Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o C(") I-< V ..0 8 v > o Z IAbove) Roger D. worked through the pack both times. Here he sets up Jim Gibson.lBelow) Marty Sinith grabbed the second moto lead. but went down when Lackey 132) went by.IBottom) Lackey was all concentration. National classrider Mickey Kessler 11.8) takes evasive action when faced with an out-of-shape Blaine Elledge on the topsy-turvy Sears Point course. Sm ith down on the wa y by. Once he ' got rolling again , Marty was back in 14th spot. H annah , meanwh ile , had d ived under Stackable to take control of second spot and ca st a lin e on Lackey's lead. On lap fou r , H annah caught Brad and was wh eeliein g h as wa y past. " I passed Lackey and went to rip a tea r shi eld off m y goggl es. The fa ns wer e pumped , so when I put my hand up to go for th e goggles I kinda waved at th e same time. But th en Br ad passed m e back.and he did th e same to me . You'd have thought we were on a friendly tra il rid e. " "After you waved at m e ," grinned Brad to Bob, "I just had to wave back at you wh en 1 passed ." You never wou ld have gu essed they wer e ra cing for a $20 .000 purse th e way they .were playing, passing back and forth over the lead. The mouth of motocross . announcer La rry Huffman had the crowd of 25 .000 chilled fans jumping up and down to keep warm and cheer th e two on . . " I missed a gear," said H annah. "We clipped together and 1 bailed off," added Lackey . . . Brad bit the dirt, but even then th e two had bu ilt up a b ig en ough lead that he still had a good edge on third place rider Mosier. Hannah cruised to th e finis h with Lackey fa r enough beh ind that the pressure was gone. Mosier collected third spot for third ove rall for the day, as DeCost er chanced things a little more in th e final rnoto, with his titl e secu re , to m ove up from h is mid-pack start to finish fourth . . Behind DeCoster were Sta ckable in his final rid e on Maico before making th e move to Kawasaki for 1978 , Schmitz, DiS tefano , Pomeroy, Bill Gr ossi and Tommy Croft. 8 250cc National/Support T eam H onda 's Warren Reid , th e only rider who still had a sho t at beating series leader Chuck Sun in the poin ts battle , led a t th e start of round one . Bu t Sun rod e in seco nd . Behin d him Kaw asaki's T erry Clark , Yamaha 's Br oc Gl ove r , Aa en Engineerin g 's Denny Swartz and FMF rid er J ohn Sa vitsk i scram bled for the top six sp ots. Glover made a move on lap two th at . carried him past Clark and in to third 12 leade~~ pl ace behind the dueling Glover, who would eventu ally win tlie moto , fin all y got his sigh ts on W arren Reid near th e halfway point wh en SlId - second at the time - spun ou t dropping to fourth . On th e next lap , Glover found a war a ro u nd Reid and slip ped into His eventual finish in g p osit ion ou t )fiR front. Savitski closed on Sun, trying} take fourth from th e O regon Husk vrI rid er to no avail. . At the checkered flag , it was Glov r e with a 15-second lead over second placer Reid . Clark scor ed a th ird placing ahead of Chuck Sun an d John liJ Savitski . Round two saw Glover trail RiEl( Blackwell (Yam) for a few tu rns , the work up a good lead over Sun for the motowin . nl Chuck Sun, who by th is tim e ha d wrapped up his series win with his first moto fourth placing, cruised along. in second place. T erry Clark who had shot int o third on lap three , held his position for third at the flag behind Sun. Rounding out the top five in the moto were Darrell Shultz (Mai) and Arlo Englund (Yam ). • Results lid r .5OOcc INTERNATIONAL: 1. Brad Lackey, 1-2 IHon}, 2. Bob Hannah. 3-1 IVaml. 3. Gaylon Mosi er. 2·3 IM ai~ 4 . Roger DeCoster, 74 (Suz), 5. Jim Pomeroy. l).S IHonl. 6. Tommy Croft , 5-10 IHonl. 7. Herbert Schm iir, 10-6 IMai }, 8. Marty Smi th, 4-13 IHon}, 9. TonY DiStefan o, 11-7 (Suzl. 10. Steve Sta ckabie, 17-5 (Mail. 11. Rich Eierstedt , 16-11 IH·DI. 12. Stev e W ise, 13·14 (Suzl. 13. Danny laPorte, 8-. (Suzl, 14. SiltyGrossi, 2z;. 9 (Hus). 15. Graham Nov ce. g.- (Honl. 16. Rick Burg ett, 21-12 (Yam}, 17. Gerrit W olsink , 12·' ISuzl. 18. Marty Moates , 15-19 IHonl . 19. Parry Klassen. 19-16IMail . 20: Marty Tripes , 14-' IH-DI. ('1 250cc .NATIONA L: 1. Broc Glover, 1·1 IVam}, 2. Chuck Sun, 4-2 IHusl . 3. Terry Clark, 3-3 IKawI.'4'. .W arren Reid, 2·9 (Hon). 5. Darrell Shultz, 84 (Ossl, 6. John Savitski, 5-6 ISuz). 7. Arlo Englund, 9-5 (Yaml. 8. Mark Barn ett, 7·10 ISuz). 9. Gary Jones, 13-121Amxl. 10. Bob Elliott . 12·13 ISUl }, 11. Greg Theiss, 6-' IHusl. 12. Rick Blackw ell, 32·7 IVaml . 13. Jim Turner. 17' 1't ISuz}, 14. Mick ey Kessler. '.a (Yaml , 15. Wayne Boyer: 14-16 ISuzl. 16. Goat Breker. 10-28 IHusl . 17. Denny Swartz, 11-21 (Mai). 18. Danny Turner, 21-14 (Kawl, 19. Glendon J ohnson, 27·15 ISUl l. 20. Gary Pustelak, 15' 231Sull. • l "Denotes a placing outsidethe top 20. .... _ TRAN5-AMA M X SERIES 500cc INTERNATIONAt CLASS POINT STANDINGS: 1. Roger . DeCoster 1 3171 2. Bob Hannah 12 . 3. M arty Smith 1 . 961 2801 . 4. Brad Lackey 1 2521 5. Tommy Croft 1 . 2291. 6. Ji;n Pomeroy (226). 7. Tony DiStefano 11881. 8. Danny LaPorte/Gaylon Mosier (165), 10. Steve Stackable 11 451. 11. Rick Burgett 112 . 12. Kent How erton 1124 . 81 1 13. Gary Semics (1181. 14. Marty Tripes 1 871. 15. Steve 1 Wise 1 .16. Herbert Schmitz 173. 17. Gerrit W olsink 851 1 . 18. Jimmy Ellis 16 . 19. Andre Malherbe 1 . 2li. 711 51 631 Rex Staten 1 . 591 ud 250cc NATIONA USUPPORT CLASS FINAL POINT STA NDINGS: 1. Chuck Sun 13301. 2. W arren Reid 1 2901 3. Broc Glover 12 . 751. 4. Mark Barnett 1 2661.· 5: John Savitski (226). 6. Mike Bell (182), 7. Denny Swartz 11801. 8. Terry Clark 1 1761. 9. Frank Stacy 1 1261 10. . Greg Theiss 194. 1 ,

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