Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-I NORTHERN iJATEuNE ~ . . = 00 t-- 0') midway through the moto , giving an easy win to Ostriem. Ed LaFranchis (Suz) dominated the 125cc C class again this week, beating Ray Anderson (Suz) and Gordon Cuderson (Suz). David Perez (Suz) won --the 125cc D class for the first time this year as he .led from start to finish , despite a strong challenge by Jeff Weldbarer (Suz) and Mike Harker. (Yam). Results MINI A: 1. Richie Perk.. lYam; 2 . Ted WoK (yaml. MINI B: 1. O.J. Warn.. (Varni ; 2. Chris Bussleman IVam ). loocc: 1. Duane Mor,isIVem); 2. Todd Mill.. ISuzl ; 3. Dennis Malon (Suzl , 125 B: 1. Denn is Ostriem ISuz); 2 . Craig LowrielSuzl; 3. Pat JaQUish IVaml. 125C: 1. Ed LaFranchise (Suz); 2. Ray Anderson ISuzl ; 3. Gordon CudOfson ISuzl. 1250: 1. David P..ez ISuz); 2. Jeff Weldbar.. (Suz); 3. Mike Harker (Yam ). ~ 250A: 1. Andy Tudor IHonl; 2. Jim Taylor IVam} ; 3. DanaRogers(Yam), 2508: 1. Jodie Luke (Yaml ; 2. lance Forsee (Hon); 3. Mike Tobia (Han). 250C : 1. Stan Sturges IVaml; 2. Steve HaIiIVam); 3. Paul Hinsen {Yaml . OPEN: 1. Jim Reynolds (Yam l; 2. Jerry Rank {Yaml. Woodside's season opener drew many sportsmen as well as Pros. Kuest cranks Woodside MX win By Roger Kane SANDPOINT,ID, APR. 23 Two hundred fifteen riders put on a whale of a show at Sunday's season opener of Woodside Motocross of Sandpoint. The wellprepared track got a good soaking when a storm passed through Saturday night, but by the time practice ended, the course began taking excellent shape. In the smaller classes, Rick Simmet took the Junior Minis , Dave Townsend . won the 80cc B class and Scott Schaeffer prevailed in the 80cc A class . Ross Learn picked right up from last year, winning both motos of the IOOcc A class, followed by Shane Blood and Roby Bass . Randy McCall took the IOOcc B honors. A large 125cc B class saw Don Lentz go 1-2 for first overall ahead of Kirk Greear and Ken Robinson. Leon McDonald blew into the lead in both 125cc A motos and never gave it up, taking I -I finishes for the day. Andy James , Stan Morton, Brett T rem blay and Shane Blood kept exchangmg pos it ions during both motos to make things interesting for themselves and fans alike. With 2-1 finishes , the 250cc B class belonged to Dale Robinson with AI Heninger and Mike Rhodes close behind. Spokane's Gary Kuest, fresh from a good showing against the Nation's best at Hangtown, came up to race and swept I -I finishes in the 250cc A class. Meanwhile , there were lots of interesting things going on behind him with Mike Kluver, Harvey Craft, Larry Fogg and Brian Corin playing musical chairs for the next four spots. Don Lentz, Randy Carlson and Mike Clark was the finishing order in the Open B class. Open A riders saw Rocky Hardland rocket off into the lead, followed by Robin Thornton , Mike Kane, Dave Rowin and Dale Greene. Just before the end of the first lap, Thornton's bike threw a chain and cracked a case, putting him out for the day. Kane moved into second and held that position until Dave Redwine passed on che fourth lap. That's the way the first motoended. Second moto action saw Redwine get the holeshot , followed by Hardland, Rod Layko and Pat Gunter. About · a third of the way around the track , Kane crashed hard . By lap two, Hardland had moved into the lead and Gunter moved up to third. On lap four, Dale Greene blew Cayko and Gunter. At the end it was Hardland, Redwing and Greene in the overall order. Tudor takes Renegade win By The Squisher PARKER, WA , APR. 30 A new star in the 250cc B class at Renegade Sunday was Jodie Luke as he stomped the class for the second week in a row in only his second 250cc ride ever. Mike Tobia (Hon) scored the holes hot in the first moto with Luke close behind on his Yamaha. The two riders pulled out a large lead on the rest of the class. Jodie made a fantastic pass at the end of the straight and was neve r headed . Luke led th e second moto from start to finish , despite a strong challenge from Lance Forsee (Hon), who ended up with second , giving him second overall with Tobia third. Since t he spring ser ies has sta rted this year, th e 250cc Pro class ha s had only one winner , Andy Tudor on his Honda. Andy blitzed the Pros again, while Jim Taylor and Dana Rogers battled for second on their Yamahas. The two riders were so evenly matched that they often exchanged places two and three times per lap. Taylor narrowly edged out Rogers in both motos for second overall. The 125cc B class was a real dogfight between Craig Lowrie (Suz) and Dennis Ostriem (Suz). Ostriem grabbed the lead in the first moto with Lowrie quickly closing to within striking distance. Just as Craig was trying to make his pass , Ostriem's back end swung out, knocking Craig right off his bike. Craig held on to second after remounting. The second moto was . nearly a repeat of the first until Lowrie slid out Thompson/Raphael rackSHwin By Neal Fagerud MASON , CA, APR. 23 A super track greeted the Penninsula Side Hacks as they arrived at the Mason County