Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Contin uedfrom page 12) th e position in a draft and slingshot pass on the sta rt /finish line. By lap five Ma r k Jones had a comfort able lead of almost fi ve seconds with W a rren and Bett encou rt fighting fairing to fairing and Lance Jones leading a trio containing Cra ig . Morris. Bood y an d Greg Sca lf. O n lap nine Bettencourt crashed heavily into the tum on e h ay ba les and suffered a possi b le back injury. The race settled into a pattern fr om there to the checkers with Mark J ones easing off near the end while Warren tried in vain to close, the gap. . Lance Jones, in a safe thi rd place, crashed while lapping a slower rider and rejoined the race one lap down. > b ut in. the same rela tive pos itio n he held before he crashed. That ca used a scoring mix-up a t the finish . Boody a n d Morris carried their batt le for fourth (third) to the last la p when Morris ou t p ow e red Boody's Harley-Davidson factory mount on the fin al high speed charge to the flag. W inner j ones, althoug h he had no com peti ti on, poste d an a ver a g e winning speed of only one mile per hour less than th e Expert Lightweig ht event. • Results NOVICE ANAl 11 5 LAPS): 1. Mart< Jones lYaml. 2. Oan Warron lYam). 3. Craig Morris lYaml. 4. Ted Boodv IH-OI. 5. Hugh Humble lYaml 6. Rick Bebout . IH-D1. 7. Greg Scalf lYaml. 8. Chuck K~lon lYam) 9. . Greg McKeelYaml. 10. Jim Jandebeur lYam). 11. Tom Hopey lYaml 12. Ed Powell lYam). 13. Ron Tompkins . lYaml 14. Joe Zeigler lYaml. 15. Brad MarvellYam). . 16. Bill Himmelsbach IH-O 17. Lany Sweeton lYaml I. . 18. Deiter Gunner lYaml 19. Gary Penfoeld lYam). 20 . . I/ohn RominelYam). Cox/Davidson led sidecar . invasion of Pocono By Gary Van Voorh is MT . POCONO , PA. AUG . 21 Canadian sidecar champions Greg Cox and Bill Davidson ran away with the second r ound of si decar competition for t he U .S . Road Racing Championship title by ta king an easy victory at Pocono over the Team Duck chairs of Larry Colem a n / W end ell Andrews and Greg Marks/Mike Parkison. The action on the opening laps was furious as the! Selby Motors-sponsored Kawasaki powered chair of Wayne Lougee and Randy Hough sped away in the lead. On lap two the Kawasakipowered RC Engineering rig - of Cox/Da vidson used their left side .p asse nger posi.tioning to advant~ge and swooped mto the lead commg' through tum one never-to-be-headed in their 30 'mile ride to victory. However, the action was not over as the Suzuki of Coleman /Andrews challenged and then passed . the Lougee/Hough chair for second with the Marks/Parkinson Suzuki and the Kawasaki of Ian Fillery/Steve Quinn moving into fifth . . Oil pressure and leaking pro~lems sidelined the Lougee/ Hough cha ir on lap seven setting the winner's circle sextet. Fourth place wasn't decided until the final la p when the Mazdapo wered rig of J ohn and ArthurDailey finally found an o peni ng t o pass Fillery/ Q ui nn . Ro u nd three of the USRRC Sidecar Cha mpionship will be a t R iversid e Ra cew ay on O cto ber 10. • Results - SIDECAR FIN AL III LAPSI: 1. Greg Cox/Bill Davidson lKawI. 2 . Larry ColemanIWondell Andr.... lSuzJ. 3. Craig MarkslMiite Parltineon (Suz). 4. John Dailev/Anhur Dailev lMazl. 5. Ian FillerylS'lMI Quinn lSuzJ. 8. ...., MunroITlITl Munro lSuzJ 7. Richard . ~olUm Cootett. 8. Tom DobbsIDlIIIid Dobbs lKawl. 9. Wayne LougeeIRandv Hough lKawl. 10. Doug Kalitta1Pet Dunn lYam) . . ".,..