Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ourrequestl They have proven tha t they arc true sportsmen whose concerns arc for the good of the spo rt rather than their own convenience. Bravo Diggers! May I int erject a reminder to the rid ers who have so patiently "waded' through two rained -out dates that the Lisa Christensen Memorial Motocross is on May 7 at DeAnza. As originally planned , we arc still having a $600 purse, 30% trophies, the sp ecia memoria l parade lap , and the Rescue 3 Benefit Women 's MX event. See vou there! . DEE GRANGER Endues M.C . · Thousand Oaks, CA ilNSIDE s E AMAlMr. PiBB 1251250cc National MX 8 Hannah as usual . Barnett takes points lead Swiss 500cc MX Grand Prix 10 Mikkolamotors by Roger D, Lackey AMAlISDT Qualifier .... 12 Fishback fastest at City Paul Ricard F750 Road Race , . 14 Cecotto slashes Roberts, Baker EPA Noise Regulation Proposals Concerned 16 Looking behind the proposed regs Heikki M ikkola's factory yamaha ,. 18 Works OW38 screaming sensation Trans-AME motocross.. 22 Denton, Shultz. Staten score Mountain Highs . Western hotline Desert alert 23 30 , BLMBS ON THE FRONT PAGE: World Champion Heikki Mikkola, whose works Yamaha we ride and write about on p. 18, Photo by Jack Wright. Charln C . Clayton . Presid en t Sobi Scott . As..~ . to t he Proid f:'nl Sharon Cla yton . Publisher Ed na M l"Wl on . m rru ry to thr Publisher Advertising Jim RY . MOInagrr. Larry Lillit'. S.. ln Olin M.ana!'t(" . M.argot Bergman. Sal" MOIinagrr. r Ch ris Kelber . A. istant . Editorial Time is getting short! Many of us recently received a notice fro m the AMA District 37 Legal Task Force abo ut the Bureau of Land Management proposa l , to reclassify parts of the d esert as wilderness area , This , fe llow motorcyclists, four wheelers and dune buggy people, is the big one! If the BLM , Sierra Club and all the others get this one through , we have literally had th e cours e. If we become so lazy that we can't even take a few minutes to write a few congressmen, or even Pr es ident Carter, to make clear our position , not only as off-road enthusiasts but as citizens and taxpayers, th ey are going to get us . Let 's show them we ca n be organized. Our letters d o not go unheeded ; they are read! I don't want to give up "ou r" desert with all the fun and good times it's given me over the years. Let 's get it together, Once they start their wilderness study, and we lose the right to ride in the desert , do you honestly believe we'll ever get it back again? Charln Morry . M OImlging Edit or . Dak- Brown . Edit or, Brian George. Awn Editor . MI CHAEL A, RO DGERS Sunland, CA Grap hics and Production Sur Mor'f'Y. Ja n .Gill . Production . Marion Harashita, f'at Phillips. Typography . ~!1nis Crttnr. Labcratcrv. Accounting Mikr Klingt'T. Manage'r. j ea n ne Hammond. Ac:cu. Receivable. N.atalir Ma~. Asst . Accu. Receivable, Juanita Blanton. Colln:tion and Cm:iit. J Most of th e informa tio n that appeared in the D-J7 notice can be found on p . JO in R uss Sanf ord 's report on the Apr. 19 BLM public meeting. There 's also lots ofinformation about where to umte and what to tell 'em . . . Editor. Circulation Rhrb.. Smith. Manager. Debbir Draydee, Ro~in Helbert . MictKllr Allan . Sandi McKa y. AssIStants. Services and Support ()oonon«o. Rr<.p< ...... Jim Pi>o=. 5&5. West %201 C lwony Ave .• Lonl{ Beach , CA P.O . lIox 498 . Long Bea ch . CA 9080 1 (%1314% 7·7435; L.A . Lin. 636 ·8844 . East 4190 Fim Aw.• Tucke r . C A. P.O . 8 0 MSO!). Tu cker , C A 50084 . (404 19 34 · zsso. Subscription One 'frar , second d.n~ ma il, SI !); ! yr a n, second cl ass mail. U7 ; 3 yt'a n . second c lass ma il, $37 .';0. 4 CuPyriKht ~ Cyclr Nrws . In C' . 1978. T rad rnlilrk Cyc lr Nrw \ rr,KiM r rrd U .S. P,u rnr O ffice . All " Kh ' \ rr-se-rved . Puhl i,.\hrd wr1·kly rXU' pl rbe finu and 1;01\1 week uf thr n ~'n dilr ~'ar hy C yd r N rw~ . In c. . P.O . Bux 49R. t un K 8 r 3ch . Ca li. forma . Sr1:und da'" ,H...tal(f' pa id .a l Luo K Bea ch , CA 90801 . Cvc r Nrw .. Wt'knml~ un so. Iicned editorial m alf'rial indud ing ~Iorirs . ca rtoo ns. phcaoe . etc . Such material if published . becomes tbe excl usive eo py; igh t proprrly of Cycle News . Such accepted m aterial i.. \uhjf'ci to revi..ion as is nec essary in th e sole discrenon of Cyclr NrW\ , Un:solicitr d material whi ch i ~ not used will be re turned if acc om pa n ied by a K"lf·a dd TM..wod sram ped en ..'elo pe . All un solici ted material ","-ill be handlni with rra.son",bl (' ca rr . howev er eyri r Nrws as.a.umn no rnpumi" ilily for thr n fr tv . 