Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AME TELEVISED M X Sproc kets Park, Bakersfield. CA. A ll classes, special events; sidecars. 15 yrd + mini. ATC 90 . Oddes sy, gates open 7 am, orec . 8, race 9. post ent ry S ntsm n, $8 Pros $12.100% p.b. Pros. 40 % brass sptsmn. Memb req 'd . M ad COV ., Newer w ider track, changes made each race week . Overn ight Campin g 213 /881· 5n 8. AM E FALL SEASON M X Racing Wor ld. Trabuco evn. CA. Marty Smith course, all classes. mini thr u 5OOcc. Gates open 7 am, prac 8. race 9. Entry $8 sptsmn . pros $12. Med Cov. Memb. req 'd . O/N Camp ing. 2131881 ·5m or 7141968-5210 . 40 % brass . D-37EN OURO l ucern e Vallev. Soggy Dry lake. Limed from Lucerne or Bessemer Mine Rd. A.B.& C classes. A&B Entry $10 M ail. C Entry $7.50 Mail. All Post entries $12. 3 man team $3. A tea m memb s. on secerere minns . C riders on ')( 46 mi. loop o n sep erat e sc hed u le . 10 % trop hies. 0- 37 pt s. Entry & 2 SASE to Desert M .C. 5192 Princ eton W es t mins ter . CA 926 83 . Entr ies close 11127 drawi ng 11/29 at Shakey s. 17221 S. Pionee r, Artesia . CA. 8:00 p.m. 213/865-2362. CMC ROAD RA CE Onta rio M ot or Spe edway , Ontario, CA. GP, Prod, Cafe, Super Cafe, Beginner classes. Prize money and trophies. Entry $18. 3407 W . Olive. Burbank. CA 91505. 2131842 ·7433. MOTOCROSS Mo sier V all ey MX Par k, Arl ington, TX. Rain or shine. $705 guaranteed purse or 50 % of gate if rain. Bress to six places. Free keg beer. Gate $3. Nov. entry $6. InL $7. Ex. $8. Nov. prac. 9 am. race 10. IntJEX prac. 1 pm, race 1:00. Payoff to Senior classes only. All dasses. 817I2n ·9917. 267·9153. CHALLENGE RACE Elsinore Rcwy, 8siOOfe, CA H-71 to Lugonia . A ll classes. ' Mini thru Open , Beg. thf u Ex. Entry Pre $6. pOS!$8. 20 % delux sa me day trophies. MX-TT & Short track, one ten lap mo to per course tun race ah er each event fOf t·sh irts. Prac. 8 a .rn., race 9 a.m. 714/826-2386. 674- 5383. AMA ROUGH SCRAMBLES Cycleland Spdwy. Chico. CA. 14 mi. S. of Chico. H·99E & Gage Shippee Rd. All ciasses. Entry $5, $7 Experts. Sign up 810 , Prac. ' ()'1' , race noon. 9161342 ·9302. , I I I I INDOOR MIC SW AP MEET . Mo vieworld Exhibit Cent er, 6900 Orengethorpe, Buena Park, CA. 6 p.m. 10 11 p.m . Adm . $2. under 12 free. 21315 88-ll763 . December 11 AMA 0-36 MOTOCROSS Knob Hill Ranch, Pescadero, CA . 3 m i. E of Pescadero Rd.. & Coast Hwy 1. 20 mi. S of Hall Moon Bay. All classes. No pro purse. Trhphies a nd $200 in contingencies. Entry $10. Nov. sign-up 6:30 to 8:30 am., race 9. Ex, Min i, Vets, Jr. sign up 'l t , race 1 p.m. 4151347-4758. CRC MOTOCROSS 395 Cycle Perk. Adelento. CA. 2 motos , cash for Pros . 30% trophies for Sptsmn . Entry $7 S ptsrnn., $12 Pros, non-mamb o add $2. Gates open 7 a.m., prac. 8, race 9:30. OIN cam ping . 714/689-6114. days. CMC MOTOCROSS Happy Valley. Redding. CA. Cloverdale Rd, " Happy Valley" , then follow signs to track. M ini thru Open classes. 100% p.b. Entry $9. $15 pto . 916124 3-1701. U.S.M .RA MINICYCLERACING Elsinore Rcwy , Elsinore, CA. 1 mi. N. of H-71 between Central and Railroad Canyon Rd. Pee Wee thru 125 c lasses. 