01 to Bradway, follow signs to river bed . M ini . lhru Pro. AU classes. 3O'll> Brass. 100% Pro P.B. Entry $8 , . 12 Pro. Froe OIN camping . Mod. , ider $9 . (7 141 749 ·2525 . 47g· 1572. ~ CZ131I11-45771 a .m ., Race 12:30. Class C traction . 4 15 /834-3328, 6341667 . CALIFORNIA CRC SAT. Sportsmen .(\-. AMEID&C MO TOCROSS CALIFORNIA . IaI ,. l. ~,\"" B05J942-9624. M INI M OTOCROSS DEANZA M OTOCROSS DeAnz a Cy cle Par k, Sunnymead, CA . 10 mi . East of Riversid e on H·60 ro Theod ore off ramp . All classes. 30 % same day trophies to S p tsmn . Entry $12 Ex. $7 Sprsmn . Pros fid e 2 long mot es. S pts rr m 3 metes. . M ~mber shlp not required, parI( open Sat & Su n. 1 prac. Gates 01' open 7 a.m . Free camping . Prac. 8 :30. race 9:30 a.m. 714·653 5840 .653 7979 . 213 :53 1 8603 . Motocross Championships Finale .·.:, t_:,h to: Sa rona Oaks Racew ay CA Hwy. 67 to Lakeside• . E on Mapleview . N on Ash wood, up W ild ca t Cyn. Rd. 11 mi. Q /N camping . Sign up closes 8 a.m. sharp. Late entry $10. guest $7.50, $12 .50 Pro. Mem bers hip ---.:.Leooun P.B. Gat.. open 7 a.m ., Prac. 8, race 9. Mem bershi p required, m ad cov erage . Free O/N Sunday available at track. $3 extra nonmemb ers. Gates open 7 a.m., oeac 8-9. race 9:30. 7 14 /54 1· 9439 . -, Park. Baltorsfiold. coverage. 8051937-6171. A M C M OTOCROSS Carlsbad Rcwv, Carlsbad. CA. All classes. 100 % Pro P.B.. 30 % Trop hies to Sptsm n . Ent ry 27/28 Bishop, Memorial CA we~:~nd CA. All classes. 3O'll> TropI>;es. Entry .1 2. $8 Sp tsmn. Pro cash May 21 SPEEDWA Y PRACT ICE Elsinore RcWV., Hw y 71 at Lagonia. Elsinore CA . New track. 7 141674 5383 .8262386. MAV AME M OTOCROSS camping. 21JnIlII -577B. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS SEMI-PRO SHORT TRAC K Cycleland Speedway, Chico, CA. All classes. 100'll> P.B. Entry $8. $8 ExpertS. Class C traction. Sign up 5 p.m., prac. 7. race B. 9 16/342-9302. 34 2-4216 . Announcer J oe Vieira. Mam b. post. 5778. nSCRA M BLES Elsinore Rcwy ., Hw y. 71 at Lagonia Ave.• Elsinor e. CA. Sign up 6 pm , c eec 7. race 8. Gate $2.50. race $4 . 3 0 ~ . brass. Clubs and groups w elcome, ride own clas s. Beg . thru Ex. . 714 1674·5383 .826·2386. COORS TRANS-AME MOTOCROSS SERIES $3000 PRO PURSE Racing World, Trabuco Cnyn. CA. 30 to 500cc CJauos. $1000 Pur.. 125125015OO Pros 3O'll> Trophies to S ptsrnn. P.B. 10 places. Specia l Prizes. Track A.M.E. ~. Cycle News Want Ads If you've gqt the goods, vre've got the connections Good Time National Aug5- Minibike National Every Saturday Nlghl TT & Short Track Aug.6- Motorcycle National Lake Whitney, Tellu for info 713·48Z.ZS04 41

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