Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 6 of 39

; •• III ~ . t t' r-- 0") Vl :r a: 0 0 > Z ..: > > a: ..: > '" '" Vl ... 0 0 :l: '""" 0 '""" .... ,; {I) So .::1 <: . IOpp . page) Springsteen leads the pack early in the race.lInset) Another . National Championship for Springer?IAbove) Rook ie Garth Brow finished second. (Top right! Palmgren and Roberts duel. (Middle right) Gary Scott finished third after winni~g .A scot 's TT. (Bottom right! Ted Boody's " too slow" engine is exchanged fo r Doug Sehl's. (Below) Keener leads his heat. " By la p five, the tally read Springer , ;Keener~ Brow. Ga ry Scott, Sch aeffer , .Boo d y , Ulicki , . Mo rehead, Eves, Eklund, Rom ero . Hank ' SCO tt (sufferi ng fro m a slowin g engine ca used by over revving wh en he m issed a sh ift ' at the st a n) . R o b e r t s . Beauchamp and D rake. Keener was being pressu red by Brow and the Rookie made his presence felt by challenging Cork y around the ent ire track. Scott was lea di ng " freig ht train wit h Bood y right beh ind . Brow took seco nd from Keener o n a fi rst tu rn pas; on lap nin as the field strunK o ut into races within race s. Scott , Bood v, Ulicki, Schaeffer and Morehead rr:ade it a 10·wheel freigh't train , but Bood y's lap we re numbered . Boody's pits were a fra nt ic scene after his hea t race . "T he engine's j us t too slow," sai d mechanic Steve Storm. " We're swapping Dou g Seh l's m o to r into our fra me . W e want to win , yo u kn ew how it is." On the l l th lap a pisto n b ro ke a nd Boo d y's ride wa s o\' er. Lap 11 was a lso t he end for Kenny Ro berts as he pulled in the pits a vict im of th e hea t and fr us tra tio n at fight ing t he d ust back in 13th pl a ce . . _With Boody out , Sco tt began to clos e on K een e r a s U lic ki and Sch aeffer entered into a b attle th a t would go do wn to the fla g fo r fift h . Moreh ead and Eklund' also had their own little figh t brewing. • Scott and Keener ra n wheel -towheel and handl ebar-to-handlebar through lap 16 when Scott finall y got (Contin ued on pag e 38) 7

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