100 % p.b. to pros, 33% same day t rophies to S pt s mn. OI N camping . Prac. 8 a.m., race 9. No memb . required until Jan " 1978. 300 Pomona M all West. Pomona. CA 91766. 7141622 · AM A WI NTER SCRAM BLES Oak dale Pion eer A rena, Oakdale, CA. Btwn. Oakdale and Escalon , off Hwy . 120, south on Pioneer Ave . All classes. Entry $5. 2nd bike $3. 2091847 ·5558. 869-1457. om. CRC M X RACING WO RLD All classes. $3000 med. ins. Cash for Pros. 30% trophies for AM A rr SCRAMB LES Perrid Rcwy, Perris, CA. On Hwy. 74, off at Ellis Ave ., W . side. Beg. thru Ex. classes. Entry $4.50 Gates open 8:00, prac. 9:00. race 10:00 a.m. 71419602501.657-8917. 8 Q) > o Z NORA EUROPEANSCRAMBLES Pyramid Lake Hwy. Reno. Nev. Limed from- Reno. All classes. Entry $10. Box 413. Carson City . Nev. 89701.7021883-3244. 0-37 HARE SCRAMBLES Limed f rom 1 5, E o f -1 V ICt rvill e to Bell Mtn . Ca. All o classes. Unique finisher pins, Trophies. Entry $8. Beg. $7. Rescue 3. easy race. Last point race of year. Desert Donk eys, P.O. Box 6212. Torrance. CA 90501.714/598-7827. AM A ROUGH SCRAMB LES Cyeleland Spd wy . Chico. CA. 14 mi. S of Chico, H·99E & Gage Shippee Rd. All classes. Entry $5, $7 Experts. Sign up 8-10. 2· Prac. 10·11. race noon. 916134 9302. B.O.S.SJCMC MX Sacrernen. o OHV P..k Ioid McGilll , Hwy . 50 to Prairie Cnv, right 10 Wh ire Rock. right 2 mi. 10 trad<. All classes. indo Vets. OT. and M ini. Entry $9/$5 . 100% p.b. to Pro. 30% trophies. 916/635-5240. SPEED WAY Elsinore Rcwy .• Elsinore, CA. Beg ., Div. 3 ride for tr oph ies, 100% p.b. 1O Oiv. 2. Open ptac. afrerwatd s. 714/826-2386. 674- 5383: 2HOUR. 2 MAN MARATHON Sac ram ent o Rcw y . CA. Jacbon Rd. to Excelsior. N. to trad<. All classes. Solo riders OK ~ you can handle iL MUST SHOW PROOF OF RIDING CLASS. Entry $10 & gate fee. Track terrain - saambles, MX & 1 mi. of asphalt. G.P. start. no ptaetice. 9161635-5240 . ATA OBSERVEDTRIALS Saddleback Park. Cltange. CA. VIII EI Trial De Espana All . classes & Press and indu S!. Drawing for 77 But & more. Entry $5. Meny expert sections in new pit area for spectators . 714184 7-8495. 'AMA SEMI·PRO MX M arysville, Ca. Under " E" St . Brid ge. Over lev ee on Shad Rd. at S.E. end of " E" St. Bridg e. All Classes. 100% purse. $B Entry. $15 pres. 2113 Pasoo Ave.. Live Oak, Ca. 9161695-2727 or 695- AMA 0-361 00 MILE HARE& HOUND Hollist er Hills Upp er Ranch, CA. - ± ~ THUR Open classes. Ent rv $10 post. 7 a.m .-l0 sign up, 10:30 rac e. Staggared start . Free camping Fri-Sat. 415/6870963. 2088. INDOOR SHORT TRACK Louisiana State Fairgrounds, Shreveport, LA. 1 ·20 eslt Aearne Ave. M ini thru Open Classes. 100 % p.b. Entry $8 expert , $6 amateur. 4315 Orla St. , Sh reveport, LA 7 1108. CRC MOTOCROSS DeAn za Cy cl e Park, Sunnymead, CA. 2 long motos and $ to Ex•• 3 mot os and 30 % . bra ss to S ptsrnn. All classes. Overnight camping tree. Gate open 7 am. race 9:30. Entry $7 Sptsmn., $12 Ex., $2 extr a nonmemb. 2131830- 519. 