Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Godlrey grabs UEA Tull E' Null Enduro By Gary Hick man RED MOUNTAIN, CA. NOV . 20 .Mike Godfrey and his new Maieo "Cross Country" 250 snuffed the competition in the United Enduro Association T uff E' Nuff enduro. Godfrey took advantage of Maico's offer of one bike to each club at a reduced price. He put the investment to good use. For.the most pan. the course which was set up on Red 10 Mountain, was tight and twisty , The faster sections were dotted with just enough rocks, tight washes and long, steep , sandy uphills to keep a rider on his toes . Only the best riders were able to stay pn schedule. Aside from the hills, the smaller bikes could also do well. The course was very challenging, evident in the fact that every rider on the A and B loop lost pointsl UEA used mileage resets, allowing riders to occasionally get back on schedule. Even without returning to correct time. the resets offered a bit of psychological solice and safety. One place that stood out on the course was a six foot drop-off, straight down. Even with its danger m a rks, any rate of speed m eant a flight with the treetops. Nightmares of running off the road finally ca me true. Weather the event gave the UEA a definite " F' in their meteorology, but the winds subsided Sunday and warmth slightly returned. Covering the first loop were fun filled roller coaster hills . Check three was located after tight and twist y terrain ending with a long. steep downhill . The only rider to zero check three was Rick Munyon . Being the ISDT rider he is, Rick took th e downhill with the grace of a mountain lion . Though he put in a good ride a ll day, mechanical problems within sight of the finish line added two points to his score. On both loops . check two was set up as the speed section using th e first check to ensure riders being on time. Mileages and times were right on. The club used national scoring , meaning two po ints for the first minute early and five points for each minute early thereafter. Ouch! ' The C riders had their own loop . It was the same as the first A and Bloop, but with a different schedule. A few of the ha rder hills were also eliminated. T here were no complaints from the riders, and with a few zeros coming in from the C class, everyone was having a good time. On ly one injury was reponed, painful but not serious. UEA has some good riders. but when they were setting up the course th e club scored four more injuries. With a broken wrist and a separated shoulder , th e IRRC was a strong suggestion for future course layout parties . The IRRC was at the event • .and they did their usual fantastic job . It sure is nice to know that they are there when you need them . For future reference , if any riders feel bad about getting a late number, talk with Gary Woodling. He is a n A rider for the Din Diggers and prefers to ride with his brother Ken in the B class. H is reasoning for this is that all the front riders just clean out all the rocks out of the way leaving a nice. soft trail. If you won 't buy that . it's all but official that Gary is the District 37 numero uno enduro rider for this year. Entries were not up to club expectations, which was a shame. T he club went out and set up the cou rse , then suffered from lack of entries. They deserved better. If you like to ride. ge t out and support the enduro clubs. • Unofficial Results SWEEPSTAKES: Mike Godfrey, A OPEN: Ron Lewis. JR, GaryWoodling, A 250: Mike Godfrev. Punk Wi lson. Tom Spurlock. A 175: Jav Tullis, Rick Munyon, Gordon Dixon. SENIORS: Ron FrV . 8'S: Gary p reen. Larry Woodruff , Jack Harrington Bob Mandie. Rod Ellis. Jim Townsend. G. Palenske. W OMEN: A - Diane Biauers. B - Nancy Baum Unda Zi8fer. • c : Tom ~ole. ~ Templin. Dave Rogers. Don Bey. Bob Wa lt, Jim Chlvas.

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