Fairgrounds for the Shelton Trailblazers AMA Grand Prix Sunday. A full 60 minutes of racing left everyone tired, but very happy they came. Fair treatment and super racing have always been a part of the program when ya' compete in a Shel ton Trailblazers' event. The Thompson/Raphael hack took the checkered first , but not without some fast and fierce racing . The Lumsden/johnson team had led most of the race with Thompson/Raphael getting by at the 50-minute mark . The Nail/Steele hack grabbed third with Mike Poole/Tad Richards coming in fourth. Thompson/Raphael must live just right. As they crossed the finish line, their hack went only 50 more feet before running out of gasl The Penninsula Side Hack Club will be holding a family Poker Run at the Mason County Fairgrounds May 14, and a motocross here on the 21st . June 4 will bring another motocross to Mason. DicklAlex ace TCORVP SH Comp By Neal Fegarud OLYMPIA, WA , APR . 16 Dick Thompson and Alex Raphael put together a 1-2 finish to grab the overall gold Sunday at Th.urston County ORVPark's senes opener. Moto one saw the 650cc Yamaha of Thompson/Raphael lead the pack into turn one with Mickey Lumsden /Kim Johnson in their shadow. The two big-bores slowly pulled away from the lightweights on the muddy, but fast horsepower track. On lap three, Lumsden/johnson saw their break appear as the lead hack bobbled slightly in a tight left-bander. Halfway through the last lap, the Lumsden /johnson hack lost fire , allowing the entire pack by with Thompson/Raphael taking the lead and win. Lumsden/johnson restarted and finished fifth . Moto two found Lumsden/johnson first into turn one witli Thompson/Raphael hooked in the number two slot. The two hacks bounced off each other for the entire moto , which was shortened to beat die darkness. W Back in the pack there was also some super close racing between the new team of Orv Nail/Mark Steele and Doug and Jeff Price, with the Poole brothers close behind. Familiars file Lodi flat track wins By Ann Carr LaD! , CA , APR . 29 Flat track fever continued at Lodi Cycle Bowl tonight as 233 racers hooked it up for brass and bucks on the one-fifth mile oval. The Sto ckton Motorcycle Club hosted Saturday's competition and staged a well-run program. . Mini action featured an excellent ride in the 80cc Expert class by !Oyear-old Aaron Hill of Stockton to top th e 14-rider field. Aaron bagged the , start from Danny Moore and ran away .from th e field while little Kurt Chandler held off big brother Doug for a well-earned second. Gary Coit nailed the 100cc Junior main over Jerry Marshall. . Steven Mitchell took home his first win in the 80cc Novice main . Few unfamiliar names appeared in victory circle in Maxi Expert competition as Jorgensen, Tavis , and Spence did their th ing again this week . Tracy Hays broke th e win streak of Mark Key in the 125cc Novice class, while former Mini rider David Boyles and Randy Glaze ripped off the 125cc Junior and 250cc No vice events. One of the old er fellows proved this week th at his win in the 360cc Novice . ranks ' was no fluk e as Del Callsen bagged the ma in in a come-from- a behind win . Del seems to have hooked it up on that Honda after a long dry spell. Three more short tracks will close out this current series with th e Archie Clark Memorial Benefit for J ohn . Tavis, Sr. scheduled for Saturday " night , May 20 . This scra m bles event traditionally kicks off the Lodi night scram bles season. Results MINIS ~ 100 EX: t . Doug Chandl er .IVaml; 2. Joe Knigh t Q (Vam) ; Shawn Black (Varni. o 100 JR : 1. Gary Coit IVaml; 2. J erry Mar shaIi IHod ). 100 NOV: 1. David J effries (Yam); 2. Greg Gray lYam} . · 80 EX : 1. Aaron Hill (Suzl; 2. Kurt chand ler (Yam l: 3 . Doug Chandler (Varni : 80 JR : 1. Tommy Knight (Suzl; 2. William Beecher IVam ). 80 NOV : 1. Stev en MitchelilVaml; 2. Mike Macedo ISuzl . 50 NOV IJRIEX: 1. Kelly Fischer IVam); 2. Mike Macedo (Suzl; 3. Tony Mitchell (Varni . \ MINI KING : 1. Doug Chandl eeIVam); 2. Shawn Black IVam }. MAXIS 125 NOV : 1. Tracy Hays ISuzl ; 2. Doug GarciaIVam); 3. Scott Rose (Hon). 125 JR : 1. David Boyi es (Honl; 2. Charles McCleary ISuz). 200 NOV : 1. J..ry Linch IC-AI: 2. Frank Randazzo s ISuz). . 250 NOV : 1. Randy Glaze IBull ; 2. M ike Lawson ICA}; 3. Scott Rose IC-AI. 250 JR : 1. Tim Busby (Varni; 2. Ted Rouse IC-AI; 3. Fred Crabaugh tverru. 250 EX: 1. Alex Jorgensen IC-AI; 2. Rick Delacy (Yaml ; 3. Jim Mertens (Varni . 360 NOV : 1. Del Callsen IHon) ; 2. Pat Seigle IVamI. 360 JR: 1. Rick Almeida (Yam) ; 2. Jim Whitton (Kawl ; 3. Mike McClurg (Honl . .,. 360 EX: 1. John Tavis , Jr . IHon) ; 2. Rate Heath IHon ; 3. Dwayne McCaslin IBuli. _ 500 NOV : 1. Dan Hughes.ISuz}; 2. Bill Knight IVaml. 500 JA: 1. Darrel Thompson (Yam ); 2. Wayne Busby (Y am ), 500 EX: 1. Dennis Spence {Yaml ; 2. John Tavis . Jr . (Yam); 3. Dave Ayan {Yaml. KING RACE 1: 1. John Tavis . Jr. (Varni ; 2. Ale. Jorgensen IC-AI. KING RACE 2: 1. Rate Heath IHonl; 2. Dave Ryan (Yam)•.

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