Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 11 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Maywood M C Cl ...SSH ICA1l 0 "' · EVERY , 6021992-0359. WEEK Sunday SPEEDWAY PRACTICE Bsi nore Rcwy .• Hwy 71 at Lagonia. Elsinor e CA. New tra ck. 7141674-5363.826-2386. Wednesday FLAT TRACK & IT COfans Rcwy , Corona , CA. H· 91 & Bucanon. All classes. Open money race , 30 % tr ophies . Entry Sptsmn. $4. $5 money races, + gate adm. Adults $2.50. Jrs. $2. Gates open 5:30 p.m., races 7:30. 714/689-1913 , 735-1705 . NIGHT M OTOCROSS . Petalum a Spdwy.• Hwy 101 to W ashing 51. turnoff , Petaluma. CA. AMA, 0 -36 rules. Entr y $7, Ex. $10. 100% Ex. p .b . Gates open 4:30 p.m., eeee. 6. race 7. 707n63-712 1, 763-2911 . Thursday CMC NIGHT MX Portland International Rcwy .• Portland OR. 1 N to Delta Pk. ·5 exit. Mini th rough Open cJasses. 100% Pro p.b .• 30 % tro phies. P.O. Box 17010, Port land . OR 97206. 50312B!Xi635. Thru Oct. CM C MOTOCROSS J h'o nt motocross at Freemont Rcwy. H·17 to Durham Rd. ~eemont. CA. Al l dasses. 30 % trophies, 150 % p'o p.b.l Entry Pro $15. $9 others . $100 expert King Hill. $50 mini King Hill. New track . 1349 LaBella, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 _Free over night camping . 40817 33-9545. November 22 AMA PRO AWARDS BANQUET Disneyland Hot el, Anaheim, Calif . Coctail party at 6:00, Dinner at 7:00. awards after . Ad vanced tickets requ ired. $15 per ticket. Sent to Banquet, AMA, P.O. Box 141, Westerville. Ohio 4308 1. November 24-27 6. ROUGH SCRAMBLES Sacramento Bcwv. Hwy. 16. S of Mather AFB. Gates open 6 p.m. Entry $5. spec. $2.50. Minis and up. 9161362·2653 . Friday 6TH ANNUAL MIN ICYCLE OLYMPICS Homosassa Spr ings. FI. PeeWee thru · 125 classes in motocross. Short Track and Hare Scrambles. Tracks are Chicl nal. Preentry doses 1111 5. 6430 16th St. North. St. Petersburg. FL 3370 2. 8131522·1513. AMEN lTEMX Indian Dunes . Valencia. CA. Prac. 7 pm , race 8. Post entry only, $6, Pros $10. 100 % o.b. to Pros. 30% troph ies . November 26 med . covg. 2131B8 1·5n 8. KCIR M OTOCROSS Kansas City, KS 816 /358 · 3 700, 796-4157. R.A.C.E. M X Corona Rcwy., Hwy . 91 & Bucha non, Coro na, CA. Mini thru Open, 100 % p.b. to Ex. 714/689-1913. 735-1705 . - 0 -36 IT SCRAMBLES Lodi Cycle Bowl, Lcdi, CA . Gates open 5 pm, prec 5:307:30 face 8. Mini thru Open classes. Entry $4 . Class " C" trac tion only. No camp ing . 2091368-7182SHRMX Sand Hill Ranch . corn er Camino Diablo & veeco Rd. An Classes. 100 % P.P.. M ini. 100 % Ex. 30 % p.b . Entry $8. At. 2 Box 143C Brentwood. 4151634-3328 or 634-1667 . AME MIN ICROSS • Indian Dunes. Vafeocia. CA. Mini trac k. All ctasses. Pee Wee ttvu 105cc. 33% brass . Prac. 7 pm , race . Entrv $6, mambo requ'd .. $8. mt!d . eev, 2131B81 ·5778. Saturday ' IT SCRAM BLES Elsinore Rcwy.. Hwy. 71 at Lagon ia Ave .