Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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August 24 SPEEDWAY RACING Inland Spdwy.. San Bernardino. CA. 1st race 8 pm. 213/44lHl969. . CMC MOTOCROSS South Bay Park Spdwy., San Diego , CA. 1-805 S from Chula Vista, take Junc1ion 117 and 90 E 5 mi. All CMC clesses, incl. Pro. Entry $7, CMC lie. req'd. P.O. Box 995, Chula Vista, CA 92010. 714142Q.7414. 0-36 NIGHT MOTOCROSS Petaluma Spedwy., Hwy 101 to Wa sh ing St . t urn off , Petaluma, CA: AMA, 0 ·36 rules. Entry $7, Ex. $10. 100 % Ex. p.b . Gat es open 4:30 pm, prac . 6. race 7. 707/763- 712 1, 763- 29 11 . RAC.E. HALFMILEAND TI Corona gcwv., Hwy . 91 & Buchannan , Corona. CA. All classes. P.O. Box 386 , Corona, CA.91720.71 4/735-1705. August 25 LAND US E MEETING Deschut es Nat ional Forest HdQtrs.. 211 NE Revere. Bend. OR 9770 1. Reid trip. A9en da will incl ude recrea tion use in the Forest Land Mana gement Plan. Perso ns wishing to accompany the Advisory Commin ee shoul d notify the Supervisor or Sandy Fergerson at Forest Servo or at 503J382-6922. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Portland Inter na tional Rcwy. , Ponland. OR. 1 N to Delat Pk. ·5 ex it. Mini throogh Open claMes. 100 % Pro p.b ., 30% trophies . P.O. Box 170 10. Portland, OR 97206. 503f2llS.$35. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Asco t Bcwv. , Gardena, CA. Har bor and 405 Fwys. Prac . starts 5:30 p.m ., sig n ups until 6:30 , 1st race 7:30 . Buy entry at qate. 2 13/32 3·1 I 42 . SPEEDWAY RACING Irwindale Rcwy.• Irwinda le. CA. 1st race 8 pm . 71414 929933 . ROUGH SCRAMBLES Seaamento Rc:wv.. Hwy. 16 , S of Math ... AFB. Gates ooen 6 pm . Entry $5. spec. $2.50. Minis and up . 9161362 ·2653. August 26 SHORT TRACK Medf Ofd Rc:wv., MedfOfd, OR. 100. 125 .200,250 end ()pen cIuses. Entry $4 . 50317790866 RAC.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwy ., Hwy . 9 1 & Buchannan. Corona . CA. Mini ' thru Open, 100% p.b . tP Ex. 7141689-1913, 735-1705. SHR NIGHT MOTOCROSS s.nd Hin "-'ch, CA. Comer Camini ~ end V..., Rd. Gel. _ 4 pm, r _ 7:30. Entry . .. 100.... Ex. p .b ., "oPhY _ , at-. Mini money r _.415/634-3328.634-U'87 . B,_, 0-36 SCRAMBLES Lodi Cycle Bowl, Lodi, CA. Gates ooen 4:40 pm, sign up 56:30, prac 5-6 :30, race 7:30 . Entry $5. 2nd bike $2 .50, Semi Pro $7.50 . 100% Semi Pro p.b . less ins . 206l368-71B2, 931· 3722. . AME NITE MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes, Valencia. CA. Prac. 7 pm. race 8. Post entry only, $6, Pros $10. 100% p .b. to PrOS 30% trophies. $4000 mad . , CO"ll. 2131681-5776. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Irwin da ie Rcwv., Irwindale, CA., at 605 end 210 Frwys. Pit opens 4:30 p.m .: sign ~il 6:30: prac. 6-7:00; race 7:.30...p.m. Every second Friday of month is Points Nigh! : Buy entry et track nigh! of event. 7141557·3323. SHR NIGHT MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch, Bren1WOod, CA. Comer Camino Diablo and Vast:XJ Rd. Gates open 4 pm, rece 7:30. Entry $B. J00% Ex. p.b.. trophy dash . all-comers Mini money race. 4151634-3328 , 634-1667. AME YOUTH DIVISION MX Indian Dunes . Valen cia . CA Mini Uack . A ll classes, Pee Wee thru 105ce, 33 % brass Prac. 7 pm . race. Entrv $6 memb. req'd.. $8 . $4 000 med COv . 213-1181 5778. MOTOCROSS Fremont Raceway, Fremont. CA. Gates open 4:30 p.m.. 1st race 7 . Entry $7 . Pro $10. 4151651 -2545. SPEEDWAY RACING -, ()fange County Ffgrdl . 88 Ali., Or" Costa Mesa. CA 1It race 8 pm . 7141492 9933 KCIR MOTOCROSS Kansas City , KS . . 8 1613686700.796-4157. August 26-28 S .C.O.R.E. WO RLD CHAMPIONSHI P Riversid e Rcwy .• Riversid e. CA. Ptac., qual. on Fri., bike finals on Sun . at noon. $ 10 wee kend admission, $8 S un. only. Sat . nite , BBQ. Tickenon. SC ORE, 2 09~ 4 S herm an W ay. Van NuVS. CA 91303. 21 31999·2250,714/653-1161 . O. August-27 SR ASPEEDW AY Kern County Frgrds. 4 m i. east of Hwy. 99 on M ing Av e.• Bakersfield . CA. Race time 8 p.m. Elo ngated diamond track . $1700 gua ranteed pur se or 40 % . B05I831 -8540, 322 ·1369 . MOTOCROSS Can von Raceway, Phoen ix, I>Z. Off of Black Cvn . Fwy., west of Carefree Hwy. 5 % mi. Gates open 5 p.m., prac. 6. race 7:30. 6021992-0359 . 0 -36 S HORT TRACK Cvcleland Spdwy.. 14 ml_ south of Chico. CA. at Hwy . 99E and Gage Shippee Rd . All dasses thru 360cc . Sig n up 5:30-7 pm, p

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