Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ceal..a1 Plpeliae .THE HASSLE-FREE 3 DAY BIKE BUST OF 78. Round-Ihe Oock Rocldn; Glt-Picldn' Music Marathon Starting Sat. 4 pm! Free campln' in Mellow Surroundings Strlcttv for Bikers Ontv! NHRANatIonal Record Championship Bike Drags! ALLTHIS FOR $15 A HEAD! FRIDAY~ 18:All Day-Qualltfing.TII1le Trials, Runs. SATURDA'( JlIlE 17:All Dav-QuaIlMng. Time Trials, Record Runs, Closs 8imlnations. All NIl1!t- Rockln' Music Madness tor BikerS Only. SUN~ JlltE 18:9 am-2 pm-Time Triols, Record Runs. 2 pm-Rnol8iminotions and Chomplonshlps. Free camping 0113 days ttlru SUnday night. Richard Reeves took the 125cc Expert class at the Texas Series opener. Wedding wild in Texas Series opener By Mike Reilly Photo by Mike Lagaza LAKE WHITNEY . TX . APR . 9 Round one of the 1978 Texas Series Motocross Championships was held Sunday at Lake Whimey cycle Ranch, opening the most ...... . _-port _ ._---,-.-. SO to 1 ._........,,.,-.'1JI_ _ luN._conyIow~. _ -. • _ _ .... oot_hoI ....... a __ ok. 'CIMoIIIcolIJ-..,---· -----_ . . -.. '-YIocooIlJ~ lhakr" distn'butor inCfuin'ej invited . lJJ$8 T.I'gTaph Rd.• Wmllier, CA 9060' 21J·941 -'041 Results MINI 5Occ: 1. Angie Scott; 2. Bob Daugherty; 3. Randy Reed. MINI JR : 1. Moois Troxell; 2. Chad Calvert ; 3. Stacy Discount Motorcycl e Tires Marik. MINI SR A: 1. Craig Raymond; Tim Butler ; 3. Randy Seawright. MINI SR B: 1. Bucky Houston; 2 . Ronnie Warman; 3. Bryan Taylor. . OVER-30: 1. Jim Barnes ; 2. L D. Riddle; 3. Dave Michie. l00cc A: 1. Jeny Surber . Jr. ; 2. Brent Johnson; 3. Mike Walcott. l00cc B: 1. Clay Cau1horn; 2. Jac:l< Phillips; 3. Bryan Taylor . 125 NOV A ; 1. Tim Smith; 2. Craig Doughty; 3. David Walsh. 125 NOV B; 1. Tony Nielsen ; 2. John Holley; 3. Randy Squier. 125 NOV C: t . Uncaln Grant; 2. Pat Kahanek ; 3_Eric . ""lOIn .16111 /ClIRE lIIC. .. _~ SJ9-4tSO RaL~ Eames. 125 NOV 0 : 1. Steve Howard; 2. Dann y Richardson ; 3. Rodney Walker. 125 INT A: 1. Derek Wedding; 2. J immy Whitten; 3. ArthurPrater. 125 INT B: 1. Gary Graham ; 2. James Roberts ; 3. @- 'IBBLIN WOALO CHAMPION RACING P R OD UC TS PO BOX137 ESCONDIDO. CA_ Wrtt.for Info about 1M new "~~'=~toves & T1bbIIn MX School me SIont£J~ • 38 e &III" " Competltloa Service CycleS /2131 83J·J279 1244 N. G.1Ity SIn Pedro. CA 90731 a. • .. . , _. », .. ... : I · ' ' " prestigious, competitive and rewarding motocross championship annually held in Texas. The Texas Series evolved from the old Tex-AMA races that were a spring training ground for the professionals in the same manner as the present Florida Series. Almost 900 riders signed up for competition and the crowd would rival that seen at an AMA National. Randy Wallace. 125 INT C; 1. Todd Kimbrell; 2. Kyle Landrum; 3. Jo JoAlfano. 125 EX: 1. Richard Reeves. 2. Davy Jones. 3. Mark Loving. 250 NOV A : 1. latry Locklear ; 2. Steve Turner; 3. Tommy Cureton. 250 NOV B: 1. Mike Medley; 2. Bill Howe; 3. Butch Jennings. 250 NOV C: 1. Mike Luck ; 2. Richard Jackson; 3. Ray McFarland. ' 250 INT A: 1. Derek Wedding; 2. Randy Sullivan; 3. John Ruben . 250 INT B: 1. Cary Tomerlin; 2. Jell Rhodes ; 3. Mike Adamson. 250 EX A; 1. Bobby Pickard ; 2. Roger Brown; 3. Monte Anderson. 250 EX B: 1. Shaun Kelley ; 2. Oana Wright; 3 . Jimmy Holloway. OPfN INT A : 1. Tracy Durham; 2. Oavid Faulkner ; 3. Bo Herren. OPIEN INT B: 1. Derek Wedding: 2. Donny Cox; 3. Jim Coins.· OPEN EX: 1. Bobby Pickard ; 2. Wyman Priddy; 3. David Stutts. Pickard, Howard, Wedding win Texas Series round two By Mike Reilly HOUSTON, TX , APR. 16 Rio Bravo Motocross Park was the scene 'for Sunday's round two of the four-race Texas Series State Championships. Bobby Pickard took both the 250cc and Open Expert classes at Lake Whitney but was to meet head-on a determined challenge 'from Houston local Greg Howard, who upset Pickard to win the 250cc Expert class. In the first moto Roger Brown (CSM Suz), defending 250cc Expert State Champ, led Pickard from start to finish for the win. TIle best action was behind as Howard was simply buried at the start. but worked his way to fourth on the final lap when he spotted third place Wyman Priddy and his familiar blue Bultaco. Greg never shut off that final lap. out-flying Priddy over the finish line jump and taking third by inches. Second