• Elsinore. CA . S ign up 6 pm , prac 7, race 8. Gate $2. race $3. 20 % brass. Clubs and Groups wel come, rid e won class. Beg. thru Ex. 714 /674· 5383, 826-2386 . SAD DLEBACK SATURDAY MX Saddl eback Pk., Orange . CA. Gate opens 7:30 am, prac. 88:30. race 9. Pros race 40 min, others 39 mi n. Entry $8. Pros $13. No membership or mail entry req'd . 33.33 % trophies. 7141495-4n1. IT/SHO RT TRACK Perris Rcwy .• on Hwy. 74 off Ellis Av e.• l J4-mL west side. Perris. CA. Gate opens 5 pm, race 7:30. All classes, Beg . thru Ex 30 % brass. 7141960-2501. . M OTOCROSS Canyon Raceway. Phoenix, I PHANTOM DUC K 3rd ANNUAL BA RSTOW TO VEGAS TRAI L RIDE East of Barstow and Yermo . Y.r mi. N. of 1 ·15. Go E. from Barstow on 1.-15 to Harvard Rd. Ex. follow Frontag e Rd. on S. side of freew ay E. for 3 m i. to Manx Rd. overcross. Go N. % mi. and yo u are there. Free. not a race. Finisher Pins to riders . P. D. o f the D . P.O . Bo x 1725, Fontana, CA 92335 . 71418235415. P.I.T.S. TRIALS las Padres National Forest. San luis Obispo. CA. Novice A. A mateur & Expert classes only . Entry $6 mai l, $10 post . Spark Arr esto rs Requ ired, Camp ing available. 125 rider limit. 10 mi. morn. loop ridden 3 times. afternoon 25 mi. loop ridden 2 times by top 7 No v. A riders and all Am. & Ex. riders. Check in 8 a.m. first rider out 10. Millers Motorcycles 162 Higuera. S.L.O ., CA 93401 . 805/5-437358. (mail entries incl . 2 SAS E.I CRC WILD TU RKEY GRAN D PRIX Rac ing World. Trabuco Cnyn, CA . A ll classes . Big trophies and heavy pins. Entry $10. non-membs. add $5. ORA points. 50 m i. reees on course. w lo mud . Team RaCe $7 each. Overnight camp ing. gates open 7 a.m. prac. 8. race 9. 7141 689-6114. GA M BLERS PARADISE ENDURO Start at Statel ine and end aith r J ean. Nev. for 1 loop riders or Las Vegas. 3 loops . 20% troph ies. Entry one loop $13 Mail. Whole event $15 mail. All post entr ies $18. P.O. Box 3882, Torranc e, CA 90510 . 21313201015. ..'" 977 ber 3 & 4 , 1 De ce '~·" , .... ...",...c.. " '" LIMITED ENTRIES ".1.111 E " II ~ ~ l~ "n . , P ,,..,1 £ nl rv S2!».OO li d... .... _ NO PITS REQUIRED 1111 . ~ ~,~ ." TO MARK MUSCIO BENEFIT SCRAMBLES Hills Ferry Rcwy., Newman. CA. J~18 and River Road. All classes. Entry $5 rider. $2.50 second bike. Semi-pro $2.50 per bike. 100% p.b. Sign ups 8 a.m.• prac. 9. race 11. Open trae1ion. 2091538-0613. 883-0206 . I. ~ .. . 1 ' 00 , .... 1: .. "''' ... l!lGH T .I!G _ " o v ~. ~ • 0 _1 00 SPO lllT ' ........ ] lIO BaN iO" CO .. ,.L .. .. O oc.o C . • 0 .. 10.. 40 MINUTE RACFS ... SUNllAY I. ) III ' ._£ X" ." . " .. 1:.v .. ...IE:I G.. T .. ", , - t: . .. J JO " l..l.. " O"" I!: " _~I!: NI O R " 00 " l..l.. O l..DT I" I! R _ O VI[R ' H E HIl..L G " N" " l.. l.. 5 .. 