Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 10 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE OLYMPIAD C'l ,...-I M Q.) ..0 o ... u o Lynn Griffis. one more reason for winning. Meet Miss Camel To lovely Lynn Griffis, motorcycle racing is "like one big family reunion each weekend." Lynn, as Miss Camel Pro. is loo king forward to a nother "reu ni on" whe n the AMA series moves to Ascot Pa rk , Gardena , Calif. , for its fin al two _ . ra ces on October 7 a nd 8. " Every o ne is so happy because they're d oing wh at they love best motorcycle racing," says Lynn , who is now in her third year as Miss Camel Pro. "The spectators are fr iendly , warm and enthusiastic . They're great people who rea lly get psyched u p at every race." A professional model , Lyn n hails from Bessem er , Ala. , but now lives in Los Angeles. T he hectic pace of the ' 28·race Cam el Pro series is nothi ng ne~ for her as her modeli ng career has taken her p laces throughout the United States and to Asia . While she claims that each place " is special in its own wa y," Lyn n admits that the West Coast is her favorite p a rt of the country. " 1 guess that's because I live there - in L.A ." she says . Lyn n enjoys traveling and m eeting people and she credits the Camel Pr o series for a llowing her to do both. " W ith ou t Ca mel there's n o telling whcreT'd be ," she notes . "The job has give n m e th e opportunity to move around the co untry, live where I've wanted to and to work a t ot her job s, such as mod eling. whi ch wouldn't have been possible at another typ e of em ploym en t. 1 get excited just tal ki ng about it ." Motorcycle racing fits right into Lynn's hobby scheme. " I love all types of sports ," she says . " I' ve just gotten into jet skiing and snow skiing and 1 pla yas much tennis as 1 can. 1 used to rid e a 250cc dirt bike but 1 j ust don't seem to find th e time to do . that anymore." The green -eyed, outgoing blonde is always wilIing to help in any way she can at the races . On race day, she can be found visiting with the press , the riders and spectators. in the grandstand or the infield. And, of course, she's always there in victory circle p a ssing out trophies and congratulating th e; winners wit h a kiss or two . The attrac tive , 5'7" la d y is optim isric about t he fut u re of ; motorcycle racing. " I' ve see n suc h a tre mendous cha nge in j ust a few yea rs, " sh e says . " T he crowds a re ge tti ng much large r a nd th ey see m to be ge tting more personally involved . T he image is im p rovi ng t h rough Camel's in volvement and through the mere fa ct that the press, as a whole , has re ali zed th at it is a big tim e sport . The fu tu re for motorcycle racing a nd the Camel Pro series is grea t. " • " After six grueling event. over two days at the Initial Monroel S&W International Motorcycle Olympiad, Kent Howerton finished First Overall with Pennzoll. He defeated 32 of the world's top riders, all competing to determine the all-around best motorcycle racer. Kent's choice of oil? Pennzoll 2-Stroke Motorcycle 011 of course (mixed 32 to 1). Pennzoll's unique formulas give the lasting heat and friction-fighting engine protection It takes to be a champion. Ask fo.. the 011 that one of the world's best all-around motorcycle racer uses, ask for Pennzoll. , PENNZOIL COMPANY, 0,1 City, Pennsylva nia ,6 ew. Whatever you ride, wherever you go, Pennzoil is worth asking for. 0 II...... • .--------------------------I I : I Order your I I • Comic Book today ollLY Send Cash. Check or Money Order to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P .O. Box 498 , long Beach. CA 90801 Please enclose 75¢ for each Comic Book. Plus 25¢ for postage and handling. I I - I I ~ I : I I • I Please send me copies of the MX Cat Comic Book - DealerInquiries encouraged! I I I I I I I Name (Please pr int legibly) I I I Address I I I City I I I __· Sta te ~- - - - - - - - ZIP • : 5

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