Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BINSIDE ~ t AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series-Round five. . . . . . . 6 Ascot:Jorgy's first National win AMAfToyota Supercross Series 8 .Hannah razes Three Rivers World Championship Road Race Series.. . • .. . . . . • . 12 Roberts rips Austria, closes on Sheene 1251500cc World Championship MX Series 14 Rend 's Dutch 125: Mikkola, Lackey split France Steve Mclaughlin speaks 16 "Restrictor plates are unadulterated crap!" CoorslTrans-AME MX Series-Round six 20 Shultz, Blose blast Helvetia ON THE FRONT PAGE: (Clockwise from upper left) Ascot winner Alex 'Jorgy " Jorgensen. New Camel Pro points leader Skip Aksland. Tripes and Ha nnah in Pittsburgh. Steve McLaughlin. Photos by Charles Morey, Jim Gianatsis and John Ulrich. Charles C. Clayton . Presid ent Bobi SCOlt, Asst. to the Preside nt Sharon Clayton . Pu b lisher Advertising Editorial Charles MOTt'y. Managin g Editor. Dale Bro wn. Editor. Bria n George . A!>...ista n t Ed itor. Graphics and Production Sur- Marry. Jan G ill. Produ ction . Mari on H arashh a . flat Phillips, T ypography. Dennis Greene . Laborat ory , . Mike KlinKt'T, Ma nager . J eanne Hammond . Accu. Receiva ble . Natalie Megee . As. t. A CCl s . \ Receiva ble . J ua n ita Bla nt o n , Co llect ion a nd Comfit. Circulation Rhe ba Smit h. Ma nag er. De bbie Drayd en. Robin Holben . Mich elle Alla n , San d i McKay. Assistan ts . Services and Support Doeeee Pacbeeo. Receptionist. Jim Pisareu, 5&5 . West 220 1 Che rry Ave. . Long Beac h. CA P.O . ROIl 498 . Long Beach , CA 9U801 . (%13)4%7 ·74 55: L.A . U ne 636 ·81144. East 4190 Fir5t Ave. . T ucke r . GA . P.O . Box 805 . Tucker . GA ~0084 . (404)934·7850 . Subscription One Yf'ar, seco nd class m a il. $15; 2 - years. seco nd class mail. $27; 3 yroa , seco nd class n mail . S37.50. Copyri ~h l «> Cycle Nrws . Inc . 1978. Trademark C ycle Nrow!o ~Ki~ If'rrd U .S . Pa te n t Dffire-. All rights reserved . Published wt"t'kly rx crpl rhetirol and l a~1 wee k of rhe ca lend a r fra r by Cydr N rw~ . Inc .. P.O . Box 498 , LOOK Beach . Californi a . Second class poMag<' pa id OIl Long Beach . C A 90801 . Cycle News welcom es unsolicired editorial materi al including stories, ca rtoo ns . p ho tos , rotc . Such mat er ial. if pu blishe d , becomes t be exclu sive copy rig h t pro~rt y of Cycle News . Such accepted mat eri a l issubject to revision as is necessary in the sa lt" d iscr eti on of Cycle News. Unsolic ued m at erial which is not used will be resumed if acco m pan ied by a self-addressed sta m ped en velope . All unsolicited m aterial will be h andled with reasonable care. however Cycle Nrws assu mes no rnpomibility for rhe safr-ty. loss o r da m age to suc h ma terial. Rroprintinl{ in wbc le o r POI" onl y by pe rmission of rhe pu bl ishe rs. Advert ismg ra tes an d circulation info rma tion will M sent u pon rt'qurost . See 4 S.R.D.S. In Ga ry Va n Voorhis' article on t he Alabama Two-Day AMA ISDT Qual ifier, he says, " . . . . everyone who was a nyone was in Alabama ." Are these gu ys who rode at Cal Cit y that sa me weekend a bunch of nobodies? Cord is Brooks, '76 -77 Cal City overall winner; Mike Hannon , ISDT Gold Medal ; Rick Munyon , '77 ISDT rider; Bruce Ogilvie, H ·D Team rider; Ken Maahs. ISDT rider; Eric Jensen . ISDT rid er; Ri ck Finger , Team Husky; Al Baker; Chris Carter, ISDT Gold Medal ; Brent Wallingsford , Baja winner; Ga ry Team Husky; J im Vanderpool" Fishback , '78 Cal Ci fy and Ft. Hood overall winner; A .C . Bakken , Baja winner; Carl Cranke, ISDT Gold Medal; Larry Roeseler , Baj a and Team Husky . . . th e list goes on . LARRY