7 318/636-9773. OAK HILLMX Oak Hill, Alv ord, TX.. North of Decatur 7 m i. on 287-81 , exit M t. Zion Rd., follo w signs 3 mi. to track. $705 guaranteed purse or 50% of gate in bad w eather. Entry $5 Nov. M ini, OT; $6 lnt , $8 Ex. Rt. 1. Box 71. Alvord. TX 76225. 817/427·2665. "~" ""~"~, Plea se include a ph one number for addi tional in formation . Mail th e co m p le ted blank to CyCle Ne ws Cale nd ar. Box 498. Long Bea ch. CA 9 080 I. Event san ct io n Even t typ e I . m ·,l l i u l l I ..0 2131 881·5n 8. AM C MOTOCROSS Saddleback Park, Orange, CA. GAte open 7:30, prac. 8-9. race 9:30. No mail entry. $7/$12 post. $2 xtra non-memb . 30 % brass, 100% Pro p.b. 7141641·9439. t h ere Purse 'Cla sse s $-< Q) AME X·MA S MINICROSS lna ian Dunes, Valencia, CA. Mini track. Gates open 7 a.m., prac, 8, race 9. All classes. Pee Wee thru mini 1OS . 33 % brass ee entry $7 . M emb . req 'd , Mad ccv. t oist;"In : ludedbe th e fo llo wi ng we e k ' s C)-c1I' be- . c in News. No lis ti ngs c a n be ac cep ted by ph on e. 110 \\ 10 ~c: 1 c<") AME X·MAS MOTOCROSS Ind ian Dunes, Valencia, CA. M ini thru 5OOcc. Gates open 7 a.m., prec. B, race 9. Entry $8 mail. $10 post. Pros $12 mail. $15 post. 30 % brass. memb req'd . Med Cov. Gift certifica tes. 2131881·5m . CRC SANTA CLAUSE FAMIL Y ENDURO Lucerne Valley, CA. Limed from th e "Y" cafe. Al l classes. 100 % finisher tro ph ies. 2 loops, 35 mi. each . Easy race. C-riders wo men & minis go 1 loop . M ail entry $11 & 2 SASE to CRC 760 1 Arli ngton Ave ., Riverside, CA. 92503. Post entry $14. Nonmem bs. add $2, 2 & 3 man teams add $1 each. All famil y teams free. Santa w ill also be th ere. Last chance for CRe Enduro po ints for ' 9n. 7 14/6896114. '- - ~ o Spts m n. O/N Parking okay. Gates open 7 a.m., race 9:30 a.m. $7 Sptsmn. $12 Pros. Non CRC members add $2. 213/ll3(). 7519. Entry fee I PRO-MX SHADOWGLEN SUNDAY Nov. 21 PRO PAY BACK ACCORDI NGTO CLASS ENTRIES (l00 Pro Reg PB) PROS $15 MAIL $20 POST Membe rsh ip Requir ed • N o P II Riding AME ~ A.ME. ~ eRe 1st & 3rd Sundays Sprockets Park. Bakersfield Poat en try onty .,2 Pros $I ~ 2nd & 4th Sundays Indi an Dunes Sportsmen " ,.,..1 '1 - 0 post Pros .12 meU - .1 5post Every Friday Night Indian Dunes Po", entry on ly .. $pommen $10 ProO I I - Med ical Coverage aMAaaM 8M&1 - - AME ;'",,7..~_ - 125 Pro - 250 Pro - 500 Pro receives 8 .500 e-.h pri ze & t op points Pro receiv.. . n additionBl $500 c.ah pr ize Golden Bear 90 Mile Hare EI Hound Dec. 4th Calif. City to Red Mountain Timed start-10 riders per row 9am start DRApoints $15 Post entry on ly - No mail Dist. 37 riders & non-members welcome - no extra charge 71~114d8vs AME PO 80. 142'1 R..-.. CA '1JJ5 213-l181-6778 . 181: & Jrd Sunda~ RACING World • Po ", entry ciiiry$8 lPilrtii'man . 12 P,oo RACE SCHEDULE - SPTS. $8 MAIL $10 POST GATES OPEN 7 PRAC8 RA CE 9 :\la iling ad d ress • • • DOUBLE POINTS 500/0 TROPHIES Nov. 27 - Saddleback Dec . 4 - Carlsbad Dec. 11 - Saddleback Dec. 18 - Calrsbad I NFO 714-541-9439 MOTOCROSS 395 Cycle Park All New Track Big Berms - Big Jumps Nov.27 - CRC Dec.11- CRC $3 ga la & FREE ovarnighl·ca mp ing inf o: 714-689-6114day s 35

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