Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"Xmas Bargains" ~I models in stock and ready for ' TT500 Delcrt c 36mm Pumper carbo $14 5. Gives added 4.s H.P. - Lofts front over w hoo ps. includes Magura throttle. jets , Terry cabl es , K&N, st rictly . bolt an i MALCOLM TANKS , TT, yz, IT, MX, Universal v escc also, both $42.99. lnteram or Malcolm alum. ~ IMEilcali TEAll ISOT JACIETS . delivery , Complete line of TT equipment. bars, $15 .95. Full Bores , ISDT OR SMOOTH SOLE, $n .95. USA mad e nylon IS DT jackets, $43 .95. Carrera & Scon goggl es , clear, $9.95. 50 % de posit req uired , Worn by 1976 & 1977 Teams. ; Blue, Rea, Rea w/USA sleeves. S. M, l. XL. $79.95 -- MX, Trials, Desert and Pans and accessories. specify col ors, bend s or size. Sierra Tahoe M/C. Box 7298 , So. Lake Tahoe, Cal. 95731 . { 9161 54 1-C434. 1 471 IIIIPIIITS Ou ick lfast Mail·Order anYWhere . Favonte of PROR ERS. AC 27 color combmanons Complete mac hine shop service. Send Nicholson Honda A.T.C. frame Regulars, Shorts. longs.$79.95 $1.00 for catalog and decal , Sto..'. ~ {Von(",'" 7627 Van NuyS Blvd. .- N ys"""-...i Van Nuys , CA 91405 u ~317B0-6300 12 131994.74 6 B TrA"" STEVE'S BULTACO Strong & light. Uses stock com pone nts , only $129 .95 Posp aid (Calif. residents add $7.80 sa les taxl. Nicholson Racing Produ cts, P.O. Box 591, Spr ing Valley, CA 920n. (7141460-44 1B. 14 715xl Perfect , must see to appr eciate. Call eveni ngs (714 ) 249-39 BB 1 . 4712x1 Br id g epo rt , Ct. 06 6 04 Te l: (203 ) 335-0721 I 1 Jawa Speedway bike GRIFFIN P.O . Bo x 4 86 ~ . r-----------, 10 ~~~~~~~7NDPARTS ~ I """ 1 New rn. 250 Husky 1 ~ Last one in So. Cal? CIM Cycle, Blythe, CA. 1 7141922· 6786 . $1750.00 . 1 4712.1 18 oz. beer m ug - $8.98 plu s $1.00 handl ing. CA. res. add 6 % tax - check or M.O. No C.O.D. A.F. Enterprises . 2045 No. Rose St ., Burbank, CA 91505. 12131 845-0350 .1471 7 5 YAM A HA 250 bike. Excellent condition, $62 5 or best offer. {71415954075.1471 TZ-750 and TZ-250C road racers TZ-750 top shape - just rebuilt, very clean and fast . Complete spares kit including gearing - $2.900 . TZ· 250 C mono shock very fas t , fres h motor. professional motorcycle. many spares. Need money $1,900 . Days 12131781-ll3B6. 1 4612.1 Bultaco Salvage Parts 1962·1976 parts s hipped anywhere . Sat isfa ct io n guar anteed. Send $1.00 for ac cessories, parts, and speed eq uipme nt catalog. Steve Scott MIC Products, Box 1043 , W ood land Park, Co lorado 80863. (3031 687.3376. 1 40ITFNI . 72 Yam 250 MX Dez bike New Wo rks Performan ce shocks forward mount, Vesco ta nk, Trlk kit, air shocks, chain te nsioner, many extras. Hard ly ridden , exce llent co ndition , $450.00 . (71415304985. 1 471 Lost camera at Ascot Nov. 11 Lost 35m m SLR ca mera , 2 lenses, bag at Speedway % Mile Friday, Nov. 11. Can furth er identify , cas h rew ard , no qu estions asked. Call Jim after 5:00 1213) 449-5340. 1 471 NORTHERN CA 96001. CMC Motocross . Happ y Valley Rac e Wa y, Cloverdal e Rd., Ha ppy Valley, CA Mini throug h Open - Turkey race 100% payback, Simi Pro. 19161243-1701 . 