LANGLEY Lakewood , CA J im R yan . SOlin M.a.nagr-r . Larry Liu le . SOlin Mana Rrr . Mar got Be rgm a n. Sales Ma nager , Chris Kel ber. Assista nt. Accounting Will the real "anyones" please stand up? consult as to th e advisability of such a demand . ,We feel strongly that promoters wit h a track record of many years association with AMA should no t have to post bonds, etc . Re q uests from new promoters should require bonds and references. We have been with AMA since 1954, And we feel 'again that we are second class members (not even members) of AMA. With representation on the board , this problem would hav e been discussed before such notices were sent and the frustrat ions and anger from the promoters woufd not be . BOB BARKHIMER Bob Ba rkhim er Associates Scotts Valley, CA Bob Barkhimer A ssociat es promot es th e San J ose mile and half mile events on th e AMA Grand National Championship /Cam el Pro Series calen da r . . . Editor. I've been around motorcycles fo almost 20 years now. I go back long before there was a Cycle News or Moto rcycle Weekly, so let me point out I appreciate you. However, when there are twopapers, I become kind of choosey. I used to race District 36 scrambles and short track , and I enjoyed seeing my name in your publication. I have long since quit racing, so now I'm interested on ly in following- the AMA Grand National Championship/ Cam Pro Series. This is very important to me . You coverage is lousy . You give a briefsto about the race and terrib le resu lts as to the heats and semis , I like to know all about the race. Motorcycle W eekly had beautiful coverage of all Nationals. They gave the point sta nd ings every week; you could see how each guy did . I am disappointed that Motorcycle W eekly bellied -up , I kn ow this letter willdo littl e good , bu t I had to ge t my gripe off m y chest. You sure a re bett er than what we had years ago . I know your space is lim ited because you try to cover a wide variety of motorcycle activi ty. Bu t the Nationals deserve better coveragel Give the point standings every week . Some guys aren't in the top 10, and once in a while that's all you give . I want to hear about them, too . I would like to see more features on the Na tional riders and what th ey do off-season. I'd love to see articles on guys that raced yesterday: Tanner. Markel , Roed er , Reiman , Mann , Haaby , Ric e , erc. , etc. Boy, I feel better. Aft er all that . if you' ll still accept me, here's m y check for a subscription , ROBERT DUNCAN Martinez, CA Thanks Rob ert , for your advice and your sub scription. W e 'll do our best to give you your m on ey 's worth - now andfor t he next 20 years . . . Editor. I . Promoter's protest At th e AMA Trustee's Meet ing held earlier this year in Anaheim , I made the point that promoters need , a nd shou ld hav e , representation on th e AMA Boa rd . This would solve many of th e prob lems , in adva nce , th at occu r between AMA a nd th e promoters . It also would elim ina te the feel ing that promoter s hav e of being second class citi zens within t he AMA . It was informall y agreed th at ac tion would be taken to ensure prop er repre sentation on the board for th e promoters. I ha ve not heard a no the r word from AMA on this su bject since . We recently have been informed that promot ers have to ha ve ' ou r requests for 1979 ra ce dates in to th e AMA office b y June 15 of th is year with a cash deposit of $2 ,000 for each race date. AMA d id not bother to ask us if th ere would be any probl em s in following this demand , nor d id th ey Next Week -P.t....

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