110 WO"I!:.. C " C . 0 R " 10 E TC .1ENTRY MAl L 'Aft iL .... ITH . .. 0 ..... f 'llTPY lun "U I . " Y TO HU N T • • C H•• C A• • 1Io.. TO UO ~ O P I! N ~ P O III T' " '' '' J"' -• • I" I •.. o u • ...HE E L !!" O L IV " l. " fO; l!:""OO D. U" J"' ·C. " O_ J OO 1 ,1 0 . . ", . II:. P 0 00 ~PO "T ' '' '' N B E G _N O V ~ EN TRY e_po.,." Payable tc MAYWOOD M.e. '" , .... ""'L '.'11 November 27 Ph.~ ----- ---- - "' 1. L. " ' G" 'C HOOI.. .... l!I E G · " O V J , o. u " W O.. T'.. .... II I!:G _ " O V n' 0:'" , ~ Z.'" AM A = . I , JO ." ." rr co _ _ _ __ 4_ __ o.oc' Mo • • " ·OlltT ' ... ... II £ G - ..Ov 0 .10 0 ' 0 00 _ EI"IQ 5" 11 _ _ _ ""..1... 8 ..... · Eng N. IT SCRAMBLES & SHORT TRAC K Perris Rcwy. H·74 off Ellis, Perris. CA. A ll classes. 33 % Brass. Gates open 5:00 p.m.• Prac. 6:30, Race 7:30 . 714/9602501,657-8917. - --- --- ---_ . --- - - - --- - -- .. - _ 51011. _ C' l.,. SATl'Rr.,,~Y IIMAll ENTRY lIIun " " RVOu " 51 • • 1I:.. ~ l..1[ TO "O 111 ! 1.0 .. <; . CH •• C " . • 0. ' 5 G 1 S THE U ND E RSI G NED E NT R " III BY AHt . ,1II HIS 11II f i ALS Il ELOW. AC ll.lIiOWLt. OG ES T HAT HE ASS U'oIl S TH!!: toIl Il. 0 " ANV LOSS I:R OM T INJ URY O R IOR OP!!:RT V " AIYIAG E TO HIMS( ll' O M TO O THE RS. DUE TO HIS PA RTICI P ATl OIIIIIII TH IS ( vENT AND Hi Hl ll EW IT H SIOECIF . ICALL Y HO LOS HAR M LESS I' RO IYI AN Y S AID LOSS THf AMfR ICAN MOTO RI";YCL E ASSOCI ATlON .S PO RTS CO MMIT TEE. DIST R ICT 3] AMA. INC.. THE S PO NSORl lllG CLUB O M OMGM.IIZA TIOlll AN D THE O VfflE RS O F TH E REA L P RO PE R TY 0 111 Wt-IICH S AID EV E IIITS HA LL TA Il.[ PLACE .1:.. 1' . ·.. ' ·, " 'd O' lWO_l ', . ... 1....1 TM _ _• .."" - . ...... ,,~ ..... 1 • • • .. ""' ... > .... •_ OO _ II ......, ...... _ oI ~ I " ~' .. ~ •• • • ,,_ _ ....... a 1" . 1 " . ,... - - ------_.t._. O.. I ~ .. ....... ..... ,.. .. .... 0 .... ' . .... .... ~ p.... , , .... ... "" . ....... ...... ... ·.P• • .._ . ~ ... . .. .. ... ... ... _ UOO_l......_ .""' ..... t .an1o ·... _ 5 .....1.. .. .. • .... •. ... __ _ .. ........... __ _ _ _ .. ..... ..- . "" .. ..... .. .. <... ... .. .. .. _ ......... . . ..,.... ........ , .~ ~ --- -, '''p ,. ..... ... ...., •• . . " . .. " . .. . .. .. _ . I I . .... 10 ,... " .. , ..... ~ .. " _ _............ .. _ _ ... 01 . ..' .... <", ,, _ I , ,, CLUB MOTOCROSS Medford MX Park. Or. 1· to 5 Table Roc1< Rd. to KicI< land . All classes. 30 % trophies. Entry $7. $100 bounty on 250 Ex. Larry Hooper (M ail. 930 Su m m it . Medford . OR 9750 1. 50317798791. ~ l . ... _ . ..... . . . ... .. . '" ..... . ... .... .... u _ .... . a · .. oOI • • VOTE OBSERVED TRIALS , 30 M i. N. of Sa n Fernando Valley. Call for direct ions. All d asses. No entry fee. 11 a.m. start. Beginners school & d ub trial. 