1 or damage to suc h materi al . Rr p rinl inJi:: In 0M wb ote or p.ll n o n ly hy prrmi...inn o f tht:' pu bl i\h l:' . Adv rrcisioK ra il'S a nd d U'u lation n in ronn acion will b ;(onl upon rrq u('l>l. See eS.R .D .S. Un ited we stand Yes Mark Cooper . (Voices, issue 115, Apn'126) unification of motorcyclists is, at hand if we unify and demonstrate in one loud but rational voice that we aren't going to take it any longer . Martin Luther King? Well, perhaps not. But his methods are noteworthy. and in using them we shall overcome the heavy -handed crush of bureaucracy and government by elitist. That day is at hand, We shall speak on Ind epend ence Day weekend in the Sequoia Nationa l Forest at a specific loca tion that 's as yet undetermined. Twen ty thousand recreationalists, loggers and just plain citizens who do not appreciate federal confiscation of their public lands is not too many to expect - if we persevere. How about your help? Our ranks are open to all who wish to peacefully but forcefully demonstrat e that real politics demand change . The address is 304 Electra Ave. , Bak ersfield , CA 93308 or phone 805 1393·6121 . We shall overcome. OWEN KEARNS ,JR. Bakersfield , CA With Mr . Kearns cooperat ion , we'll keep readers inform ed of th e actual dat e, lo cat ion and time of th e. gathering. In th e- meantime, take a look at p. JO, then writ e a few letters. Now is the time to act . . . Editor. Attention Dirt Diggers: Although I wasn 't at the 10th annual Hangtown Classsic I25 /250cc National. I understand the Dirt Diggers North M .C . did another outstanding job with this year's event . I can't sing le ou t anyone individual in the club because they a ll put out 125%, so I want to congrat ulate a nd thank all the Din Diggers for an outstanding eyent. I' m sure it took a lot of hard work to get the track ready for the big weekend . and to get 30 ,OOO·plusspectators to the race. MICHAEL A. DiPRETE AMA Professional MX Manager Westerville, OH Diggers true sportsmen The Endues M ,C , wishes to publicly thank the Dirt Diggers Motorcycle Club for postponing their Dinosaur 'IT to May 14 in order to not conflict with our Lisa Christensen Memorial Motocross rain date on May 7, The Diggers did this on their own , without Again we face a serious land -closure threat. In the past , we somehow rallied in the 11th hour to repea l most of these efforts, but unfortunately this useful ire was onl y maintained long enough to fend off the current r challenge. This pressure must be maintained year-round rather than our inefficient system of peaks-and -valleys po litical invo lvement. In this way, we can hopefully gain a bit more breathing room instead of bei ng so vulnerable by. lying dormant. A myriad of rationa les can theme you r written pleas, but a new and useful ta ct may be complaining about th e ever- burgeoning size of government . and subsequently our taxes . A closure of this magnitude will require a large inc rease in the BLM staff, which means more government and more taxes . r! Write today. Or tomorrow your coveted $2.000 b ike may be sentenced iq , to spend th e rest of its days riding in h~J; tin y circles at a private cycle park. A q~ TOSH KONYA San Pedro , CA Campbell's congrats Congratulations on Lane Campbell's 01 editorial in your April 5 issue. It is only,, " too true . rY.lO'T ED YOUNGBLOOD dl iw AMA Director Government Relations ~ool Westerville , OH ' ~ 101 Mr . Youngblood refers to the a rticle 1 "Sputnik and the trans lator gap, .. a n ~ piece commenting on the difficulty in _t ra nslating bureaucrat ese into' understandable English and urging ; our support of the men and associations who do it for us . . . Editor. Myers fan I would like to correct a story written in your Ap r. 19 issue by Greg Neukam. concerning a race at Marysville, CA on Mar. 26 . . Contrary to the report, Open Expert Bob Myers did not " look rather beat in the last half of the second moto. " H did in fact win the second moto for first place overall. SALLY EVANS President. Bob Myers Fan Club Oakland, CA

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