1 471 _ DUNE CYCLE .1 1 }}! ..J 11 .. 11I ..... " .......... . . . .11 . . ......111 ........11 11I11I1111111...." ..........,. .....11I 11... Yamaha & Bultaco of EI Monte 76 RM 360 Suzuki Metzeler tires - Cross Up swin ga rm - Luff shocks , AI Baker kit - desert tan k. New chain & spr ockets $850 or offer. 12131424-42 18. 1471 c<") 1-0 Q,) ..c e Q,) ;> o Z 2859 No, D urfee, E1 Monte, CA 91732 2 13/442-5800 New ' 76Y.z YZ 125 X Monoa . in Stock 1974 Ford Super Van ce, dirt 714-871-2460 ~ MAICO 250 AW 1976. Guaranteed Al shape, stock co nd .. std . bore, $950.00 . (7141968-03 05. 1471 Mug a friend for Christmas ~ . •~ . .~ . . Town & Coun t ry Cyc le S U Z U KI . 4 1 1 S. Broo k hurst . Fulle rton , CA ~. o E·2OO, V-8 pow er brakes , power s teering, 4 BBl cerb. pipes , COl ignition, custom inter ior by S elect Vans . Hauls 3 bikes, sleeps 2. Heavy suspension, air shocks, cherry condition. Call (7141 83 5-7000 , Ext. 212. Bryon 47lTFNI Farnsworth. 1 1I11l 1M.. u............lttl " ll ltt lll th tllll ttll lllliii _ _l .'. ......... IINltnlll 1 ' .nio, '. BSA parts -new &used rn Yamaha YZ400D Raced tw ice - can 't afford - must salt! New tires front & rear. $1595.00. 1 8051 947 -ll501. 1471 Shipped Anywhere You never lose with Cycle News '72 HONDA 350cc - FAIRING - tru nk - roll ba rs - good condition - 13,000 mi. $600 or make offer. 12 131287-1732.1471 Specializing in BSA & Trium p h repa irs Jim Hunter Motorcycle Repair 1140 S. Cypr es s. Unit A La Ha br a, CA 9063 1 17141525-1504 rn IT 175 Yamaha Excellen t co ndition - 8 % travel front and rear engine mod ified for better pow er band - new tires Honda speedo - much mor e. $750.00. 171 41996-3241 or 12131 67lJ.7490 . 1 4612xl ACTION CYCLE servic e 395 Cycle Park for Sale Priced r ight for permanent unrestricted permits Room for expansion Easy owner terms 1978 Husky 125 CR One mon th old, rid den 50 miles, brand new. $1350.00. 1 71412_ ' . 1 4612. 1 Quality & parts Motocross Desert Husqvarna 193 22 Beach Blvd.. Hunt ingt o n Beach 71 4 1 968·3306 714-246,6109 YAMAHA XT HUB w /19" DID rim & Buchanan spok es , $65. 12131379-4013 . 14612xl rn. 250 Husky GP like new , one race, must se ll, take over s mall payme nts. (7141962 -4993 . 14614.1 '77 SUZUKI RMI25B . Very fast and reliable, Metzelers, S un rim, 520 chain, sea t kit, cut-pipe, two stage reeds, and mor e. $750.00 .12131375-7070.1471 m reservoir, Answ er sw ingarm,D Yamaha YZ 250 luft Metzelers, trick chain g uide & tension er, air clea ner, excellent co nditio nI $1095.00. 121 31761-3135.1471 19n y, KTM 250 MCSgp. Less tha n 10 hou rs of use. Immaculate, Gas Works Performance shocks, lots of e""as. $1395. 12131 459-2494 or 12131 4n -0997. 1 471 Custom Chopper 1975 Honda 750 engi ne rebu ilt by Russ Collins of RC Engineering. 836c c kit, ca m, ARO magn eto, balanced. Strong runner. Cus tom one-of-a-kind fram e, rig id style with Gary Littlejohn gas ta nk. Cus to m paint by Custom House . 