2131677·2300 . " ~' · I "' .. .. R I ' ' '... rO . - -- I'~ ' " .. .. 01·.. ".· ... .. ... -- ....... . ~ . ... . . ... a l .... .. <' .. . .0.. d " . ..... .... ........ .. ...... _ 0 ...... . . . . .. ... '... . . ~ . . . .... ...... . ..... . " . .. . _ ,.- ,._ Ilf.. .."..,..._ . ____ ..... .... 1... .. ...... - .... 0 __ __ _ _ ,,_~ 0 . 0( •• _ _ ~ ''' ' ~ ' ''' '' . . N . . . . . .. . ... ~ . ... . .... . .. . . . .. .. ... 1' _ .. · . O .h.~ . . .. ........ •... . .... ........, .._ -~- ._ loY. 0....... • • y C_ . _ ... .. ' _ ...1. Go_ ...... ..... .. . .... _ . .. .. , _ ------ ----- CAUFORNIA RACING CLUB PRESENTS The Wild Turkey Gran Prix U.S.M .RA M INICYCLE RACING Elsinor e Rewv. Elsinore. CA. 1 mi. N. of H·71 between Central and Railroad Canyon Rd. Pee Wee thru 125 classes. 100% p.b. to pros. 33 % same day troph ies to Sp tsm n. OIN camping . Prac. 8 a.m., race 9. No memb . required unti l Jan . 1. 1918. 300 Pomon a Mall West. Pomona , CA 91766 . 7141622 · 0773 . eDRAPOINTS eSATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26 e RACING WORLD lOrange County) $10.00 Post Entry Only non-members welcome ($15.00 Post Entry) Super Trophies & Finisher Pins CM C MOTO CROSS Happ y Valley, Redding. CA. Cloverdale Rd. "H appy Valley" , then follo w signs to track . M ini thru Open classes. 100% p .b. Entry $9, $15 pro. 9161243-1701. Classes for: Beginners. novices. amateurs. experts, Pros (must be Am. or Ex.l. minis. women. Seniors ( +40 yrs.). Jr./Sr.lJG.40 yrs.) AM E MOT OCROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. Gate open 7. sign up 'til 8:30. prac. 8. race 9. Entry $8 mail. $10 post. Pros $12/$15. Memb. req'd. $8. Paybac k to Pros, 30 % brass to Sptsmn. Mail entry no later than Fri. before event. AME P.O. Bo x 1421. Reseda, CA Special Turkey Team Race One bike. riders switch each lap. Only $7.00 each. No po ints or pins. Schedule: 8 a.m . Practice 9 a.m. Women & Minis 10 a.m . 0-200 cc 11 a.m . 250 cc 12noon Open 1 p.m . Am.• Ex.• Pro 2 "Turkey" Team Race 91335. 2131B81-5778. CMC MOT OCROSS Mountain High lntl. , 34 mi. NE of Fresno H-99 to H41 to Nort h Fork. O'Neals turn off to Rd. 200 to Rd. 221 114 mi.) If coming from N. H-99 to H·145 and follow lime. 100% pro p.b.• 30 % brass. Entry $7 mai l, $9 post. 5780 E. Holland , Fresno, CA 93727 .2091291-8793 . CRC MO TOCROSS SCHOOL 395 Cyd e Park. Adelanto. CA George Spellman to coach as well as other top expert riders. Entry ' 10. over night camping . 7141887·1556 . N" " ' "M. " , .. .. .. . .... ........... ..,... .. f . . P l.·..... · P r" l! C l..." ly l Add ' e" __ _ N. ~ IT ROUGH SCRAMBLES Perris Rcwy .. Perris. CA. On Hwy. 74. off at Ellis A ve.