~ eeatr" The .Mon osh ock , . Reservoir Plpella. Crazy. police and bad track hamper You saw it at the Superbowl and at th~ 125 & 'O p en class Nationals. MRARR By Debbie Johnson PUEBLO , CO , AUG. 7 Blistering heat, a dilapitated track , and a busy Colorado ra ce . schedule were all hardships roadracers at P u e blo had to overcome August 7. Because there were so ' many races scheduled this month . racers were spread thin and only about 50 showed up at Pueblo. But, those ' 50 put on quite a show. Formula 111 GP riders Dennis Korth and Mike Blair fought the whole 10lap race for the lead, whi ch was d etermined the last corner before the fin ish line . when Blair a n d hi s Yamaha rook the checkered flag . The story was similar in th e 750 Cafe race . Br ian O 'N eill ( Ho n) ' started t he race with a su bsta ntial lead, but got caugh t in tra ffic. Ch arl ie . McD on ald (Han) sta rted closi ng in as th e two racers la p ped ' slowe r rid c rs. Th e lead c ha nge d o fte n. b u t McD on ald p ulled out a win a t the e nd. McDonald's 750 Ca fe class was run with the production class . as sparse entries and 100· hea t dicta ted . T he third place fin isher overa ll in t his co m b in e d race ap pea red t o be Florida's Rick y Orlando . rid ing a stoc k 350 Ya ma ha . Orla ndo pUI o n qu ite a show . Slaying c lose 10 M cDon~l d and O' Nei ll on their mu ch more powerfu l m a c h i n es . But ra cin g o ff icia ls disqu al ifi e d Orl and o . as none of th em sho wed him com ing a ro u nd th e first lap of th e race . This left John Flieder on a 400 Yam aha 10 takc first in th e producti on ra ce . Besides ca usin g officia ls 10 combine ra ces. th e intense heat caused other prob lem s. GP ra cers voted 10 for eg o warm ·up la ps' 10 hurry on with th e ra ces. This plan was foil ed by Pueblo p ol ic e . A p ol ic eman , ign o r i ng cornerwor ke rs' pleas. chose 10 drive his squa d ca r across the track in th e middl e of th e sha n straight ju st as Formula I a nd 2 rid e rs were co m ing u p on it. Fortunately. no one was hu rt. but th e rac e was red -fla gged a nd had to be sta rted over. Even more a p pa lling than th e poli ce inc id e nt was the condition of th e track . Only three years old , t he t ra ck was c racking . cru m bli ng . a nd filled with pot holes. Debri s and chu nks of asphalt littered the track. Race offici a l John Pet ro sa id he deplor ed thi s co nd it ion and ca u tione d riders to take great care . St ill . tra ck conditi on . wa s bl amed for th e unusuall y h igh number o f crashes. Bruce Sass . a strong co mender on the AMA National Novice circuit. was ' sidelined after a crash in which he broke his finger. In another accident , Tom Bowen was taken out of contention. While he was not too seriously injured , his bike, one of few factory . built Kawasaki water-cooled GP bikes in the country , was badly damaged . Despite track conditions, heat , and sparse ent ries . riders did some hard racing at Pueblo. • Results in Results Section Now it's available See your dealer Dealer Inquiries Invited LuftShock Factory 7831·Alabama Ave. #1 Canoga Park, CA 91303 213·341·0448 TERRYKIT Lo nger Travel for YZ 250/400 '77 Takes Good Care of Your Threads Marzocchi IT 175-400, YZ 125 '77 Smoother action - More c ontrol . Improved handling - More travel Different dampening Air or springs. The front end kit that beats them all. Dealer or Direct out of state call toll free 800-854-469 I 90 da y money back guarantee VIB RA -TITE BIKER POSTER. Send for o ur su per 2 It . by 3 ft. fu ll col o r poster of th e Vi bra· Tite Bi ker. 52.50 p lus 50c handling gets you the pos te r pl us two fre e dec als . The Oakla nd Corporation 1893 Barrett Rd . Tro y. Mich . 480~ Cy cle News Want Ad s do it H~RDTOGET ~ JA .. lfOrtOID YAMAHA PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Largest stock In U.S. 24 Hour Mail Order Service Dea ler. Welcome DONELSON CYCLES. INC. I @ RedJmuls Suvdti :::;:: : ::::::: :.:.:.: s~ 1("", &: St'h inFa" LJ PS :\fail ~ )rd('r, '\ 11\ ~ lu-re 829 W . C"!r,,n A,,' . ~:;:::;: Red lands , CA 92~n t······· 7 14-793-2().j I t;:::;:: i Sammy Tanner Distnbuuny LUBBI-TECH 2139242111 • 3141427-1204 3328 Woodson Road S t. louI., Mo. 63114 Oarland Su.ukl ~ Largest Parts Inventory in Da llaslFort Worth Metroplex Overnight del ive ry via Bu s a vaila ble in most parts of TeM s, Ok laho ma. & Louisiana 300 Lavon - Hw v 78N Ga rla nd . Te xas 1S04O 2 '4-494·3374 FINALLy ••• • The Maico AW 125 (next week) 7ead ''/I 7eue1. 'ltJut . 213-795-2711 25

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