Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"alloca tion " previo usly referred to was do ne away with. This, hopefully , has ena bled the AMA to draw upon the experience and talent of the best men willing and able to serve with no company virt ua lly assured a position. BOB RUDOLPH President , AMA Lon g Beach. CA MXSchools I would like to know if t he Rolf Tibblin sc hool of motocross is still al ive and well, and if so how ca n I co nt ac t the m for information ? Are there o t he r such sch oo ls in Southern California asid e from the Ru ss Darnell listed in you r July. 20 issue? ~I.~ . Los Angeles , CA Th e R olf Tibblin scho ol is no long er op erat ing . H owever, the Suzuki School of Moto cross is aliv e and well. Get m ore information by calling (213) 921 · '446 1 . . . Ed . G Young people We would like to thank you publicly for your pos itive observations on young people in general and Fred Caldwell and Ben J ohnson in particular (Cycle New s #29 . July 27). As parents. we are naturally proud that you chose to accept and co m ment on Fred's first attempt at photojournalism . . What really impressed us , however, was the courtesy with whi ch yo u r Editor , Mr . Ulr ich , treated Fred from the beginn in g; your paper's willingness to take a chance : the clear -cut guidel ines you provided as to what is expected ; a nd the sa t isfa ct ion and encou rag em e nt you r unexpected praise gave. And we used to th ink MX happiness was placing well .. . MIKE AND LISA CALDWELL Arcadia , CA America 's g rea te st resourc e is its youth. Th e Editor sold his f irst article to Cycle N ews in August , 1972. H e was 18 years old , and still rem embers the en cou rag em en t received fro m J oh n 'H uet t er and Art Fried man, who leait ed Cycle News at that time . . . Ed. Sears Poin t sidecars I'm a fan of Cycle N ews. I enjoyed you r article on the AMA/Camel Pro - Series at Sears Po in t , but your coverage on the sideca r race left m uch to be desired . There are a lot of us sidecar fans . So don't forget a bo u t us , O K? After all , sidecar races are the most spectacular. All o f th e yea rs ha ve no t ma de a livin g or even pa id a ll t he bills on cert a in Frid a y ni ghts too num e rous to mention , but it hasn't been all bad . Last weekend we had 101 riders sign in the back gate for their 'ins urance (I might add we started the insurance on the participants a couple of years ago when the other local tracks said it wasn 't worth it and was too expensive). The Ra ceway is a car track very true, but it doesn 't have scrappe r tires buried in ceme nt as stated by Mrs. Diltz . It does have a cement crashwall along the front stra ightaway to help the insu ra nce co m pa ny slee p at night , and if the su rface is rou gher than a cob , than " to th e eves o f the beholder. " ' Three yea rs ago when Mrs . Diltz sa id she would st a rt writi ng for us I personally had a little cha t with her. I had heard about her reputation a nd j ust wanted to exp la in to her that we wer e h aving troubl es with la ck of bikes. spectators, etc. and if she had a bitch fine, put it in th e paper, but that we a lso had good points. As it turned out my talk was water going into sa nd , for the first thing I knew Mrs . Diltz was pa rt of a brai nchild with the rider's petition with the signatures sent in to Cycle N ews. Now remember, Mrs . Dilrz's own words are , she is he re to promote ra cing and not destroy it , remember? Mr s. Diltz , I st ill don't want you writ ing at the raceway and not because of you r lett er, for everyo ne has a right to speak , but because you , yo u r husband , and you r boy wh o ride s here should spe nd more tim e a t your safe little track up north a nd sta y awa y fro m the big bo ys down in Southern Oregon who ca n ride on these so ca lled lous y tracks. DENNIS HU TH Owner -promoter Medford R aceway Medford . OR Medford Raceway I just finished reading Lynne Diltz's letter (Cycle News #29, J uly 27) and was totally amused at her la ck of knowledge of r a c ing and human nature, I know of no one who asked her to come ba ck wr iting for the Medford Raceway, with the cl ub or myself. It's got to be the stra ngest coi ncidence that two co mple te se para te t racks , (Sun ny Va lley Speedway and Medord Ra cewa y) wit h no connection, have t he same opinion of Mrs. Dilt z. - Med ford Raceway started running motorcycles five yea rs ago through a local club and had a bout 40 riders each week . The area didn't have a sho rt tr ack running so we decided to run th em full time every Friday. night. u.s. H\VY. 75 R I CHARDSON T £M.S Presents The 6 / \\ ILE.S N.. r-t'h D A LlAS f) Sunday, Sept. 41'h Trophies 1hrouqli 10 places PI2.E-EN1'R.Y ONLY - 4 0,.. ~X IMUM 'POPUL A 'R Al.L CL A S SES ------ --------- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - :I. hn'~ Py rcrlt'8 w, and a~,.~ ... t o hol d "" Of'." Icr.. ~ a.. e~ "Inc:I ,v~' Y pcr~ or or ~r~o,,~ 'o"'.. . .. ~d w i t " ~ \\i $ lrvn t , fro .... I~ bility . Ios!>.d ......... Or inj ury C o'Mfudi'''l d c .+t.) f o ",y pnson or proptrrty . NA ME. ADDRES S _ C t1"Y- SiAT£- Z I"P _ B IKE. M AKE. S IZ.E RAC ING N O . CLASS _ _ -I A G:-E. •• "AMOUNT E.NCLOSED 5 IGNATUQ£. (Paru1+ --:must s ig"l'" if ~18) -1 Trip My wife and I are planning a trip thi s su m m er which will take us through Northern California. Oregon , Washington , Ida ho , Utah and Nevada . We are goi ng to take our bikes a long a n d a re interested in knowing if you are aware of any source of information a bout local motocross tracks in these states, We would hope to get in some biking and racing during our travels . GO RDON AND LORI WA T SON Cypress, CA ENIl

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