• W . side. Beg. thru Ex. d asses. Gates open ~ :3O , Prec. 9:30, Race 10:30 a.m. 71419602501.657-8917. -- U.S.M.e. TOY'S FOR TOT'S PROGRAM Rac e In f o : 714-968-3564 ENTRY MUST BE ACCOMPANIELJ BY 2 SELF- AODRESS ED ST AMPED. LEG AL SIZE ENVELOPES. S' PHOTOCOPY OF RIDER, CL ASSI FIC ATION. AND AMA CARD I EXCEPT SPORTSMAN CL AS J ohnson Valley. Limed from Y-eate, Lucerne. CA. Approx. 100 m i. race. Entry $9. 9 a.m. Start. Rescue 3. San Gabrial Valley M .C. 2131S3O-5322. A M A SHORT TRACK Fr eem ont Rcw y . H-17 at Durham Rd. All classes . Amateur purse. Entr y $4 . 14978 McVa y, San Jose , CA 95127 . 4081923-4613. -: .: -- ~ :=::i:J l.' lo ll ..... 0 HALF OF THE ENTRY FEE GOES FOR 0.37 HA RE & HOUND , GRIZZLY BEAR ENDU RANCE TRIALS 100 mi . cc urse. . 4-6 special tests. weather permitting. 300 rider lim it . Club & Fact ory teams ok . Entr y $17 plus 3 SASE to Richmon d Ramblers M .C. P.O. . Box 484 Stat ion A. Richmond. CA . 94808. Mai l Entries Only. 4151235-6505. Entries close Nov. 17. t11" P " , -, (,...1( . u · . ~ , ..., . , 0'0 . .. )1 ' . (J U' \ 'S 'CJ'. ...".. "c; 1->' «,:'~''"-sf'" < I!" t .Il ,I .. " '.11'. '" r!' ~'\ ~o ,~ "Of"" 0 0- DI".'C~ H u ......" c .. n u .. .. , POr "Iot S grand Prix ADRA Hate & Hound Sonoita to Puerto Penasco. M exico. Map to pit. camp & c heck poin ts W /r eg ist rat ion conf rmation. A ll d asses. • 100 r to overall winner, start &.. finish pins. trophies . t-shin . decals. Post entry $20, $25 non-m emb . 100 mi . thru the deserts of Mexico. ADRA 1408 East Granada. Phoenix. AZ 85006. 602125-4-1079,252-1900. 0 -36 MO TOCROSS Pr v m c u t n Ra c ew a y . Plymouth, CA . Hwy . 16 east from Sacramento Hwy . 50; Hwy . 49 east from Placerville . All classes. Entry $9 Sptsrnn., $15 Ex. 100 % Ex. p.b ., 50 % p.b. to O.T.·V et. Ex. 2091267-0312 QI ~ ' .'C' JI , CZ-oy's on carefree Hwy. 5 % mi. Gates open 5 p.m ., peac 6, race 7:30. JM1 Sa d d le ba ck Park O v ernight Par k ing presents The Ist Annual Make it a complete weekend. Stay overnight and ride ' MX on Sunday. Information ~~~~~~~ CRC Santa Claus Enduro ~ 9 • .. A T ~ 9 • 100% Trophies .. Dec. 11 Lucerne Valley 714-689-6114 days 'W' A- Overnight Camping$3 .00 a night per vahicle. fi~Y~ ~~ ~ ....- n41~114Idays' e Every Sunday-De Ann MX Nov. 27 - Racing World MX Nov. '1:1 - 396 Cycle Park MX Dec , 4 - Irtdi an Dunes MX $1 ,000 Purse 2 13Dec . 11 - Racing World MX 830-7519 Dec . 11 - 395 Cycle Park MX Dec . 18 - Indian Dunes MX Dec. 25 .- No Races . ~~~~~~ r, - , I I L Yo;;; ifu,i~~ In;;;o':-e;-l ~ W> A.M.E. ~ ~ I I , Calendar o f Eve nts 213-881-5778 M/nlcross Friday, Nov. 2S ·M in i Track Sunday. Nov. 27 -l nt' 1.Tr ac k Sunday. Dec. 11-M ln l Track Sunday, De c. 25-No Rac e - I r ~rryCh~~J (714) 960-250 1. 151-8917 33

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