Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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77. 370 RM B Suzuki 75 Bultaco 250 Pursang '7 4 HUSOVARNA 250 WR ". BEEN MAINTAINED by mechanic. New top end. extras. Vesco tank. Curnun shocks. etc . $425 . Call John du ring days 121 31 6301094 .147) Cha in tensioner, kxQ new, must sell, + mas. Ridden 1iltle. $900.00 1irm.12131446-2B29. 147) Desert ta nk, laydown ahoclcs• .." e1een. $600 .00 or best offer . 1213> ~ or 12131429-5604.1471 77 Yamaha YZSO. $675.00 250cc 4 stroke Honda Fast expert bike - Ellie front end. S &W shocks. Mac pipe . gold heevy duty rims . MoIO-Tee straight cut gM928-1248 . (4712xl ~ 1-0 TreU eborg. Mikuni, Diamond. S ix rides - like new. Too hot for Old Timer . $800 .00 or offer. (714) 593-ll820 . 14712x) 250 Kawasaki Short Tracker A real classic 77. 390 Husqvarna 1946 Ind ian . Com pletely restored to be tter than original shape. Engine has less than 500 miles on it since new. Every detail seen to . AU stock but extra chrome and better than stock paint. Featured on cover of Supercyde and in centerspread . A~ cover of Biker Newsmagazine. $4.BOO. 12131372-7266 Eves.l46fTFN) R~ onty 4 times - 5ess than 8 hrs. on engine, 3llmm 8 ing. ahortaned kick starter. immaculate. Best Husky 250 GP. $75011I 76. 370 Suzuki Q) ..c Fox forks . alum . swingarm. 38 Mikuni. like new engine. $700 .00. 121 3) 925-20 19. 147) 8 Q) > o -z offer 0V0f $1,600.00.1213>396-7592. 14712x) Wanted CR250 Com plete bike. basket case. any parts. new. old. 12131 532-1418. 14 7) 76 )\.250 C.R. It's claan and in V8r( good con 3489093 or 12131887:75n . 1471 76 Suzuki RM 250A Special test bike bu ilt by George Banke. ridden by Robert E. Lee. Used th ree t imes on local tracks. Only the best quality equi pment used. Frame is latest Staracer . Everyth ing is new & works perfect. Engine new - ported & set-u p to Banke specs. The pipe is perfect custom frt with broad . smooth powee beod . Will one gear most treclcs and is very fast. Has Goodyear tires in good shape. $1,895. Write or call George Banke. Banke Products. Bo x 7929 2. Saginew. TX 76179. (8171 232 -2281. Or Robert E. Lee. Yamaha of Texas . 5709 Hwy. 121-1\, Ft. Worth. TX . (811) 831 · 0903.147) 2 C&J frame Hondas One mo n_ ock . one Iaydown shocks. Must see. Both 500cc. too many extras to fist, 12131567·7736 or 12 131 923-7684. (47) Rebuitt eng ine, up-pipe, gas Girlings, and more. First 141 $500 takes. 17 522-B087. 14613xJ Desert ta nk, 350:.21 front tire, Curnutt s hocks, alum inum bars, extra gea ring, Y8fY clean , appx . 1000 miles on stock eng ine, skid plate . $595.00. (213) 2499859 . J47) 73Puch 125 Racing rearsets custom-fit 74 CZ 250 xlnt. FM Boqes , down p;pe . needs coil. $150 .00. (213) 88 51706.147) Laid down Bog es . Mikuni. $500 .00. 1213) 885-1706 . (47) , XRSO Christmas Special Mo noshoc k complete mo dified. Has everythin g . Excellen t condition. $400. 1213> '7ll3-li591. (47) Suzuki RL 250 trials bike. S howr oo m d isplay bike, ridden lor 2 hou", total. Bike is like brand new. $850 .00 or best offer . (714) 245-7339. 147) 77RM250B 75 Bultaco 250 Pursang to your size & riding position. Bullet proof aircraft constructi on . Barnen ca b le rep laces brake rod . Sat isfact ion guaranteed. Tou ring & racing glass available . STAR BIKER 1213>823-8528. 1 . 4614.1 Russ Darnell MX Schools Christmas wcation. December 19 & 20lh SaddIeback. December 22 & 23 Indian Dunes. December 28 & 29 Hollister Hills. Entry fee $30.00. Gift certificatas .....ilable. Makes a reolly trick Xmas pres«1\. Call today lor reservations. 1213) 367-1722 or 1805) 273-0323. I4616xl _itt> 76.250 Montesa CompleIeIy pr_ed. Works Performa nce shocka• .." faat . Must aeIJ. $700.00 or best offer . Call eveninga 17141 536-3750. 147) KX450 parts 4-sale 1 ) 758-5837.14612x1 805 Antique and dirt . Triumph , '67 Mountain Cub. $350 . Cushman Eagle '61, $325 - 80th original & restored. Yamaha 76 I.T.400. nickel frame . ridden 10 times. excellent. as new. $700 . (213) 363-9130. I4612xI POOL TABLE 4·xS'. slate top wlaccs.• $850 .00. Dough Boy S wim Pool. 4' ht. x 14' dia. wlfitter & pump. $200.00. 2 Ford Van ...... $15.00. (213) 561 3376. (47) - Rickman Honda Cafe racer $400. 171 41962-0713 alter 6 p.m . 1 47) C&J frame 175 4 stroker J.A.P. Speedway bike Fresh engine, new tires , tender, straight frame and wheels, et c. + 22" praettee tires and bike cover. Race ready . $950 . 