10 spo ke Invader wh ee ls front and rear. 22" extended custo m s pringer front end . Over $800 worth of chrome. Featured on covet' of S treet Chopp er Magazine and Biker Newsmagazine. Replac em ent cost estimated at over $5,500 . W ill se ll for $2,700 . 121 31 372-7266 Eves. 1 46ITFNI Honda836 Morris mags, dua l discs , Kerker header, Harmon cam , balanced , immaculate and very fast, $1950.00. (213) 943-4065. 1 471 Baja play bike . '74 XL350 Honda , b ig t ank , extende d and strengthened swingarm, Curnutts, Baker kit, Mikuni, high pipe, lights, Cheng Shins , Preston Pettvs , etc. $700 . 12131 425-llB75. 1 4512xl Yamaha750s 750 flat trac kers - both very fast - Goodyears Trackmaster , $1,500 . Champion $2,500 . 1 51 64691 0478.14414. 1 Motorcycle trailers 2.3, or 4 rail. Big wh ee ls, spr ings and shocks. $275.00 . 12131630-3799 or (2131861 ·n21. 144ITFNI Free 60 day warranty with our 19n model 360 CR Husky 19n IDG) RM 80 Very clean & reliable. Many extras for MIX, desert & en duro . Must see to appreciate . $650 . (213) 358-352 1. 1 46l2xl car 25 New , metr ic, $1200 wo rth. Bes t offer takes. (213 ) 8463285. 1 612.1 4 350 Yamaha Cafe JAWA SPEEDWAY - " Ed. Schafer motor, big va lve, · cams, extra carb ., Terry cables, dependable, runs good, $1300 .00 will deal. (7141662-1030 . (47) [ ust [ill out , n p off. 1975 Penton/KTM 400 Snap-on tools Deluxe chrono-computar, used tw ice, $165 .00. new for $90 .00. 6" gas Curnutts used 3 times, $65 .00. 1 2131 943-9687 .1471 Supply limited-Order fast! DG rad ial hea d gold anodized , aluminum swi nga rm and wh ee ls. Heavy duty s po kes . DG pipe and sea t. $1300.00 invested in bike. Will se ll for $579.00. Santa Ana Kawasak i, 1850 E. Edinger , San ta Ana, CA 92705 . (714) 541 -5217 or (7141541-ll694. 1 46l3 xl FLATTRACKER ho t l Race bike plus many extras, $500. (7141271-8967. 1471 Digitronics -Super quality 50% Cotton, 30% Polyester! - Knitted neck & arm trim - Dark cartoon with red lettering -Approved by Papa Wealey -Order yours today for immediate delivery - no waiting First purchased Sep t. 1976 . 38mm cerb., GP porte d, B% inches travel front and rea r. Desert or MX rea dy. Santa Ana Kawasaki, 1850 E. Edinger, Sa nta Ana, CA 9270!i. 17141 541·5217 or (714154 HI694. I46I3. J All new, trick paint, chambers, ported , clipons, KS1s, TR heads-r ods, 400 miles on eng ine , $750.00 or trade. (7141884-7566. 1471 r n Husky 250GPCR Immacul ate, ridden little, stock, air caps. Must se ll, $13OO.oolbest offer . Wor k 12131 390-6294, hom e 12131 454-ll359 . 1 471 . I I ! Street Address State I I want I mail to : -------------~----------My name is I I I ~ Cycle News Products PO Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 Zip [ ) small [ ) medium ~~ [ ) large Tee-Shirts ' I en closed $ 5. 95 for each sh trt (California residents ad d 6% sales tax) [ ) ex.large I I I I I I I • ~-------------------------- 37

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