Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Western hotline The Second Division Main had Ron .H ard in pulling in first after a -good race. Ra ndy Tompkins came in second and jeff Pettier th ird. There was one Match Race of the night with T om Morel y and Bob Schwanz, with Moreley finish ing on top for t ha t on e. • Vetter strikes CRC DeAnza MX By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA ,jULY 24 DG 's Steve Bauer did his best to m ake Dennis Vetter's CRCDeAnza victory no easy accomplishment. It was Bauer who shot IAbove) Jim Gibson and Je ff Jenn ings (28) fought in the first AMC 250 Pro moto - Jennings won and Gibson retired in t he second round. (Below) CRe DeAnza 125 Pro winner Dennis Vetter leads Steve Bauer. ll~t TT and XT500 !~t~ ~~j~~~~Yamaha Owners :j~j: : ~~tj We have a complete :m m :l:l:l: line of accessories . . ~:~:~:~ :.:.:-: . I~j~ to give you more :~~1 ::::::: power and better :::::: ::::::: handlOlng . :~:~:~: ... .... .... ~l~~~~~ We also carry :l~l~l~ j1j111~ all the stock parts. ~~m~1 ::::::: For more information:::::: : :t~! see us or call us at: :m m ~~~l~i: T ~" ~ A M~ "'4'1' :::: .UJ Jl :~~li~~ :::~:: '4"'\ .:::::: 24020 Narbonne A ve. :::::: : Lomita , CA 907 17 ::::::: ::::::: 213/534 -2311 - ITorrance area) :.:':.: ;:::::: ::::::: ::,::: : {Continu ed from page 19) Nutter is tops in Bakersfield By Nannette Wilson BAKERSFIELD, CA, J ULY 23 The races were a hit along with the return of some riders who hadn't been to the Bakersfield track since last season , such as 22 RUN COOL IN HOT WEATHER ! Buy Direct and Save Big Bucks! CB750 OIL COOLER KIT $24.95 Complete WARNER RILEY-BOX 783 SKOKI E, ILLINOI S 60076 Super Bruce Penhall and Mike Curoso (who has been racing over in Euro pe) . T here was such a good show of First Division riders that the ra ces were ra n on a scra tch basis. T he best rid er of t he night was "Slid ing" Sonny Nutter, who came up wit h a big 12 .It. Co . " . ... . • I point tot al , and qualified for Heat 20 (top four riders), followed' ' by Steve Gresham who qualified with nine points. There was a run off for third and fourth place between Bob Schwanz, Jack Martin , Steve Nutter and Grant Salyers as they all held an eight point total. With two restarts th e race was on , with Bob Schwartz and Steve Nutter in front . When Sch wartz got a flat tire he dropped to last place. Steve Nutter came in for the winto pick up the third spot in Heat 20. and Grant Salyers came in second for the fourt h spot. As the four rid ers came to the start, first out was Sonny Nutter who too k first place. Steve Gresham ca me in second. followed bv Gr ant Salyers for thi rd . Steve Nutt ':r closed up the rid e in fourt h . .·n . 1 ..1. 'J I"i ' t_'" . ...' • oj ' ; t1 ! I I f ou t of the hole and quickly esta blished a good lead in the first 125 Pro mota. Vetter go t off to a secon d , but was ha ving a hard time hold ing off firs ttime pro Mickey McDougal (Suz). In fourt h place , j ack Riggi (Suz) battled with Mark Riker (Yam) . T he race continue d and Ba uer's lead grew until . lap six, when he lost control of his Su zu ki in a turn. Vetter and McDougal got by. and Bauer had to settle for third. In moto two, Vetter ha d visions c:i a no ther win and grabbed the holeshot, Baue r and McDougal were right behind . Bauer pressured the leader fo~ a number of laps, then found aI opening and slipped into the lead O nce out in front , Bauer immedi atelr made it clear who was in command He sailed on to first place, but his fira moto misfortune put him in second overall beh ind Vetter McDougal scored third. Mickey's brother, Da nny McDougal (Suz) gave an impressive farewel performance in the 250 Pro class. Bod Danny and Mickey are mo ving t. Arkansas this week. but came out to DeAnza one last time. Danny cruise, to an easy first mota win, but mota two was a different story. The . flyinf Suzuki pilot had a great lead . but he went down on the last la p, handi ng the win to j im Tarintino (Suz). Ken Taylor got second and . McDougal wound u p with third . First place money still went to McDougal a hea d of T aylor a nd Tarintino. DG had another "almost" in the Ope n Pro class with Mark Ellis (Yam). Ellis took the first mota hands down, but luc k just wasn 't with him all the way through the day . While leadi ng the second round , he got a flat rear tire. Da vid Hopkins won that moto in front of jim R u t h (Mai ). Ell is managed to take a third and th at was good enough to give him second overall behind Hopkins and a hea d of Ruth . • Resu lts in Results Section. Turner, Jennings cookatAMC $1000MX By Lazlo Loupoute O RANGE, CA ,jULY 24 A rerouted course, Ba nzai Hill , and a $1000 purse were the big a ttracti ons at Sadd leba ck as , AMC hosted the fourth Sunday race here. More than 60 pro riders showed up to take a shot at Bet te Las ker's $1000 purse. The back section of the track differed from its usual layout with several lengthened straights and some new turns. Banzai Hill was also added " ':' · u ? -I ~

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