Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Western hotline Two wins lor Jeff JennIngs at CMC ..Saddleback By Patti Trotter n QRANGE. CA ,JULY 31 David Taylor. back with Team DG and riding a .trick-Iooking Huskytook off first to lead all die way in the first 125 Pro race . Brown (Suz) , Terry Shekell (Yam) and Ron Turner (FMF) rode ahead of Tony Gomez (Suz). On the second lap, . Turner had bumped Shekell and started working on Taylor. Jeff Jennings and his Suzuki got a less .th a n perfect start. only to move into fourth by the end of the third lap . Turner tweaked Brown with Jennings doing the same. Tim Lunde (Ya m ) and Tony Wanket (Yam ) (b rother, Pete r , Wanket is out with three broken toes arid might miss the end of the Nationals) motored into fourth and fift h. Jennings got by Turner on the 10th la p, leaving " R a d ica l" to do ' battle with Lunde. In some of th erigh t corners Lunde got Close enough to Turner to al most catch him bu t Turner outgassed him every time . W a nket crossed the finish line after Lunde with Brown and Shekell following him . Mike Brown bolted off the line to get the holeshot in the second moto, JeffJennings was quick to take the lead away and then blast around the track to lead the whol e race. The hot dice in . this race was between Lunde , Randy Hess (FMF Hon) and Taylor. Lunde, Hess and Taylor were fighting hard to see who would take third. With only one turn to go the three gave it their all , blasting up the hill to the fnish line. Lunde chose the tighest turn. . Hess maneuvered his mount around the flagger , Taylor didn't turn and went off th e track . What should have been a photo finish was decided by Taylor's 'n on -tu r n . Fourth went to Hess . Jenn ings got the biggest part of the money with Taylor taking ho me second. Fifty riders for the 250 Pro race meant ' there had to be several qualifying races and a consolation heat . In the first qualifier Tim Lunde smoked the pack by ; getting the holeshot and the win . Jeff jennings took the second heat and Dave Miller, (Yam ) won the consy. . When the one "go for broke" 250 race sta rt ed. it looked like a stampede. Bob Ellio tt took h is Suzuki to the head of the pack only to have Jeff (fellow Suzuki rider) Jennings rake the T ea d aw ay fro m hi m on th e ' thir d la p . Do n n ie Hansen and h is Yamaha wicked his 'way to third . then second, then first. Jennings got th e lead back but Elliott had to settle for third. Miller, TOI1Y Wanket , Ga ry Denton (SOP) . Steve Rhya n (KTM) and Clark Jones (Mai) got the next slots. The Mini ,Pro race again p roved to be the fun c-:ent of the afternoon. Mike Brown. 'jeff W ard and Lance · Moorewood seemed to be the only ones who took the whole thing seriously. Brown got the holeshot on Rick ' A t kins' R&D · tuned m achine with Lance Moorewood's Yamaha doing its best for its rider. FMF s Jeff "Flying Freckle" Ward showed the crowd why , he is a National Minicycle champion. Ward picked off the riders who were in front of him and then bl asted for the wm. , , Bob Elliott and R obert Marino (Yam) again ·did their weekly duel for . the top points in the O pe n Pro class race. Da le Anderson (Moto-Meister) , and Greg Black~ell"(Suz) rode in thi rd and fourth all through the moto . Bla ckwell stayed right on ' And erson's fender and in the last tim e a rou nd . took his Steve Gordon- tuned machine to third . Steve Rhyan finished fourth with Anderson getting fifth. Elliott , Blackwell a nd Marino were again the top riders for the second round of Open Pro ra cing. Marino got by Blackwell for second. Elliott stayed in the front position as p arade master. Anderson . Wes Sutton, .Mom e McCoy (Mid·Valley KTM) and Ch ip Howell (Hus) finished next. Results in Results Section. Tessitore and Tripes tangle at .South Bay CMC By Chuck Burris CHULA VISTA. CA,jU LY 27 In the 125 Pro division at South Ba y's Wednesday Night MX FMF rider Radical Ron T urner got the holeshot with George Speck right on his fender for the first lap. Terry Shelkell's hard charge was stopped inthe firsi lap with a bent shift lever. Turner just ke p t on cooking and built up a small lead while DG rider John Tessitore moved his Honda into second position but could not catch Turner in time and had to settle for second while Speck took third . In the second moto, the still sponsor, less. Terry Shek lell was wantin-g his bike to just hol d up and it d id. Shekell got the h oleshot with R adica l R on right b ehin d and Tessitore hot on him. Shekell never slowed down and left the pack behind , Turner held off Tessitore until the last . Ia p when John got by and went on to takesecond place and first overall for the night. In the 250 Pro division an orange Harley-Davidson was pushed to the line with Marty Tripes aboard. When the gate went down FMFs Turner, DG's Tessitore and Harley's Tripes all . burned it to the first turn. Marty was the lasi to shut down and took the lead with Turner and Tessitore right behind. Marty pulled out a small lead and held it till the finish while Tessitore got by Turner on the second lap and held second. , In the second moto it was again Marty with the holeshot and Turner and Tessitore behind. Marty got the win but Turner held off hard charging Tessitore until the last lap when J ohn , got by again . . In the Open Pros David Gerig won the overall with DG ri der Tessitore taking second even though he D NFd with a fou led plug in the firs t moto . Resu lts in Resul ts Sec tion. • ' L'unde dominates AscotMX ., By Rico GARDENA . CA , JULY 28 The motocross sea son at Ascot Speedway is kicking into high gear. Every week more riders turn. out for the Thursday night event. The adobe track is taking on a new look as each week higher-banked berms and more jumps test the skill of the attending night riders. In the 125 Pro class the story never ' seems to change. Tim Lunde, (1 -1) out of Redond o Beach, continues his domination of the money paying events. The first moto saw Ross Maeda (2 -4) holeshot his way to the front of the pack. He held the lead till the final lap where he ,cou ld no longer hold back the hard -charging Lu nde on his YZ Yamaha . Ray Lopez (3 -2) and Ron Turner (4 ·3) p ressu re d L unde throughout the second moto but Lunde was up for the test taking the second moto victory; Lunde returned with his YZ 250 in the 250 Pro class . By pulling holeshots in bothrnotos he embarrassed the rest of the field and by running at least a quarter of a lap ahead of second place finisher Garrett Bowman (2 -2) riding a Carabela, (Above left) Dave Taylor is chased by Jeff Jennings (28) and Ron Turner is the first CMC 125 Pro moto. (Above right) Dan ny Westergaard (91C) and company go for it down the straight at Ascot's CMC night motocross. (Below) John Tessitore took a f irst , and two seconds at CMC South Bay Park motocross. The 500 class results were no surprise to anyone . Maico-mounted Steve Woerner took top honors, running a very consistent W Inning streak at ' the Ascot race track. The fi'rst moto was typical , Woerner out in front with the rest of the pack fighting it out a half a lap off the pace. The second moto was a different story. Woerner stalled his bike at the drop of the gate. Figh ting his way back from last place he powered the German bike past 14 riders in just three laps to pull out the second moto victory. Old timer Ed Ott and Gary Sigman were on hand to contest the 500 Junior class , proving the point that onc e you get two- wheels in your blood you can never really give up the thrill of dicing it up on the motocross track. • Glover takes time oil, wins SSM J.25Pros By Danny Raymond ORANGE, CA ,jULY 23 Yamaha's Broc Glover took time off 'from the 125 Nationals to take a clean sweep of SSM 's 125 Pro division . Glover's competition came from T&D Yamaha's Tim Lunde . Lunde ran runner -up to .. 17

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