1 805) 736-9371 .147I3xl 10" lAID DOWN S&W s. air forks. new Metzelero. snai l pipe. sana inaide & out. $500 or 7 Call alter 4:00 I707J 553-1826. Pete. (47) TRAILER - 4 bike. 15" mags. Manufac ture: Walstrom. $300 . (714) nlHlll22.147) Ridden only a few times; Curnuns, desert tank, extras, New Wheetsmith fork kit, And re bars, Phase 2 air fitter, ding shifter . Sun rim. Th is .new fenders. extra pipes . f04 bike is the cleanest. $n5.00. Call Ryan (213) 328-94n. (47) Or TD3? Spares. too . Reaso nable l Marty (206) 5230853 .147) 75. 125 Elsinore and 5 acres Twe nty -Nine Palms, California. $3600.00. 12131 949-3697. (47) 72 Pursang. only 800 miles 76 Maico AW250 Wanted: TZ250 RACING GO-KART. CaTena road race kart wlside tanks. McCulloch lOla engine. "f...... (7141 871-4326. 147) Desert cabin I'm a fast. clean, 77, 250 Astro . Owner's injury forces sale. $1250 or best offer .l707J 464-2248 .14713.1 Custom built for w ife. Used very H ttle. Asking $995.00. Call - 8:00 to 5:30 (213) 567·n36. (47) Honda 750. Megacycle 2501. winning performance. 4 into 1. 1500 miles. K81, diac _es. $2850 .00. tred e. offer. Bob 14151521-7778 or (4151523-3561. (47) HONDA 1970 CB350 for $350.00. also YAMAHA 1974 DT360 for $450.00. Call (7141 526-31 n. Rebu ild engine , good condition; rT'MJSt seell M. Kanbaya s hi. 2402 Orang eview lane. Orange. Calif. 92667 . (47) Take me home Perlect conditton. first bore. nine irdl air forks , fk)at ing brake. 1213) 925-9730. 147) Have Bu ltaco - want TT 500 74.250 Pursang in excellent co nditio n. LTS , gas forks . shocks. FMF pipe. fast & reliable, used little . $575 or trad e plus cash for TT 500 . 1213) m -2364 . (47) Springer Fan Club Send $1 aod a self ad dressed stamped envelope to: " Springer Fan Club," clo Bruce Papes, Jr . - President, 614 N. 8r oadway Street . Joliet. IL60435 . (47) 71 Triumph 650 Tiger Extended forks , otherwise stock, 10 mileage. runs w ell. $625 .12131478-2205. 1471 Front end wanted 496-7436.1471 Like new. low mileage, immacu late. Must se ll. (714) Ten words 11 t hru ~5 word> (O ve r ~5 $2 S3 words. 10 ceo" per word) Headline in Bol d T yIX" I I extra Pictures. no larger than 5x7 53 extra No pp b ill me 's or p hone ord ers, Commercial Ad Rate Ten words $4 11 thru ~5 wo r ds $8 (Over 25 words . 50 ce n ts pe r word) Head line in Bol d T ype SS extra Photos . . .. . . . .. . • • . $6 ( Your Photo ) (No larger t h a n 5.7 ) PLEASE PRINT Blind Boz or Rou.ting Ads Need forks for our trick XR80. Call ~ you have CR125. 19n XR75 or Betor forks to sell. 1714) 871 ·2833. (47) ...... .. $5 Help Wanted Ads Yamaha YZ125X T cn words II t h ru w/Neil-street4valve conversion by Gen e Rhyne new - never raced including spare wheel s sprockets. transmission . carburetors, and many more spare parts - Tota! Price . $3000 .00. Call 18051 2556573 .147) Forks wanted Special Handling Private Party Rate MPH. Qua rtz time base assures acc uracy . Bright liquid crystal displa y. Fast forwa rd option available for $10 extra. Introductory price $13 9 .95. Cha rge it on MasterCharge or BAC. Ord el' from your dealer or direct from Digitronics . Inc.• 725 1 G. Garden Grove Blvd.• Garden Grove. CA 92641. 17141894·1611 . 147/EOI/4xl Complete Speedway Jawa Honda 750F IT 2501 400 TT. reasonable & clean . 1 2091 568-1383. (46I2x) . Digitronics Enduro Computer New standard mod ~ CC-4 mak es it ea sier to zero those checkpoin ts. Average speed selectable from 0 to 99 S, Super deanl Looks and runs like new. Well ma intained. $500 .00. Ask for Rick before 5 p.m . 17141 631 ·1079 . (47) ~5 words ... . .. .. ...•.. .. . $5 Want Ad Deadline 77 Husky. wide ratio 360 Friday noon for the following Wednes· da ys pub lication . Send chec k or money Injury forces sale. About 4 hrs. on entire motorcycle. not ridden since April 77. Some extras, $1350.00 or offer. 12 131921·3330 . 147) o rder to C YC LE NEWS . P .O. Box 498 Dept. WA . Lo ng Be ac h . Ca 90801. I 19n.125YZD CYC LE N EW S CANNOT BE R ES · PONSI BLE FO R I L LEG IB L E PHON E NUMBERS I Like new. $700 firm. 121 31320 -3738 . (47) . 76 175 yz 9iO.OO. (213) 793-2855. 1471 Na me Address City Statr Zip Print Bold Headline here (Leave Spaces) I Area Cod. 38 Ph one Number 75 DUC8ti 860 10.000 pampered miles. never dropped. nor raced. Near showroom - $1595.00 or will trade for Yam TT500 and caah . 19161541-1959 .1471

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