moto action got off to a fast start with the Maicos of Pickard and Howard leading. On the second lap , Howard harassed Pickard into a mistake that sent him into the snowfence. While Bobby remedied the problem, Greg slipped off to a big lead and Pickard found himself in fourth behind Wyman Priddy and Roger Brown. Greg Howard would have had an easy march to the checkered flag, but Brown was riding hard after a bad start and after passing Priddy had his sights set on Howard. His chain tensioner acted up and eliminated Brown from the moto . Meanwhile, Pickard was back at speed, but couldn't catch Priddy and Howard finished the moto . unchallenged for first overall. Pichard managed to take second overall, Priddy third and consistent David Stutts (Yam) fourth. Pickard had no such hedaches in the Open Expert class, winning both motos again on his Kimbrell Maico over Roger Brown's CSM Suzuki. Davey Jones won the 125cc Expert class . taking both rnotos and establishing himself as the man to beat for the state title. Richard Reeves couldn't get it together at Bravo with 31-7 motos and allowed Jones a healthy lead in their battle for the state championship . Jones' ma in competition was Sam Raphael , who led the first moto until the final lap when Jones took over . Sam. a fonner minibike terror on the West Coast. finished second both motos for second overalL Wedding swept three Derek Intermediate classes today for the second straight weekend. At the conclusion of the day's activiti es, Wedding's streak had included 12 straight moto wins a nd six overall victories in the 125, 250cc and Open classes. Dynamite Derek. untouched at . Lake Whitney, was finally threatened in the 125cc Intennediate · class. Though Derek had won the first moto, Kevin Jones had slipped into second and was actually in sight of Wedding's rear fender as they crossed the finish line. That pumped up Kevin so much that he grabbed the holeshot and led Wedding in the final moto until halfway through the final lap , when taking a drop-off. Kevin's chain fell off, locking up the rear wheel . spitting Jones to the ground and breaking his leg. Wedding finished the moto the winner, his win streak intact. Wedding, NMA 250cc National champion. extended his domination into the 250cc Intermediate class, dominating both motos of the B group. Mark Thornton was second overall with 4-2 motos. Jeff Scates was third. If Wedding was unmerciful in the other classes. then he was an executioner in the Open Intermediate class , killing all competition in group B. Again taking both rnotos, Derek went through the paces each race! pretending that he was in a race he wasn't, Local Chuck Adams finished second overall . I Tracy Durham and David Faulkner finished first and second for the second weekend in a row , dominating group A and more importantly. matching series points with Wedding. • Results 50cc MINI: r. Bo Daugherty; 2. Angie Scott; 3. Phillip Garza. JR MINI: 1. Morris Troxell; 2. carroll Richardson; 3. StacY Mar ik. SR MINI A: 1. Tim Butler; 2. Greg Fouts; 3. Ronnie Warman. SR MINI B: r. Bucky Houston; 2. Bryan Taylor ; 3. Robby Wilson. l00cc A; 1. Clay Cauthorn; 2. Brent Johnson; 3. Charles Bethel . l00cc B: 1. Jerry Surber; 2. Kerry King ; 3. Mike Walcott. OVER-30: 1. Russell Allen ; 2. Jim Barnes ; 3. Billy Click . 125cc NOV A; t . Gene Hegemeyer; 2. Keith Davis ; 3. Davis Regis. 125cc NOV B: 1. Keith Calley; 2. St""e Hoaward; 3. Tracy Powell. 125cc NOV C: 1. Ronnie Warman; 2. Randy Jackson; 3. Scon Davis. 125cc NOV 0 : 1. Kevin Vaught; 2. Tony Neilson; 3. Wayne Justice. 125cc INT A : 1. Randy Sullivan; 2_ Jerry Surber; 3. Jason Savage . 125cc INT B: 1. Derek Wedding ; 2. Mike Clement; 3. Jimmy Whinen. 125cc EX: 1. Davy Jones; 2. Sam Raphael; 3. Shawn Smith. 250 AM A: 1. Tommy Cureton; 2. Danny Delahunt; ! 3. Jeff Anderson. 250 AM 8 : 1. Tim Morris; 2. larry Locklear; 3. Eric Berg . . 250 INT A: 1. Pat Adamson; 2. Rickey GIasee; 3. Randy Sullivan. 250 INT B: 1. Derek Wedding; 2. Mark Thornton; 3. Jeff Scates . 250 EX: 1. Greg Howard; 2. Bobby Pickard; 3. Wyman Priddy. OPEN INT A; t . Tracy Durham; 2. David Faulkner; 3. Tim Caudle. OPEN INT B: 1. Derek Wedding; 2. Chuck Adams; 3. Jeff Wilson. OPfN EX: 1. Bobby Picl

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