Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; • • ~ t .r-- r-- (j') ~ > ~ :>: 0 Q. ~ o ~ .... ~ ... 0 0 ell :>: Q. e z ::::l u « < a:: a:: 0 ~ ;;: > al ~ "" (/l 0 ... ·0 ~ it Bud CarrolllKTMI flies at Ascot. At least that's what the sign says. J ennings hot .on his heels. Jennings stuck to Gibson's rear . th en mdae a move tha t ga ve him the lead and the mota win . Gibson held on to second while Taylor made a last minute pass on Dent on to ta ke over third . • Results in Results Section . Regional qualifying at Gripsters AMA scrambles By M!!ureen Lee GARDENA . CA ,JULY 24 Ascot looked a bi t of a shambles Sunday morning when we all arrived for the regional qualifier; but then that was one hell of a r---------:1 I I SUBSCRI'BE NOW! I· M'AIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, 2201 Cherry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90801 or call (213) 427-7433 1 1 CYCLE NEWS (1 year) $15. 0 50 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (2 years) 27. 0 100 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (3 years).. 37.50 0 150 ISSUES I Thi::::s~::;~;.e. ~~.~.~.~~.~r. ~ ~~.~~~.~i~.~~ I I I - c~ ~ ~P .. 0 Please bill me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 I enclose check or money order ,........ 0 Name (Pleaseprint legibly) Address Please fill in yourcomplete account numberand card expiration date below: 1 I L; 18 I • Cardexpires The 'SSuet' of (he card Ident. fled on ttus Ite m IS aulh omed to P8V th e amou nt shown as '-l'--L.....L-'--'-LJ.....L.....L..L.L.JLl....L_ TOTAL upon "'''''"' ",esent o teo. I Df'omlse to pay such Date of this order TOTAL ltoget her w,th onv I I I I I I ot her charges d ue thereonl sub rect to and In accordance with the agreement gove n,ng ;.l -------- i9nature 1 1 " 1 I I the use of such card. SSM 250 Pros Jim Tarentino 1191 and Dean Cates. Glover throughou t th e da y while DG's Brett Meyer picked up third on yet another Yamaha. Kawasaki's Mark Rodman mad e an easy Open Pro win for himself after taking the lea d fr om ea rl y moto leaders Mark Ellis and Huskymounted Ron Tebbs. Husky's Ch ip Howell rod e to a consistent second, following Rodman to th e checkers in both motos. Remounted on a DG racer. Dave Taylor made his way through the first turn and took the early lead in the 250 Pros . Gary Denton and Jim Tarantino were following Taylor. Meanwhile. Jeff J ennings (Suz), Bob Elliott (Suz) and J im Gibson (Yam) were making their way through the pack after a slow stan. As Taylor and Denton walked out int o a large lead, Tarantino began losing ground, soon getting picked off byJennings, Elliott and FMF's Radical Ron Turner (Suz) . Bassett's Jim Gibson took a spill, leaving him no chance to catch the leaders as Taylor took the moto win followed by Denton and Jennings. Suzuki of Pomona's Denton opened up the second mota ahead of Suzuki 's Bob Elliott, and Turner. Moments later, Elliott hit the ground , remounting in dead last as Turner took over second. J im Gibson wasted little time in working his way into the lead after som e quick moves with National the night befor e. Some fan of Gary Scott's had removed th e A from the lett ers on the side of the jump; they read SCOT. As Gary Scott is a past member of District 37, it was fitting that our qu alifier took place at :h is home track. _ Riders from Utah and Colorado carne .to join those from California and in many classes Distri ct 37 riders didn't fair too awfull y well. -In the mini divisions the super neat trophies went ba ck up north. In practice we spo tted Bakersfield's Robert Ely comi ng through the esses reall y crossing up in great style (kinda hard on a mini) and sure enough, he got first place in one of the mini mains , with Rob ert Land from Porterville winn ing the second. In Ely's race he was leading with Mike Wesson second and Darren Hulben way back in the pack. Darren sure wasn't hanging bac k and just moved on up . Chris Gables , who was in second, fell off in those treacherous ess bends, and although Hulbert went for it he just couldn't get Ely. The 125 class got a bit wooly . .. Pam Bales got shunted out to the outside in the first lap of one heat and darn near lost it. Chris Cannon took a couple of bounces off Pete Hames (you cari really see interesting things in the Ascot esses) then the inevitable happened , Cannon . fell down and Hames went over his bike and fell off as well. Mike Redding lost his chance when his header came adrift . In the main, Bobby Garabedian was going well, but got bumped back two places in that slow turn . . .Steve Karsten had the lead for qu ite a while but at the finish . . . well . . . we. were at the finish line and wouldn't want to have to make a decision as to who was first and

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